New Year, New Discussion - PVP




Many years ago in a MMO far, far away we had a battle! SWG intrepid server had a battle for the ages, 200-300 players battling to destroy an enemy base.

Oh wait base raids hmmmmmmmm

The Transcendent One
Level 50+ PB (Badge Count 1404)



the most fun i ever had pvping were base raids. i caught the tail end of them and my time spent was far too short.

post i13, the most fun was when we were able to scrap up enough people for kickball, it was the closest thing we could get to old pvp as possible, but even then...

i will say that getting us to recite our best pvp moments seems rather pointless.

for instance, alot of us in this thread enjoyed base raids. however, i woudlnt' want the devs to reimpliment base raids under this system. and thats the problem, it has remained to be seen that the devs will give that kind of attention, or if they do, listen to the player feedback given while testing any implementation.

the feedback has been documented, it just a matter of "when are they going to listen to it" as barrier said, if the devs want to make progress, it'd go a long way with the players to have something to show they're not bluffing.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

So here's a questions for everyone in this thread: What other methods of PvP rewards do you think might be as effective or even more effective?
Some sort of Merit System for actually PvP'ing in the arena. As it stands the way team arena works is counter productive to earning PvP IO's. If you spend the entire match cycling through everyone against a team of similar abilities you are most likely going to lose as they will cycle either key targets or soft ones.

I'd suggest something like you get :

0 Merits for participating in a 10 minute match. Yeah that's right, unless you win the match? You Get Nothing. Encourage people to get better!

1 v 1 The winner gets 3 Merit. + 2 Million Influence
2 v 2 4 Merits (Per person) + 2 Million Influence
3 v 3 5 Merits (Per person) + 2 Million Influence
4 v 4 6 Merits + 2 Million Influence
5 v 5 7 Merits + 3 Million Influence
6 v 6 8 Merits + 4 Million Influence
7 v 7 9 Merits + 5 Million Influence
8 v 8 10 Merits + 5 Million Influence

Nothing fancy. You win 5 8 v 8's you can earn an alignment merit + 5 Million extra influence. You have to invest at least 50 minutes of time into it in match time alone. That doesn't take into account set up or anything like that or wrangling 16 people up to play. The reward should be *better* than PvE because you have winners and losers.

For Zones? The easiest way I could think to dangle a carrot there would be make the stuff you do in zones matter. Win the Zone in RV? Get X number of Merits + Influence. This way people could kill you for the sake of killing you and get a chance at a valid rep kill, and then you'd have the people who are actually trying to accomplish the goals in the zone.
I don't know if the tech would be there but you could increase the prize/bounty by how many people are in the zone *ON EACH SIDE*

Winning a Capturing and holding all of the pillboxes in a 20 v 20 RV should give a sizable reward. I don't know how exactly one would work out of it was 25 v 20 or something like that. But I think the reward should be good enough to warrant a cool down timer. (Say 2 hours) Before you can get the reward for winning the zone again. I think a way to possibly get around everyone switching to one side to get the win would be when the last pillbox is hit, give a reward based on the number of people on each side, if the winning side has more people subtract from the reward, if the winning side has *less* people, make it bigger.

I think the same could be done in WB for nukes (And could be sort of a CTF style minigame). Sirens call, I'd say just improve on the bounty system and its rewards. Bloody Bay, I don't really know what you could do there. Maybe something with the Meteors and the bases in the center of the map you have to deactivate to get your Shivans.



Castle and Posi said they were working on objective-based pvp a few months after i13.

Is that code still around somewhere?



Most enjoyable PvP experiences? Some good times in Warhammer Online, and many great times in City of H/V. But, like many others here, they were all pre-i13. I know you dont want to hear that but thats just the way it is. PvP in this game could be so much fun before that unlucky number got rolled out.

I really think you should get someone there to create a rollback patch for PvP as soon as possible, to make things as they were in i12. No matter what feedback you get here, making changes to the current system will be like building a house on quicksand.

It would be a majorly positive move to do that and make a much better foundation for future changes, which you could take your time over and hopefully gather feedback from the players, while at least giving them back a fun PvP environment in the meantime. And the PvP community will love you long time for it!

Here's hoping.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Negativity I can understand and empathize with. Approaching something in a reserved manner because of past experience is reasonable. I just ask that you don't let cynicism overshadow any sort of attempt we make to gather useful and helpful feedback.

Understand that we have already done all this before. A couple of times. We have already been through the process of listing our likes and dislikes and wishes. There was even a nice little list compiled that was stickied.

All completely ignored.

It's not you Z. It's really not, but you are gonna catch a lot of **** from those that have been previously burned. Fool me once and all that.

Until you can demonstrate beyond talk that you are willing and able to facilitate change with the devs on the PvP front, not very many people are going to get behind you. A gesture of some sort such as working to get the afore mentioned bugs fixed would go a long way toward really opening the lines of communication.



I agree with barrier when it comes to rewards; the current drop and rep systems are crap. He gives good reasoning for why, i'm not going to repeat it. I also agree with him that the rewards for PvP should be greater than those for PvE.

1. Team PvP requires more coordination than teaming in PvE.
2. PvP has a steeper entry; both for learning the system and having an appropriate toon.
3. PvP is more difficult. I could teach my 7 year old cousin to solo AVs with my done-up toons.

I do like Mr.Liberty's idea, with the exception of the 0 merits for losing. I think that encouraging newer (essentially worse) players to participate is integral for the success of a PvP system. Not rewarding those who are not as skilled, or who have toons who are not as well built does not help that cause. Everyone should be rewarded for participating and should receive greater rewards for victories.

The way I'd visualize it, if no changes were going to be made to the system except rewards it would go:
1. Remove the rep timer completely.
2. Remove the ability to enter a pvp zone while in a task force or Ouroboros flash back.
3. Make a vendor that trades rep for merits at a 2:1 ratio.
4. Scaling influence rewards for team arena matches based on the number of people per team and duration of the match.

Ideally I'd visualize a CoH where pvp could be used as an alternative to tip or tf grinding. To earn your alignment merits you can run a few arena matches and spend some time in zones or a large arena ffa. Removing the rep timer would be a requisite for earning rewards (see barrier's post). Making it so people could not be in a task force while in zone is to prevent farming (some pve players don't like this idea because it can keep them from getting shivans or nukes mid-tf, its not really a valid argument).



Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
I agree with barrier when it comes to rewards; the current drop and rep systems are crap. He gives good reasoning for why, i'm not going to repeat it. I also agree with him that the rewards for PvP should be greater than those for PvE.

1. Team PvP requires more coordination than teaming in PvE.
2. PvP has a steeper entry; both for learning the system and having an appropriate toon.
3. PvP is more difficult. I could teach my 7 year old cousin to solo AVs with my done-up toons.

I do like Mr.Liberty's idea, with the exception of the 0 merits for losing. I think that encouraging newer (essentially worse) players to participate is integral for the success of a PvP system. Not rewarding those who are not as skilled, or who have toons who are not as well built does not help that cause. Everyone should be rewarded for participating and should receive greater rewards for victories.

The way I'd visualize it, if no changes were going to be made to the system except rewards it would go:
1. Remove the rep timer completely.
2. Remove the ability to enter a pvp zone while in a task force or Ouroboros flash back.
3. Make a vendor that trades rep for merits at a 2:1 ratio.
4. Scaling influence rewards for team arena matches based on the number of people per team and duration of the match.

Ideally I'd visualize a CoH where pvp could be used as an alternative to tip or tf grinding. To earn your alignment merits you can run a few arena matches and spend some time in zones or a large arena ffa. Removing the rep timer would be a requisite for earning rewards (see barrier's post). Making it so people could not be in a task force while in zone is to prevent farming (some pve players don't like this idea because it can keep them from getting shivans or nukes mid-tf, its not really a valid argument).
I totally agree with somehow getting rid of pvpio farmers that are in zone. 90% of these peeps dont even pvp and just do it to make loot so they can rob WW. Now, if losing the farmers doesnt affect the drop rate for other people who actually pvp, than screw it, let them have it because that is just a broken system that all in all needs to be fixed.

I like Mr. Liberty's concept on the merit/reward system and i agree that there should be rewards for losing, just not as great as the rewards for winning in order to inspire newcomers or not so great pvp'rs to keep trying.



Favorite moments:

-old Infinity PvP league when we didn't have a clue but had hella fun
-Ice Tank domination
-Crazy lineups like storm MM teams, especially Eden Thermopylae
- That time Empire and I ran Warburg for 5 hours, wiping out teams of 5-6 with my blaster and him emping. Second place is any time smack talkers got pwned in WB (e.g. when midwest Avengers came at us for killing one of their tanks)
- drunk PvP

Please steal Warhammer's PvP queueing system. If their PvE wasn't so much walking, I'd probably still play there.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
Favorite moments:

-Crazy lineups like storm MM teams, especially Eden Thermopylae
I hated dUmb Fire/Storms on Test. Projects had like 8 immobs on him, such a pain.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I don't PvP much because I am no good at it. However, on other games I like PvP that has an objective. Capture the flag scenarios and attack/defend area battlegrounds are actually fun for me. Why? Because even though I suck at PvP I can be part of the action. Part of a group effort. Right PvP in CoH is a free for all. It would be nice to see some of these objective-driven experiences.

Liberty Server (@enderbean)
Arcs on Live
#1460 Hometown Rivalry



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
So here's a questions for everyone in this thread: What other methods of PvP rewards do you think might be as effective or even more effective?
I'd like to see more non-invention enhancements that do interesting things. Stuff like the Titan/Hami enhancements (though not necessarily at HO strength) that provide interesting combinations of benefits to allow interesting slotting.

Being able to pick one of those, or get (cringe) a currency to buy one of those, would be interesting. Also, a PvP-based currency could give us a better path to get to PvP IOs, like has been mentioned.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm still thinking in terms of rewards for objectives, not rewards just for fighting. I'm of the opinion there should be little reward for just attacking people at random in zones, it should be for completing an objective or keeping someone from completing an objective.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Want to actually show us you care instead of just making nice, happy forum posts?

Fix ONE thing.

To the community: Don't be fooled. They aren't going to fix it. They just come to the forums and say that they know they ****** up, and that they're busy, but stay active and paying because they'll fix it in the future!

If they actually told us they weren't fixing it, they'd lose subs. By giving a vague reference of fixing it in the future some people will stay active.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Some sort of Merit System for actually PvP'ing in the arena. As it stands the way team arena works is counter productive to earning PvP IO's. If you spend the entire match cycling through everyone against a team of similar abilities you are most likely going to lose as they will cycle either key targets or soft ones.

I'd suggest something like you get :

0 Merits for participating in a 10 minute match. Yeah that's right, unless you win the match? You Get Nothing. Encourage people to get better!

1 v 1 The winner gets 3 Merit. + 2 Million Influence
2 v 2 4 Merits (Per person) + 2 Million Influence
3 v 3 5 Merits (Per person) + 2 Million Influence
4 v 4 6 Merits + 2 Million Influence
5 v 5 7 Merits + 3 Million Influence
6 v 6 8 Merits + 4 Million Influence
7 v 7 9 Merits + 5 Million Influence
8 v 8 10 Merits + 5 Million Influence

Nothing fancy. You win 5 8 v 8's you can earn an alignment merit + 5 Million extra influence. You have to invest at least 50 minutes of time into it in match time alone. That doesn't take into account set up or anything like that or wrangling 16 people up to play. The reward should be *better* than PvE because you have winners and losers.

For Zones? The easiest way I could think to dangle a carrot there would be make the stuff you do in zones matter. Win the Zone in RV? Get X number of Merits + Influence. This way people could kill you for the sake of killing you and get a chance at a valid rep kill, and then you'd have the people who are actually trying to accomplish the goals in the zone.
I don't know if the tech would be there but you could increase the prize/bounty by how many people are in the zone *ON EACH SIDE*

Winning a Capturing and holding all of the pillboxes in a 20 v 20 RV should give a sizable reward. I don't know how exactly one would work out of it was 25 v 20 or something like that. But I think the reward should be good enough to warrant a cool down timer. (Say 2 hours) Before you can get the reward for winning the zone again. I think a way to possibly get around everyone switching to one side to get the win would be when the last pillbox is hit, give a reward based on the number of people on each side, if the winning side has more people subtract from the reward, if the winning side has *less* people, make it bigger.

I think the same could be done in WB for nukes (And could be sort of a CTF style minigame). Sirens call, I'd say just improve on the bounty system and its rewards. Bloody Bay, I don't really know what you could do there. Maybe something with the Meteors and the bases in the center of the map you have to deactivate to get your Shivans.

You should listen to this guy ^



in the few few times that i have pvp'd (both pre and post i13 nerfs)

honestly i think the absolute biggest thing that needs to be taken care of is the mez protect issue and travel suppression

travel suppression as it is now is extremely annoying, since most travel powers already have a "reduced to hover/sprint" speed for a second after you attack but whats even more annoying about it is that somehow "travel suppression" also means "regen suppression" because it applies a -100% regen penalty as well which is completely unecessary

the other major problem i have is with the mez protect, i understand that pve mez protect is prolly too strong for pvp, but melee types and such should not get the short stick and given 0 mez protect for otheir mez toggles, they should get about 1/4-1/2 of the regular values, making it not impossible to overcome, but still alotting enough so that they are like a pve boss and require at least 2-3 applications of a mez to affect them

i dont have a problem with heal decay as that function makes some sense

on another note, as a person who does not regularly participate in pvp (my record for actually participating in pvp is about once a year), a large reason why i dont try to pvp more is for 2 large reasons:

  • very little activity in zones (which sometimes im grateful for since i dont like pvping much, but so little activity in zones is also a deterrent to pvp because i cant randomly say "i want to challenge so and so to a duel")
  • rewards are in no way worth it, the pvp IO drop rate is abysmal so i dont even expect to see one unless i spend several hours in a typical "rep farm" setting, the other part of the reward is that rep is pointless since it decays and doesnt do anything for you after you get the 2 badges for it, which a pvper wont be interested in anyway, i can understand why inf rewards are so low is to somewhat deter farming
while i am not an avid or active pvper, as a non pvper i see no incentive TO pvp except for pure sport every now and then



also, no offense to Z, but i might have a little more faith in the devs supposed "interest" in pvp by making this thread if someone like, say, posi, the lead dev who screwed up was having/joining this discussion and it wasn't the new community rep.

we lobby'd ocho for years to talk to the devs and look were that got us.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



I'd like to state that i am not a PvPer, in fact i tend to hate anything thats involved with PvP. I've played a great many MMOs in my life and there's only been one game where i've enjoyed playing against another players.
I prefer to play with others to accomplish things. Yes i fully realise you can play both with people and against people in PvP, but the reason i am disliking it, pretty much stems down a specific mentality those who do PvP tend to have. Not saying all do, but the great majority have it when i've tried PvP in other games.

Its the mentality that you end up being blamed by others for their mistakes. Without fail, every game and every time this has happened (except in one game, i'll get to that later).

When i played WoW my guild played on a PvE server, but decided to move to a PvP one later on. I moved with them since i did enjoy to play the PvE content with them. But on the PvP server the guilds mentality changed, it was suddenly survival of the fittest. I will readily admit i am not a good PvPer, and as such i was no longer fit to play with my guild maters. While they loved to group with me on the PvE server for my abilities i was suddently shunned, because i didn't want to spend 4 hours outside a dungeon camping some poor sods, i wanted to do the dungeon.

I left the server and moved back to a PvE server where i thought i could enjoy myself. Then the PvP rewards were introduced and suddenly to get the good stuff you had to do PvP. Well, i decided to give PvP another go and see how it would be, joined some battle grounds and it was the most awful PvP experience of my life.
People yelled and complained. I never got so many rude tells in such a short sitting. People from halfway across the zone would send me tells demanding to know why i wasn't healing then or such. And it was always my fault, never anyone elses.

I also played Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. And it was exaktly the same there. I played one of those melee-healer thingies, forgot their name. But the gimmick was the more i fought the more i healed my team, was really fun class. But again the people on my side split up into 2-3 groups and since i could only heal those around me, i started getting rude tells from those not near me why i wasn't healing... despite having the #1 position in healing done... sigh.

I also played Aion, for a single free month. The game was fun, until i got to level 20 and was suddenly forced to PvP, if i wanted to quest to gain levels i had to go to a zone where pvp could happen at any time. Was merrily fighting some enemies and suddenly there was a wall of red names coming towards me and i was dead. Not much fun that.

Theres been more games and the experienced have always been the same, no matter what class or what game. Except the one... i'll get to it now.


It was/is a game based on capturing bases and land. Three fighting factions that were pretty much the same but also diffrent. There was no PvE here, just PvP. You had levels, but the levels didn't make you stronger, just more versatile. A level 1 might be able to be a sniper, or an engineer, or a hacker, or a driver. While a level 20 could be a sniper, an engineer, a hacker and a driver.
I have two very memorable moments from this game.
The first was in beta, the very last day. My unit/guild was fighting against an overwhelming horde. I think we were a full squad of 10 and the enemy had 5 squads of 10, 50 people. They took our base and we were reduced to a tower in the middle of nowhere. The ten of us against all 50 of them, and we held... darnit all we held out. They bombarded us, bombed us, tried sneak past us, but our defenses held. They assaulted us for two whole hours and they couldn't take our tower. The devs had so much fun watching our last fight they extended the shutdown time by an hour just cause they wanted to see if we'd lose. We didn't. When the servers closed we still held our tower, but the enemy was diminished, only about 25 of em were remaining in the end.

The second one was after the game released and i had found a friend whom i clicked with fully. It was as if we shared a mental connection she and i. We never needed to tell the other what they should do, we just did it. At one point she and i went on a little duo cruise and we went to a remote base. Took its tower and that alerted the defense, a squad of ten came to defend it, we fought, snuck and trapped them, we got the base, lost the tower, retook the tower and destroyed their spawn vehicle.
The next day there was a post on the forum from the opposition congratulating us on our victory, they dubbed us the Damsel Duo of Doom

I played planetside for a couple of months and never during that time did i get any rude tells telling me how i should play, where i should play or who i should heal. It was just jolly good fun that.
Just sad they went an ruined the game with the stupid mecha robots, but thats another story.

I think what made planetside so much fun is there was no real goal to it all. No special drops, no points earned, you just played because it was fun to do so.
Noone got mad when you lost cause you didn't really lose anything, when you held a base you got access to diffrent vechicles. Like one base gave the ability to spawn a dropship, others gave ability to make tanks.
And everyone were the same, you didn't get one shotted by someone who plays 24/7 to get the uber sword of doom +5. Noone had a better gun than the other.
In WoW, WAR, Aion etc, there were rewards for pvp, even if you lost you'd get em, but if you won you'd get em faster. So people got more mad when you did lose, and it causes a bad attitude.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
So where can we start?

I’m not here to rehash the existing bugs and problems; those are already well documented in the threads stickied here in the forums. Your grievances and issues with the current state of PvP in CoH are very clearly and concisely presented, and for that, the Community team thanks you. These tools make it much easier for us to present your case to the developers.
Honestly, I just want to hear what the current plans are from the decision makers. I've always felt that the community reps have had good intentions and have tried to help us out before, but to say we've usually been disappointed is an epic understatement. Just because bugs and problems are well documented, it doesn't mean that the devs are taking the proper steps to make changes. We learned this in the i13 beta period, where it was abundantly clear that decisions were largely not based on PvP community feedback.

Instead, the devs poored time and effort into a new and (unfortunately) misguided PvP system (based on what, I'm not entirely sure), thinking it was an improvement. When the i13 changes were announced, the bulk of the community understood the numerous flaws in the devs' logic and either quit or argued against the majority of changes. Had those discussions taken place prior to all the i13 PvP work, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion right now. But it doesn't take a genius to see that the devs were unwilling to throw out their investments, and they ultimately told us that they were pressing on, offering "give it a chance" and "wait and see" arguments.

The fact remains that the i13 changes were horrible, and as someone else mentioned earlier, adding content to that bad foundation seems rather pointless. There are a lot of great ideas in this thread, but I'd suggest starting at step 1 before thinking too much about steps 6-8.

As for my best experiences, yes, they are all pre-i13. The speed, coordination, role diversity, and larger numbers in the arena, zone, and base raiding communities made for hours upon hours of good times. I'd love to see some semblance of that again.



You know ever since i13 I have had a hard time even finding a place to fit in in this game and have been SGless since I gave up on PvP and Renegades. I even quit recently with the intention of never coming back until my family in their infinite wisdom bought me a time card for a game I stopped playing...

But it is nice to see that even avid anti-PvPers have been coming out and speaking on behalf of the PvP community.

On topic my favorite PvP moments are from early in this game pre-i13 running around doing kick ball on Freedom/Liberty/Test and just messing around in zones. Just every match and every night was just awesome playing PvP in this game with the speed and precision it required. But even then the game still had its problems and as a lot of other people have said it was goals. Planetside was a completely generic FPS but it was so awesome because of the fact that there were hundreds of players fighting over control of something as simple as a tower in the middle of nowhere, it was awesome!

The reason that it is so frustrating in this game, aside from being ignored constantly, is that there is so much potential! Look at the Terra Volta respec and tell me that something like that is not the PERFECT example of how PvP could be done better. One group trying to defend the core while the others try and destroy it? Simple and fun. But that goes for a LOT in this game, look at Mayhem/Safeguard missions. How is that not the perfect setting for heroes and villains to square off against one another?

No relation to Arachnos!

Part Pack: Now the majority of players know how we, PvPers, have felt for years now. Don't want to be so "civil" now that you have been completly ignored, do you?



Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
Look at the Terra Volta respec and tell me that something like that is not the PERFECT example of how PvP could be done better. One group trying to defend the core while the others try and destroy it? Simple and fun. But that goes for a LOT in this game, look at Mayhem/Safeguard missions. How is that not the perfect setting for heroes and villains to square off against one another?
Already imagining the Mayhem/Safeguard mission.. One hero gets a key (tradeable between teammates via drag and drop, maybe?).. Villains have X minutes to get the key from the hero in question, grab loot from the vault, then get off the map via the getaway car.

Like in PvE, blowing crap up gets more time, but puts markers on the map so the heroes know where villains are being destructive. Otherwise, heroes don't know where the villains are coming from.

The hero with the key shows up on the map clearly as an objective marker, so no hiding the key.

This puts the heroes on defensive -- thematically appropriate -- with strategic choices like who holds the key, where they set up shop, what percentage of the hero team stays with the key holder, how many go after rampaging villains in the streets.. Does anyone keep watch on the vault, to make sure the villains aren't securing that..

Villains get to decide whether they just go for a straight blitz after the keyholder then the vault in order, or if they try to set up their fight first. The overall situation favors the heroes slightly, but the villains get to have the initiative and decide where and when the fight happens.

Where do I sign up for this?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
I think what made planetside so much fun is there was no real goal to it all. No special drops, no points earned, you just played because it was fun to do so.
Noone got mad when you lost cause you didn't really lose anything, when you held a base you got access to diffrent vechicles. Like one base gave the ability to spawn a dropship, others gave ability to make tanks.
And everyone were the same, you didn't get one shotted by someone who plays 24/7 to get the uber sword of doom +5. Noone had a better gun than the other.
In WoW, WAR, Aion etc, there were rewards for pvp, even if you lost you'd get em, but if you won you'd get em faster. So people got more mad when you did lose, and it causes a bad attitude.
Planetside also did some things right. Later on they implemented code so that XP awarded based on several criteria.

If you killed a player 30 seconds after they respawned you were awarded like 2 XP.

If however, you killed the same player after 10 minutes of them respawning you were awarded like 250 XP.

In the final scenario, you have the same player staying alive for 20 minutes but at the same time, they have killed 30-40 people. Now at this point you're dealing with a highly skilled player. If you managed to kill them, you got a MASSIVE XP bonus, like 2000 XP or something. The code was written in such a way that the XP bonus was calculated based off of unique kills. So it's not like you one had guy farming one other player for 20 minutes.

You should be able to level up by PvPing in CoV. Ho ho ho, say what you will. There will always be farmers and getting to 50 by PvEing isn't exactly hard now thanks to AE.

Planetside while it didn't have a "end goal", still had immediate objectives which is what made it fun.

"Oh sh** son, they're taking our base" and what have you.

And the reason while they weren't much trash talking in Planetside is because if you were wasting time trash talking, you were getting shot at, mortared, bombed, or stabbed in the back. Why waste time talking trash when you should be trying to stop the enemy?

Which is why I think they should remove the bases from RV completely. When you enter RV you should randomly spawn in any part of the zone. 99% of RV's fights take place either at the Villain Base or Hero Base. And then droning ensues and more **** talking and what have you. Talk about a giant yawn-fest.



Here is the thing Z, this thread wouldn't be a joke if you could actually be honest with us. Being totally honest with us isn't your job though, you give us a PR spin on crap and try to keep us in line and be a buffer for your Dev team, and then report back to the dev's on the communities possible take on things and what they are on about this week etc.

Do I think during your weekly reports you will mention this? Sure that's your job. Do I think you will come back and give us the same courtesy hell no, again it goes against your job. So while I get that your doing your job I feel semi insulted on the "lets all get along and chit chat but nothing will come of this thread".

PvP isn't getting worked on anytime soon there is no need to get peoples hopes up for PR BS, only to crush them when as the months roll by nothing is done or announced. Most of us where in a static state of hopelessness, which is better than the up's and downs your starting. The few fixes and arena options we have now weren't even done on NC Soft time so NC Soft dev team didn't even give us that. One lone dev that actually cares did, to him TY.

So until you can say straight out what is or isn't planed with details IMO it's best to not say anything at all (I say that knowing that there will never be a plan announced until it's in the works). Again I'm glad you want to reach out to the PvP community but I don't think this thread will help but I see the hope in some peoples constructive posts and eventuality of the let down yet again. If you really want to reach out to the PvP community come out to the league matches one night, go to some of the server kickball nights, go to different servers and zone PvP with them. See what they are doing and talk to them.

You might want to do some research into CoX PvP and the constant let down that this aspect of the community gets. It's a small community now which is sad.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Here is the thing Z, this thread wouldn't be a joke if you could actually be honest with us. Being totally honest with us isn't your job though, you give us a PR spin on crap and try to keep us in line and be a buffer for your Dev team, and then report back to the dev's on the communities possible take on things and what they are on about this week etc.
Philly Girl walays you for 120 points of lolnub damage!
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Philly Girl blasts you for 7174 points of bonus Toxic damage!
Philly Girl blasts you for 8132 points of bonus Negative Energy damage!



Originally Posted by Alpha_Zulu View Post

"Oh sh** son, they're taking our base" and what have you.

And the reason while they weren't much trash talking in Planetside is because if you were wasting time trash talking, you were getting shot at, mortared, bombed, or stabbed in the back. Why waste time talking trash when you should be trying to stop the enemy?

Which is why I think they should remove the bases from RV completely. When you enter RV you should randomly spawn in any part of the zone. 99% of RV's fights take place either at the Villain Base or Hero Base. And then droning ensues and more **** talking and what have you. Talk about a giant yawn-fest.
Planetside sounds like it was/is awesome. Wish I'd heard of it before today.
The random spawn sounds pretty nice too. People would get blown away their first time in a zone, figure if they can deal then improve or leave.

Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
So until you can say straight out what is or isn't planed with details IMO it's best to not say anything at all (I say that knowing that there will never be a plan announced until it's in the works). Again I'm glad you want to reach out to the PvP community but I don't think this thread will help but I see the hope in some peoples constructive posts and eventuality of the let down yet again. If you really want to reach out to the PvP community come out to the league matches one night, go to some of the server kickball nights, go to different servers and zone PvP with them. See what they are doing and talk to them.

You might want to do some research into CoX PvP and the constant let down that this aspect of the community gets. It's a small community now which is sad.
What Philly said.
Everyone from NotPutzing to macskull to Vex to Psoma to blackbarrier to Oz tried tilting at this windmill.

If PvP changes are on the way, you should be consulting with the remaining PvPers about it, maybe add some PvErs or light PvPers but the MAIN focus group should be those who want to keep playing here.

If no PvP changes are forthcoming, let us know so we can just keep doing what we've been doing since I13 launched or move on. Either everyone said, everyone from Ex_Libris (whom was awesome) to Ocho (also awesome) and even CuppaJo and them all tried to bridge between PvPers and the Devs and it never ended well, sadly. There would need to be a vent meeting with a Dev or two or a part of a closed Beta for PvP fixes and so on.

Just letting this stuff sit as is...well, be careful what you wish for I guess but blech.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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This. Seriously. Personally for me I am beyond frustrated with the devs response to the pvp community.

For example the PvPEC used to be VERY active. We used to have reps on every server and more reps volunteering to help than we actually had room for. Even though I hated i13 changes I still took over running it to support pvp and thinking that NC would eventually make moves to make the situation better.

I can't get people to volunteer to be PvPEC reps if I bribed them. The few reps that still look at our private forums occasionally haven't the slightest interest in running events. The participants that might participate in any events ran only do so if we offer decent prizes where they used to do it just to pvp and have fun. Hell I pm'd over 3 weeks ago to get prize support for a 2v2 tourney I was going to run but have had no ambition to set it up because really what is the point? Hard work setting up and running events for pvp we don't enjoy any more for people who don't really enjoy it any more to give the false impressions to the devs that people are actually enjoying the pvp?

Maybe the real solution is to stop pvp'n and sending the message that people actually enjoy this crappy button smashing and all cancel our accounts. Hold on that was done by a huge percentage of the pvp community after I13 came out and all you guys did was...nothing.

I am with Philly, come out and pvp with us. Mod08 did. Lighthouse did. Ex Libris did. Niviene did. Having forum conversations insinuating that anything is going to be progressive towards giving paying customers what they want which is a more viable pvp insulting to say the least when we all know better.

Give us I12 back with the current arena setting still available. All zones back to I12. Until you do that talking about adding games, goals or different reward ideas is about as retarded as trying to drive a car on square wheels.

Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Here is the thing Z, this thread wouldn't be a joke if you could actually be honest with us. Being totally honest with us isn't your job though, you give us a PR spin on crap and try to keep us in line and be a buffer for your Dev team, and then report back to the dev's on the communities possible take on things and what they are on about this week etc.

Do I think during your weekly reports you will mention this? Sure that's your job. Do I think you will come back and give us the same courtesy hell no, again it goes against your job. So while I get that your doing your job I feel semi insulted on the "lets all get along and chit chat but nothing will come of this thread".

PvP isn't getting worked on anytime soon there is no need to get peoples hopes up for PR BS, only to crush them when as the months roll by nothing is done or announced. Most of us where in a static state of hopelessness, which is better than the up's and downs your starting. The few fixes and arena options we have now weren't even done on NC Soft time so NC Soft dev team didn't even give us that. One lone dev that actually cares did, to him TY.

So until you can say straight out what is or isn't planed with details IMO it's best to not say anything at all (I say that knowing that there will never be a plan announced until it's in the works). Again I'm glad you want to reach out to the PvP community but I don't think this thread will help but I see the hope in some peoples constructive posts and eventuality of the let down yet again. If you really want to reach out to the PvP community come out to the league matches one night, go to some of the server kickball nights, go to different servers and zone PvP with them. See what they are doing and talk to them.

You might want to do some research into CoX PvP and the constant let down that this aspect of the community gets. It's a small community now which is sad.