PvP Boot Camp Season 2




Sorry for being less active the past couple of weeks, since despite having lots of it for years, I finally received my BS last Friday and have been moving / dealing with family for a bit, with my only playing time going towards trying to get levels on a couple of the non-50s on Infinity.

Speaking of doing TFs for accolades... were there any plans to start Moonfire runs for the Atlas Medallion hunt badges?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Teh_Siph View Post
I'm back!

My schedule kinda fluctuates a bit, but I'll definitely stop by when/if I can. As such, I won't be able to make it this week, but I should be there next week.

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help though

Also, I just wanted to say that this is really cool of you guys to do.

WB dude.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Sorry for being less active the past couple of weeks, since despite having lots of it for years, I finally received my BS last Friday and have been moving / dealing with family for a bit, with my only playing time going towards trying to get levels on a couple of the non-50s on Infinity.

Speaking of doing TFs for accolades... were there any plans to start Moonfire runs for the Atlas Medallion hunt badges?
I definatly planed on doing some acco nights as well. Moonfire is a much more fun way to get the defeat badges for sure. I will plan on including it thanks for reminding me.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



I am going to be starting a late Citadel run tonight, probablyh around 10:00 - 10:30 Eastern. I'll holler in channel.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Teh_Siph View Post
I'm back!

My schedule kinda fluctuates a bit, but I'll definitely stop by when/if I can. As such, I won't be able to make it this week, but I should be there next week.

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help though

Also, I just wanted to say that this is really cool of you guys to do.
It's Siph!



Anyone need Citadel still? I can run one before Boot Cap tonight at 7, been trying to get a team through the TF channels but no luck.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



If I'm home in time, I could run it on my emp.. idk when I'm getting outta skool



I am in the middle of re-building my OS. I will try to be there on time but I have to go through the whole client download/setup. Thanks for your efforts and patience!

Primaries: Doctor Roboto - 50(+3) MM (BOT/FF/MU)
Johnny Liberty - 50(+3) Tank (EM/INV/EM)
Lvl 50 Archetypes: MM, TNK, BRT, SCR, PB, CNT, DOM
Still working on: NONE! NCSoft won't let me. =(



oh, joy of joys. Still at work. Will try to get home in time for this weeks presentation. No guarantees due to :a) work, b) traffic, c) family. In that order. I should be on this weekend (evenings mostly) so if anyone wants to /e-slap me, please feel free. I sowwy!

PVE~* @Sunnysprite *~PVP *~SHI~Victory~JI~*Hawaiian Built*Ainokea*DaKine*H.I.C.*T&C



ooooh This sounds very fun, To bad im too late to enter lol.



Quick recap of our last meeting:

We talked about the evasion routes on some of the various Arena maps we will be using for this event.

Atlas Park:

There are two main evasion routes on the Atlas map. You can circle the outer ring of the map, remembering to hug the inner wall it is much harder to target you if you are next to the wall then next to the war wall(outside blue barrier). You can also make loops around City Hall, however due to the small size of this obstruction and the large number of people chasing you, you will most likely still be locked and targeted.

We briefly talked about getting "sandboxed" in the various pools around the atlas map. If you are standing in an area where there are 4 walls, and you get hit with entangling arrow you will have -jump and you will be trapped in that small area and become an easy spike target. The counter to this is to use the arena temp power Jaunt Initializer to tp out of that trap.

Perez Park:

Perez is small map and has almost no evasion routes, you can jump up into the trees and try to break line of sight as people 'ground' themselves by shooting at you. You can duck behind the little theater but be careful of the one sandbox that lays just behind it. There are 2 paths behind the trees on the right side (facing the water) however the one closest to dry land is a dead end.

Cargo Ship

This is another small map. There are many places you can break line of sight (LoS) you can duck between crates and run around them hoping to lose people who are tracking you. There is one room at one end of the map, you can try to duck into there and jump up to avoid being detected, however putting yourself in a corner is almost always a bad idea. There are those rafters you can jump up on or jump up and stand between them. All and all, a very hard map to evade on so if you don't die, thank your emp.


Medium to small size map, pretty much wide open. The only evasion route is to go up and run along the top path ducking behind rocks and such, again you are hoping that the people chasing you will "ground' themselves by shooting and not be able to get up there.

Skyway City:

This map is medium sized, there is a large central building that you will be using as a evasion route, just circle the building. There is also a smaller square building to the south of the map you can also circle however its much easier to cut you off due to its small size.

Steel Canyon:

This is the largest map we introduced. There are numerous paths you can use to evade, the tricky part is remembering where you are and which way to turn. There many dead end paths that people will travel down and find themselves running face first into a bluewall. There are also some small building that are good to drop to the ground and run around as they give pretty decent cover from people above you.

We also talked about "survival" powers:

Phase Shift- you can phase for up to 30 secs and there will be a no-phase period (120 seconds) after those 30 seconds were you are not able to click phase or hibernate even if they are recharged. If phased you can still be attacked by players who also are also phased.

Hibernate- Similar to phase shift, 30 seconds of "safe" time with a 2 min no-phase period after.

The 30 seconds of "phase" time is for both hiber and phase shift, so if you hiber and pop out at 15 seconds you can immediately go into phase shift for another 15 seconds.

Personal Force Field- Gives +resist and +defense. Very useful as it recharges very quickly and allows you to keep evading while still being able to receive heals from your healer.


My strong suggestion would be for everyone to carry a full tray of greens. The only exception to this would be stalkers as you can attack and then immediately evade to get back into hide. For stalkers I would consider bringing all reds or almost all reds and a few greens.

New Stuff (for next week):

Pvp binds/macros:

If you do not have a mic or do not wish to talk on vent please set up a targeting bind, I use:

/bind k, team >>$target<<

This will aannounce in team chat who you are currently locked on and targeting. I set it to my "k" key as I always think "k"ill.

Inspirations- I know most of us are used to clicking on insp with our mouse or via f1-f5 however, you will find that there is a slight lag when doing so. So most people set up a macro/bind to pop greens.

/macro Grn, inspexecname respite
/bind g, inspexecname respite

This will allow you to pop a green no mater where it is in your tray with a single key stroke.

Potentially the most important macro/bind of them all:

/macro hib, powexectoggleon Hibernate
/macro pff, powexectoggleon personal force field
/macro phs, powexectoggleon phase shift

This will toggle *ON* these powers but will not let you toggle them off, this is very useful because in the heat of battle people often double click their phase/hiber/pff power and end up wasting it. To click them off you need to physically click the power icon to break out of these powers.



Good stuff.

A couple things I also find sexy:

Atlas: For evasion, jump atop city hall, then atop the globe. Alternately, Jump onto Atlas' head from the ground.

Graveyard: Use the big rock on the cliff to the left of the lower spawn point to break LoS (left if you spawn at the lower spawn point).

Skyway: Jump in an arc around the center building, land atop one of the higher window ledges on the other side, then jump to the top of the building (or over the building if you prefer). It's also a great way to get locks quickly at the start of a match without being targeted by the other team.

Steel Canyon: Jump from ledge to ledge between and around the buildings behind the big statue (the opposite direction in which the statue faces). This lets your emps easily get to you, leaves you plenty of routes to take with no fear of dead ends, and scatters the enemy offense as they try to chase you."



Thank you Masque and the other instructors for this past Friday night's session. Very informative... I did not think I would have to bother with the usual posted meeting notes for afterward reading. And... As Usual, I was wrong. The bind and macro information is greatly appreciated.

At this point, I don't care if I am constantly eating dirt throughout the whole PvP Boot Camp as it is lots of fun and I am learning new things to apply to the game.




Phase Shift- you can phase for up to 30 secs and there will be a no-phase period (120 seconds) after those 30 seconds were you are not able to click phase or hibernate even if they are recharged. If phased you can still be attacked by players who also are also phased.

Hibernate- Similar to phase shift, 30 seconds of "safe" time with a 2 min no-phase period after.

The 30 seconds of "phase" time is for both hiber and phase shift, so if you hiber and pop out at 15 seconds you can immediately go into phase shift for another 15 seconds.
Just for clarification: the 2 minute timer starts when you click the power initially. So you click phase (and have up to 30 seconds of phase) and then 90 seconds later, you can click phase again. For a total of 2 minutes between starting the first phase and starting the second.

Example (in seconds):
  • 0 Click phase
  • 0-30 Phase (or switch to hiber)
  • 30 Auto pop out of phase or hiber
  • 30-120 (90 seconds of) anti phase
  • 120 Able to click phase (or hiber) again (assuming it is up)

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



Can i still sign up my tank, be my own team and do 8v1 matches?



I will be out of town on vacation this week so see you guys next week!



Originally Posted by VV___ View Post
Can i still sign up my tank, be my own team and do 8v1 matches?

Welcome back VV, I sent you a channel invite but you didn't take it.



It has been suggested that we start a new thread each week for that meeting. I will be working on a post for this weeks class on locking and spiking.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
It has been suggested that we start a new thread each week for that meeting. I will be working on a post for this weeks class on locking and spiking.
Here you go - here's one for locking! Keep in mind that the order is important...

  • get target's name from target caller
  • say "Locked" either over vent or team channel that nobody else is paying attention to
  • franticly tab through targets until you find the one that was called
  • realize that you are horribly out of position while countdown ensues

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Welcome back VV, I sent you a channel invite but you didn't take it.
Sorry Masque, but unless you have a time machine that takes us back to i13, i have no interest in PvP. I'm mostly just messing around on Freedom with my friend Neco.

My Fire/Em is still on Victory, i'll have to re global you since my global name and friends list got all screwed up when i gave my account away a few years back.



There is a bit more to it than that if you actually want to be "decent"....

Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Here you go - here's one for locking! Keep in mind that the order is important...

  • get target's name from target caller
  • say "Locked" either over vent or team channel that nobody else is paying attention to
  • franticly tab through targets until you find the one that was called
  • realize that you are horribly out of position while countdown ensues



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
There is a bit more to it than that if you actually want to be "decent"....

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Here you go - here's one for locking! Keep in mind that the order is important...

  • get target's name from target caller
  • say "Locked" either over vent or team channel that nobody else is paying attention to
  • franticly tab through targets until you find the one that was called
  • realize that you are horribly out of position while countdown ensues
Here's one for targetting:
  • First target is always Philly Girl
  • Make a chat bind that says "----->Target is Philly Girl<-----"
  • If Philly Girl is ON your team, target her through broadcast so that the other team will spike her.
  • Continue to call Philly Girl for the remaining 10 minutes, whether she is in the match or not.

And that's all there is to it!