Bugs: NCsoft Launcher




Multiple downloads don't "pause" when you close the NC Launcher. Yesterday, I started downloading the three US clients (Live, Test, Beta), I was at about 50% in each download. This morning, when I restarted my computer, only the Beta download started from where it left, the other two restarted from the beginning.

Edit : Strange, my connection crashed, so I restarted the NC Launcher, and all my downloads restarted as where they stopped yesterday, even though two of them restarted from the beginning a few minutes ago.



If you allow the launcher to run in the taskbar when "closed/minimized" then it will still keep on downloading patches.

The other two, it *appears* that it might have quickly checked what it had (ie assumed nothing), then realised that something was there and carried on. Similar to how some download software with autoresume works.



We've seen people get caught in a perpetual installation loop if their registries had more than one installation pointing to the same directory. This happened cause a lot of folk just switch their -test shortcut to -beta rather than create a new installation.

The Launcher should look to make sure multiple installs don't point to the same directory and at least warn the user. It should be smart enough to not get caught in a perpetual installation loop because of it.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
We've seen people get caught in a perpetual installation loop if their registries had more than one installation pointing to the same directory. This happened cause a lot of folk just switch their -test shortcut to -beta rather than create a new installation.

The Launcher should look to make sure multiple installs don't point to the same directory and at least warn the user. It should be smart enough to not get caught in a perpetual installation loop because of it.
Do you know the correct way to get access to the beta server with the new ____ware then?(oops I mean launcher ). I petitioned my inability to access beta days ago, it got escalated and ignored since.

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No more forcing me to use Internet Explorer! YAY!!

I've been waiting years for that piece of trash to be dropped. I don't know for sure if it is entirely dropped out of the launcher but it makes me feel good that I can click a link and it go to my default browser.

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--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.



dont know if any one else has run into this one but for some reason it trys to patch the test server (I initiate it) and I get this error every time...

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

it patched live and beta perfectly fine though


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Originally Posted by Keen Stronghold View Post
Players outside of the US/Europe (case in point: South America) keep getting the old updater to run. NCSoft Launcher won't patch it. Reinstalling everything won't fix it: it's an IP restriction issue.

Wait a second there. If this is true, you mean NCsoft effectively just forbid me from playing the game?

Maybe there *is* a reason I cannot, for the life of me, get this new launcher to work.



Selecting my US city of heroes install and clicking for server status directs me to EU server status (probably because I'm in the UK). Might want to lock that to the region the account's for rather than location.

MA Arc:
Overload (Arc ID #405822) | Status: Final | Last Edited: 5th Nov 2010 for text fixes.



The 'official' way to get technical support for NCsoft Launcher problems is to fill out a support ticket.


We can also better track open issues and make sure your NCsoft Launcher problems get resolved ASAP.



I'm trying to launch City of heroes beta from the NCSoft launcher and keep getting the following message:

You can't run this program directly, please run NCsoft Launcher instead.
Vous ne pouvez pas lancer ce programme directement. Veuillez d'abord exécuter le lanceur NCsoft.
Dieses Programm kann nicht direkt ausgeführt werden - bitte dazu den NCsoft-Launcher starten.



When I leave the Launcher running in the background, all of my access to NCsoft related "things" goes into incredibly-slow-mode.

Launching the game is typically OK (it's all stored on my computer after all), but logging in typically fails with a "cannot connect to DB" error; if I can actually log in, there is horrendous lag/latency (and sometimes both at once); attempting to access NCsoft websites (cityofheroes.com, ncsoft.com, etc) typically ends in "took too long to respond" error messages.

*AS SOON* as I end the Launcher process, everything goes back to normal *IMMEDIATELY*.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
I'm trying to launch City of heroes beta from the NCSoft launcher and keep getting the following message:
You can't run this program directly, please run NCsoft Launcher instead.
Vous ne pouvez pas lancer ce programme directement. Veuillez d'abord exécuter le lanceur NCsoft.
Dieses Programm kann nicht direkt ausgeführt werden - bitte dazu den NCsoft-Launcher starten.

It looks like your NCsoft Launcher is set to Europe. Please do the following:
  1. Click File and Settings.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. Select North America for Region and English for Language.
  4. Click OK and restart your NCsoft Launcher.
  5. You should able to run COH Beta.



Originally Posted by Namey View Post
Test Server: Got the above using NCsoft patcher. Used the old patcher to get up to date.

I was just about to post a new thread asking about issues with the NCsoft Launcher and Test server but glad (maybe) I didn't

When I launch the NCsoft Launcher it shows CoH Live, Test and BETA in the Installed section. Live and BETA work just fine but Test gives me the error message:

"Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201009101722.15.4' to version: '1950.201103080206.1.0'.The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.Please try again in a few minutes."

I'll try using the 'old' CoH Test shortcut I have and see if that works

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You just need to do a repair (right click on COH TEST and select "Repair (Check Consistency)".



Originally Posted by Tex View Post
You just need to do a repair (right click on COH TEST and select "Repair (Check Consistency)".

Well thanks for the response Tex; however, I had already started downloading using the old CoH Test shortcut I had and that seemed to do the trick as now CoH TEST is working in the NCsoft Launcher.

As a side note, I sent a ticket into NCsoft for this issue and the first two email responses back were the typical "need a Game Advisor log" and "turn off UAC in Windows 7".....do they know the same things (have access to the same helpdesk ticket/database system) that you do Tex?

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Going via the ticket method is more "regimented" in that they do have a list of stuff to go through before they can get to the nitty gritty (once you actually complete the 1st couple of stages for them getting all the info that they need).

Once they have done that, its more of a checklist of stuff to check through instead of taking a random stab in the dark right away (unfortunately its procedure)

On the flip side, although the forums have a method of sorts (ie coxhelper/dxdiag logs), we are more inclined to throw out the "oddball" answers.

ALSO, we (the forums) tend to have a far far wider range of experiance so that rare intermittent bug (that the help desk doesnt know how to solve) we MIGHT know how to solve just by pure numbers of people hitting a problem.

Oh, if its on the forums and your PC blows up, you cannot blame NCsoft....

Paragon/NCsoft also like you to use the ticket service, because it actually helps add to their knowledge base. Here, they have a LOT of different forums to trawl through (believe it or not, not everyone posts their tech issues inside this forum).



I don't have access to any "helpdesk ticket/database system" other than what's in my head



Oh I know about 'procedure' for helpdesk and all that (it's my job! )....

But you'd think that after collecting the game advisor log they'd say, "hmm, x and y work so it's most likely just something with the test server....try verifying it..."


Usually I get great support so not really complaining so much :P

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991