What do these buttons do?
Whatever you do, don't push the Red Button it deletes COH/COV
@hard - @authorised
Little less conversation - little more action please
I think this is the switch memebers feature (not sure though, I couldn't get it to work)
This is the "lock teams" button. A slightly odd feature since it allows you to lock teams that only you can change int he first place. I guess it's intended for people with multiple personalities.
I think this is promote.
[quote4) A button with what looks like a red D-pad (or maybe a red cross with a white dot in the middle).[/QUOTE]
This is the quit league button.
2) An icon with two people and an open lock. |
3) A button with a grey star. |
[quote4) A button with what looks like a red D-pad (or maybe a red cross with a white dot in the middle).[/QUOTE]
This is the quit league button.
Each team leader can mess with the members of their own team, and the league leader can mess with all teams. A team leader can lock their team though so the league leader quits messing with it.
This is the "lock teams" button. A slightly odd feature since it allows you to lock teams that only you can change int he first place. I guess it's intended for people with multiple personalities.
It's kind of pointless though since people just get randomly shuffled when you zone into a trial.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
You laugh, but the new NCSoft updater has an option (I forget if it's on mouseover or right-mouse or what) to uninstall COH, which I found while trying to launch COH. *Shudder*
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
So they did finally add the mouseover tips before i20 went live. Excellent.
If you mouse over any of these buttons they tell yo what they do!
For the longest time the only way to find out what they did in game was to start clicking them and see what happened.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
I got to be league leader once in a random PUG Turnstile BAF, so I started clicking on stuff to see what it did.
So they did finally add the mouseover tips before i20 went live. Excellent.
For the longest time the only way to find out what they did in game was to start clicking them and see what happened. ![]() |
The first button I clicked on was "disband league." With no confirm dialog. Oh well.
If they did, it didn't make it to my copy of the client. As I noted in my first post, none of the buttons has a mouseover tip.
Make sure mouseover tips aren't disabled in your normal settings- that could be the cause of your issue (also, setting the timer lower than the default is also often helpful). They were working for me earlier.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I believe the tool tip for that one says it's to remove your team from the league, but I may be wrong.
I'm going to add my button question to this one...
There was a button I hadn't messed with until today on the league window. It's a red triangle on the right hand side pointing down from the bottom of the window. I pressed it, it didn't do anything that I could see, except now I can't anchor the league window back to the chat window.
What have I done and how do I undo it?
Make sure mouseover tips aren't disabled in your normal settings- that could be the cause of your issue (also, setting the timer lower than the default is also often helpful). They were working for me earlier.
Tool tips working for everything else in the game, but not for these for me.
City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.
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Short Answer, there's an arrow point left near it, press that.
I'm going to add my button question to this one...
There was a button I hadn't messed with until today on the league window. It's a red triangle on the right hand side pointing down from the bottom of the window. I pressed it, it didn't do anything that I could see, except now I can't anchor the league window back to the chat window. What have I done and how do I undo it? |
Long Answer:
There are two arrows in that corner, one pointing down and the other pointing left. The League window can be in one of three states:
1. Single Column
2. Two Rows
3. Single Row
Pressing the down arrow moves 3 -> 2 -> 1. Pressing the left arrow moves from 1 -> 2 -> 3. In the single Column and Single Row configurations the league pane will detach from the chat pane if the league has more than 3 teams (at least on my computer it's 3, this might vary based on the size of your chat window relative to the resolution).
Personally I run in single row mode if the number of teams is 3 or fewer and 2 row mode for 4-6 teams but this requires some micro-managing.
I thought I had tried the arrow right/left thing, but it was early so I may have just imagined it. I'll give it a shot tonight, thanks for the reply.
I was made a team leader of a league. I've got four mysterious buttons, none of which show tooltips:
1) An icon with two people and a "turn around" arrow.
2) An icon with two people and an open lock.
3) A button with a grey star.
4) A button with what looks like a red D-pad (or maybe a red cross with a white dot in the middle).
What do these buttons do?