Best Reward Merit Earning Arcs?
I know one good one on Blue side which is Freakshow Wars... from some guy in Bricks. My search Fu is absolutely crap so i probably shouldn't have posted but it's late 20's/ early 30s and offers, hmm, 30 or so merits and takes one to a coupla hours. OK, i've gone so vague now i'm going to delete this post... ooops... pressed post!
Global name: @k26dp
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
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I use Division Line (40-45). Worth 33 merits and can be done in 40-50 min. I made a bunch of targeting macros to locate the "Find item or person X" things and that helped alot. I like this over freakshow war just because I get to keep all my powers.
45-50 Gaussian arc gives you 2 merits per mission, with no defeat alls, and 1 EB (no av's). Seems like it might be faster then the division line since that has 3 defeat alls.
err.. looking at the wrong arc. Yeah, division line looks like no defeat alls. Gaussian might be neck and neck. Do ouro arcs give you half merits just like task forces if you do them repeatedly? If so, it looks like a Gaussian followed by a division line might be your best bet.
The Horror of War (45-50, 18 merits) can be done in under 30 min. Even though it has 5 AVs, it can be solo'd by many scrapper and tanker builds.
I've run Hatred's Hungry Heart for merits -- it's only 6 merits, but you can whip though it pretty quickly. Let the hostage die in the first mission -- not hard, as he enthusiastically commits suicide -- and you can zip through the lot in under 15 minutes. It's a nice arc for collecting the Ouro badges on, too, as all the missions are in one zone quite close together.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
Everyone's covered blue so I'll give some quick advice red.
If you can stealth, or don't mind running past enemies, the Spy Hunt gives 16 merits and is plenty fast. Except the last mission is timed so you do all the rest in 15 minutes, log out then do something else while it fails and you collect the full reward. Midas Touched is shorter for 11 merits but it's easier to speed through spy hunt I've found.
Other than that, the only good options are the Rikti Warzone arcs mentioned above.
Basicly redside Oro is yet another case of "Dev's hate villains". The two highest merit-earning arcs are Johnny Sonata's soul for 14, and Sucker born every Minute for 17. Neither of which are fast, and there are literally no options for 20+ merit stories at all.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I like the classic positron. It's 40 merits for less than an hours effort and is very easy to solo as well.
Try as I might, I can't really seem to find any posts that say which arcs are good in Ouro for running to pick up merits.
Having never played through most of the high level content, I have no idea how long a particular arc will take to run.
So what would people recommend for a Blueside Kat/Will Scrapper and a Redside SS/Fire/Mu Brute?