What makes 'Huntsman' (or Bane) builds viable?




From reading I've gotten so far that most take double leadership toggles use gun attacks and.. are awesome.

I've got a crab spider; one of the first 50 Crabs on Justice (Go TopDoc's super team!) I respecced him awhile ago for what I thought would be an awesome hovercrab build. 7 attacks is too many. I hate hover. Basically I'm not happy with what my Soldier can do and I'd like to try either Bane or Huntsman. However I have no idea outside of Crab powers what the others are like 'on the field'.

So what were your primary goals when Making your Non crab soldiers (yes including banes) and what play style choices help you enjoy your soldiers?
Not asking for a build, just need some folks with lots of experience to chime in




For a melee bane you want all the melee mace attacks, as the ranged mace attacks all pretty much suck except for poison ray, which makes a ok filler attack at low levels and a way to take out runners. Some folks take venom grenade because it is such a great debuff but I only played my mace bane build while solo (had a huntsman as my alternate, group build) and found that it was better to stay concentrated on single, hard targets. Then you take surveillance for the resistance debuff and at higher levels pick up shatter armor from the mace mastery pool for another heavy duty attack that also debuffs resistance (20%).

From level 24 on your attack chain will be (from Stealth for the large stealth strike) Shatter -> Bash->Pulverize with poisonous ray as a filler. I took Placate for extra crits from shatter, but I am not sure it was worth it - the crit on shatter is good, but not as good as a stalkers crit. Add surveillance at 28 (which you can use without breaking strealth) and Crowd control at 32. Then you can keep mobs bouncing around with shatter + crowd control. Once you get shatter armor at 44 you will be able to do a ton of single target damage (there is no mace redraw between the bane mace powers and the patron pool mace powers).

Defensively try to get as much melee def as you can - now that the fitness pool is free its fairly easy to fit in tough + weave and well worth it as banes DO have some resistances to stack with tough (7.5% to all in the bane spider armor upgrade). I found my bane to be a good solo char who worked best when I turned on bosses and cranked up the level, as they do a lot of hard single targets.

For the huntsman the general strategy is to try to cap ranged def, push up recharge and take all the huntsman attacks: single shot, burst, heavy burst, venom grenade and frag grenade. Add in WaWG and your strategy is to web mobs in place and mow them down from range. The basic soldier gun attacks are all fairly fast activating and do good damage, get a decent amount of global recharge (or take hasten) and you will have them up most of the time as well. From the bane trees you take the bane spider armor upgrade, cloaking device (for the def and stealth), surveillance and maybe build up if you don't mind the weapon swap animation at the start of a fight (you have to draw the mace to fire off build up). I decided that double stacking assault (TT:assault + leadership pool assault) for 30% damage buff all the time with no redraw was better, but YMMV.

At higher levels another option for the huntsman is to add in more area attacks from the patron pools. On mine I dropped frag grenade (due to its small area - its a nice attack otherwise) and picked up arctic breath and bile spray from leviathan mastery. Arctic breath adds another -15% resistance debuff to venom grenades -20% (for -35% to all resistances) and bile spray is toxic damage, so it gets double the debuff from venom grenade (40% instead of 20%). Personal choice here - I think this option does a little more AE and adds more to the team but it isn't as fast and you have to be ok with your character spewing all over the place.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
From reading I've gotten so far that most take double leadership toggles use gun attacks and.. are awesome.

I've got a crab spider; one of the first 50 Crabs on Justice (Go TopDoc's super team!) I respecced him awhile ago for what I thought would be an awesome hovercrab build. 7 attacks is too many. I hate hover. Basically I'm not happy with what my Soldier can do and I'd like to try either Bane or Huntsman. However I have no idea outside of Crab powers what the others are like 'on the field'.

So what were your primary goals when Making your Non crab soldiers (yes including banes) and what play style choices help you enjoy your soldiers?
Not asking for a build, just need some folks with lots of experience to chime in

I decided to go Hunts after reading all the good info in the below post mostly:


I see Soldiers built so many different ways, you just have to decide how your play preferences will determine your build. Mine is a ranged AOE monster with a hard hitting melee attack when needed. I prefer ranged vs melee but added in BU/Placate/Shatter/Surveillance/Cloaking Device from the Bane tree. He's sitting at softcap to S/L and Ranged, 80% global recharge and went with Dakest Night from the Soul Mastery for the -to hit; it's always big fun to play.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



I made my Huntsman because I wanted a more team-friendly build for my Bane but didn't want the Crab backpack. Banes really get garbage AoE. So my Huntsman is my teamer. Nice debuffs and a non-stop AoE chain.

When I solo the character I use the Bane build. Strong single-target damage along with the -res debuffs allows me to crunch through bosses with ease and speed.

If you're looking for a second build for a Crab, I'd think a Huntsman would be a disappointment. I haven't run the numbers myself but I believe they do less AoE than a Crab, and I don't think they can compare to Banes on single-target. On the other hand they do offer a different playstyle which may be right up your alley.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I made my Huntsman because I wanted a more team-friendly build for my Bane but didn't want the Crab backpack. Banes really get garbage AoE. So my Huntsman is my teamer. Nice debuffs and a non-stop AoE chain.

When I solo the character I use the Bane build. Strong single-target damage along with the -res debuffs allows me to crunch through bosses with ease and speed.

If you're looking for a second build for a Crab, I'd think a Huntsman would be a disappointment. I haven't run the numbers myself but I believe they do less AoE than a Crab, and I don't think they can compare to Banes on single-target. On the other hand they do offer a different playstyle which may be right up your alley.
I'm looking to scrap the current crab build as it is garbage



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
So what were your primary goals when Making your Non crab soldiers (yes including banes) and what play style choices help you enjoy your soldiers?
For Huntsman build, using the gun attacks, the primary goal is +Recharge. Everything else is secondary to that. With Incarnate Alpha it is possible to achieve Perma Hasten without resorting to Purple Sets, provided you pick Spiritual Alpha.

My typical attack pattern is:

Web Grenade, Venom Grenade, Frag Grenade, Heavy Burst, Single Shot, Burst, Single Shot

If I've got Surveillance available, I'll typically deploy that before shooting the Web Grenade. The combination of controls, resistance debuffs and HP debuffs (snerk) in the above combo is really potent when combined with doubled Training and Leadership toggles giving a massive ToHit Buff, Defense Buff and Damage Buff to my team. And I can slot Achilles' Heel procs for even more resistance debuffing courtesy of my Burst and Heavy Burst attacks. Frag Grenade gets a Force Feedback proc in it for "mini-Hasten" effects.

All in all, it's pretty brutal ... and noisy in a "I'm never going to run out of ammo!" kind of ankle deep in brass casings sort of way.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



My bane( Rau the Executuioner) is a monster. i took heavy burst an venom grenade from the huntsman tree an most of the bane mele along with poison ray .
i took the webs ,shater ,target aoe an highdamage ranged attack from
black scorp , his def is softcapped to mele an range . i also took the two pets but i skipped the patron pet.
he is great for all types of game play.



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
For a melee bane you want all the melee mace attacks, as the ranged mace attacks all pretty much suck except for poison ray, which makes a ok filler attack at low levels and a way to take out runners. Some folks take venom grenade because it is such a great debuff but I only played my mace bane build while solo (had a huntsman as my alternate, group build) and found that it was better to stay concentrated on single, hard targets. Then you take surveillance for the resistance debuff and at higher levels pick up shatter armor from the mace mastery pool for another heavy duty attack that also debuffs resistance (20%).

From level 24 on your attack chain will be (from Stealth for the large stealth strike) Shatter -> Bash->Pulverize with poisonous ray as a filler. I took Placate for extra crits from shatter, but I am not sure it was worth it - the crit on shatter is good, but not as good as a stalkers crit. Add surveillance at 28 (which you can use without breaking strealth) and Crowd control at 32. Then you can keep mobs bouncing around with shatter + crowd control. Once you get shatter armor at 44 you will be able to do a ton of single target damage (there is no mace redraw between the bane mace powers and the patron pool mace powers).

Defensively try to get as much melee def as you can - now that the fitness pool is free its fairly easy to fit in tough + weave and well worth it as banes DO have some resistances to stack with tough (7.5% to all in the bane spider armor upgrade). I found my bane to be a good solo char who worked best when I turned on bosses and cranked up the level, as they do a lot of hard single targets.

For the huntsman the general strategy is to try to cap ranged def, push up recharge and take all the huntsman attacks: single shot, burst, heavy burst, venom grenade and frag grenade. Add in WaWG and your strategy is to web mobs in place and mow them down from range. The basic soldier gun attacks are all fairly fast activating and do good damage, get a decent amount of global recharge (or take hasten) and you will have them up most of the time as well. From the bane trees you take the bane spider armor upgrade, cloaking device (for the def and stealth), surveillance and maybe build up if you don't mind the weapon swap animation at the start of a fight (you have to draw the mace to fire off build up). I decided that double stacking assault (TT:assault + leadership pool assault) for 30% damage buff all the time with no redraw was better, but YMMV.

At higher levels another option for the huntsman is to add in more area attacks from the patron pools. On mine I dropped frag grenade (due to its small area - its a nice attack otherwise) and picked up arctic breath and bile spray from leviathan mastery. Arctic breath adds another -15% resistance debuff to venom grenades -20% (for -35% to all resistances) and bile spray is toxic damage, so it gets double the debuff from venom grenade (40% instead of 20%). Personal choice here - I think this option does a little more AE and adds more to the team but it isn't as fast and you have to be ok with your character spewing all over the place.
Eric is pretty much spot on with this post. Everything stated above is almost identical to my Bane. Pound for pound my Bane can now out-damage my BS/Ele Scrapper.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
From reading I've gotten so far that most take double leadership toggles use gun attacks and.. are awesome.

I've got a crab spider; one of the first 50 Crabs on Justice (Go TopDoc's super team!) I respecced him awhile ago for what I thought would be an awesome hovercrab build. 7 attacks is too many. I hate hover. Basically I'm not happy with what my Soldier can do and I'd like to try either Bane or Huntsman. However I have no idea outside of Crab powers what the others are like 'on the field'.

So what were your primary goals when Making your Non crab soldiers (yes including banes) and what play style choices help you enjoy your soldiers?
Not asking for a build, just need some folks with lots of experience to chime in


Well, you may be taking too many attacks and not having enough buffs on you. A well-slotted Crab shouldn't feel "crabby".

Which part you are not "happy" with it? I am assuming your Single Target damage disappoints you?

Bane excels in ST damage and resistance debuffs. You can have 20% debuff from Venom, 20% from Surveillance and 20% from Shatter Armor. On my level shift Bane, the only non-Mace attack I use is Venom Grenade. I'll be stupid to skip that awesome power even if it costs weapon redraw.

All my SoA takes double Assault and double Maneuver. That's where they excel at - Team Buffs.

I think if you don't like Crab's gameplay, you probably won't like Huntsman that much. If you like close-combat, I would try Bane build.

PS: One advantage I see Huntsman over Crab is that Huntsman attacks activate a lot faster.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by MarvelatMee View Post
Eric is pretty much spot on with this post. Everything stated above is almost identical to my Bane. Pound for pound my Bane can now out-damage my BS/Ele Scrapper.

My Bane makes all my Stalkers look.... rather weak.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



For banes, even if you're all giddy with mace-based smashing goodness, Venom Grenade is where it's at. It packs a -40% res debuff for toxic damage (20% for other damage types), and every mace attack has toxic DoT attached. Venom Grenade, Poisonous Ray, and Bile Spray (if you take //Mako) are all pure toxic damage, that get the full juicy buff from Venom Grenade. With VG up, Poisonous Ray does as much or more damage as Pulverize, from range. Also, VG + Surveillance + Shatter Armor/Arctic Breath + Achilles proc = insane. If you bring along your pets to capitalize on that -res goodness, your DPS can possibly beat out even a Widow build, and with way more style.

I soloed every available contact in Grandville with my Bane, but also run him on large teams; for that, his approach changes, but he can still do decent AoE. I stealth in, hit the hardest target with Surveillance, crit with Shatter or Crowd Control depending on how dense the crowd is, jump back out while launching a Venom Grenade, then hit 'em with Arctic Breath/Bile Spray and wade back in for some more Crowd Control and mop up the bosses with ST damage. The mace AoEs are junk, but the other tools work well.

DPS-wise, Placate is pretty much rubbish on Bane, because the increased crit damage it brings (even with Shatter) isn't anywhere near as impressive as an AS from a stalker. Take it if you like the control effects, or because you want burstier damage to stop a Paragon Protector from hitting MoG or something, but not because you want to boost your general DPS.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Kumquat View Post
DPS-wise, Placate is pretty much rubbish on Bane, because the increased crit damage it brings (even with Shatter) isn't anywhere near as impressive as an AS from a stalker. Take it if you like the control effects, or because you want burstier damage to stop a Paragon Protector from hitting MoG or something, but not because you want to boost your general DPS.
When SoAs first came out I tried to convince people that the time used placating (on a bane with it's much weaker crit) didn't equal out to higher DPS than just bashing the target upside the head again. I'm glad to see at least a few people are starting to finally catch on to that.



Originally Posted by Linea_Alba View Post
When SoAs first came out I tried to convince people that the time used placating (on a bane with it's much weaker crit) didn't equal out to higher DPS than just bashing the target upside the head again. I'm glad to see at least a few people are starting to finally catch on to that.
I've played many Stalkers and I just recently try to use Placate as a "defensive" power, rather than as an offensive critical power.

Let's say that I am soloing and there are 3 minions, I would put Placate on one of them at first and then BU + Shatter the 2nd minion and once the 2nd is dead, I work on the 3rd one. This is funny because the first minion that I placated still doesn't know I am there! It is almost like Dominator's strategy where you Hold One and Attack Another.

I normally only use Placate for Crowd Control because there is 50% chance for critical damage.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Banes have awesome burst damage but their sustained ST DPS is crap. They are also melee toons purely based on defense with no DDR whatsoever. Because of that, I ended up speccing out of my bane build. He was awesome while leveling, weak in the endgame when he was all pimped out and softcapped (compared to your usual scrapper or whatnot experience). Sure, the buffs are nice, but I can have those with a huntsman or crab too. The only thing banes have going for them are the extra ST res debuffs in Surveillance and Shatter armor (although technically you can get that one on huntsmans and crabs too), but even with those, I was not satisfied with my sustained damage output (felt sluggish as hell too).



Originally Posted by Exxar View Post
Banes have awesome burst damage but their sustained ST DPS is crap. They are also melee toons purely based on defense with no DDR whatsoever. Because of that, I ended up speccing out of my bane build. He was awesome while leveling, weak in the endgame when he was all pimped out and softcapped (compared to your usual scrapper or whatnot experience). Sure, the buffs are nice, but I can have those with a huntsman or crab too. The only thing banes have going for them are the extra ST res debuffs in Surveillance and Shatter armor (although technically you can get that one on huntsmans and crabs too), but even with those, I was not satisfied with my sustained damage output (felt sluggish as hell too).
Even with Shatter Armor you feel your damage is low? Do you have double assault as well?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
I've played many Stalkers and I just recently try to use Placate as a "defensive" power, rather than as an offensive critical power.

Let's say that I am soloing and there are 3 minions, I would put Placate on one of them at first and then BU + Shatter the 2nd minion and once the 2nd is dead, I work on the 3rd one. This is funny because the first minion that I placated still doesn't know I am there! It is almost like Dominator's strategy where you Hold One and Attack Another.

I normally only use Placate for Crowd Control because there is 50% chance for critical damage.
I ended up dropping placate on my bane as well, for this very reason - I picked up a second assault from the leadership pool instead. Even on my stalkers I only used placate when I could follow it up with a fast activating, high damage attack other than AS - such as on my dm/regen stalker who loved to open with BU-> AS-> Placate-> Midnight grasp.

Originally Posted by Exxar
Banes have awesome burst damage but their sustained ST DPS is crap. They are also melee toons purely based on defense with no DDR whatsoever. Because of that, I ended up speccing out of my bane build. He was awesome while leveling, weak in the endgame when he was all pimped out and softcapped (compared to your usual scrapper or whatnot experience). Sure, the buffs are nice, but I can have those with a huntsman or crab too. The only thing banes have going for them are the extra ST res debuffs in Surveillance and Shatter armor (although technically you can get that one on huntsmans and crabs too), but even with those, I was not satisfied with my sustained damage output (felt sluggish as hell too).
Is this just a 'feeling' from playing, or do you actually have real numbers to back it up. I actually consider the banes burst damage only OK at best, due to the fact that their build up was only 80% and crits only did +50% damage. However I put out constant single target damage that felt pretty good, especially with double stacked assault and the debuffs from surviellance and shatter armor magnifying the fairly good DPA from the 3 melee attacks.

Seriously - the DPA's on the 3 mace attacks, even on crowd control, are pretty good. Just for giggles I did a quick comparison of DPA values between those attacks and ones on my claws scrapper - not counting crits (for either one), using Arcanatime and with roughly ED capped damage I saw the following DPA's at L50:

Bash: 89
Pulverize: 137
Shatter: 122
Crowd Control: 102

Strike: 98
Slash: 100
Focus: 126
Eviscerate: 112

While bash is a little on the low side, pulverize actually beats anything in claws for DPA and shatter is nicely in the ballpark. Crowd control also compares nicely to eviscerate - which does more individual DPA but is a narrower cone. While it certainly takes more recharge to get a sustainable attack chain out of the mace attacks than the claws attacks, once you do it is certainly a good contender. I picked claws for for the comparison as its usually considered an excellent sustained DPS set.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Even with Shatter Armor you feel your damage is low? Do you have double assault as well?
Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
Is this just a 'feeling' from playing, or do you actually have real numbers to back it up.
I must confess my experience is a bit outdated. It stems from the time before Shatter Armor when I just ran double Assault. But let me do some fresh calcs.

Ok, running double Assault and using the attack chain Shatter Armor -> Pulverize -> Shatter -> Pulverize -> Crowd Control -> Shatter I'm getting 155 DPS on paper. That's the same crap I was getting before. Adding in Venom Grenade instead of CC every two cycles drops the DPS to 150, but with the benefit of an additional -20% to the opponent's resists. I don't know how precisely the resist penalty from SA, VG and Surveillance increases damage, so this could either be crap or actually awesome if the increase is somewhat linear with the resistance penalty.

Hrrm. I never did a pylon run before I respecced my bane into a crab so I can only really say 155 DPS on paper is crap by itself and that I felt extremely sluggish, as well as useless in AV fights. I'm tempted to spec him back now to check if my feeling was just a feeling or not. It would really be awesome to run as a bane again doing good damage, but the no DDR bit is still bugging me greatly.

EDIT: Deleted a bit where I thought you were comparing Eviscerate with Shatter instead of CC like you did...



the biggest problems are 1) low if any DDR, 2) are primarily ST oriented, 3) their ranged attacks are weaksauce, if you try to make a Bane with only the mace ranged attacks, you'll find them a little underwealming

The Crab is a rather unique critter, he's more of a team friendly Ranged AE specialist, however the crab melee is a bit weak, and until the pets or really IOed out, can have problems with hard targets

A Huntsman is rather a nice compromise between the two, and is generally good for both solo and team play, a good comparison is to a corrupter but better. Also with it being more ranged oriented than a bane, the lack of DDR is a little less of an issue. Another point in the huntsman's favor, if you have a more commando oriented concept, a huntsman fits better as a nick fury/ punisher/ rambo/etc type than would AR/ Device or AR/ Traps.



The biggest difference between a bane and a crab is in survivability. The bane is softcaped, has 1600 HP and has 30% resistance to S/L and not even 10 to rest. The crab is softcapped, has 2000 HP and has 50% resistance to S/L and 40% to everything else except psionics. Both have no DDR whatsoever, but when defense debuffs enter play a bane is mince meat while a crab still has decent survivability.

So when I look at my bane builds, I'm just meh...



Originally Posted by Exxar View Post
I must confess my experience is a bit outdated. It stems from the time before Shatter Armor when I just ran double Assault. But let me do some fresh calcs.

Ok, running double Assault and using the attack chain Shatter Armor -> Pulverize -> Shatter -> Pulverize -> Crowd Control -> Shatter I'm getting 155 DPS on paper. That's the same crap I was getting before. Adding in Venom Grenade instead of CC every two cycles drops the DPS to 150, but with the benefit of an additional -20% to the opponent's resists. I don't know how precisely the resist penalty from SA, VG and Surveillance increases damage, so this could either be crap or actually awesome if the increase is somewhat linear with the resistance penalty.

Hrrm. I never did a pylon run before I respecced my bane into a crab so I can only really say 155 DPS on paper is crap by itself and that I felt extremely sluggish, as well as useless in AV fights. I'm tempted to spec him back now to check if my feeling was just a feeling or not. It would really be awesome to run as a bane again doing good damage, but the no DDR bit is still bugging me greatly.

EDIT: Deleted a bit where I thought you were comparing Eviscerate with Shatter instead of CC like you did...
Hmm, it may be that the reason our experiences differed is that I only ran my mace bane solo - I had a huntsman build as his primary build that I ran in groups, so I couldn't say how the mace single target damage compared in a group. All I know is that I soloed with bosses on, level set to +2 or +3 and had no problems with any bosses or EB's. I have never tried soloing AV's with him or any other character - I consider soloing AV's to be a gimmick/not worth the time. I get that some folks like to do it and want to squeeze out huge amounts of DPS in order to do that but spending inordinate amounts of time to kill a single target isn't really my thing.

However, I question the declaration that 155 dps is crap - that puts a bane mace user firmly in the middle of most brute scrapper primaries with normal amounts of recharge and while it leaves them at the bottom of the heap when you throw in a ton of recharge, its still in the ballpark. I am referring to the DPS numbers that Bill Z Bubba calculated in the following threads: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=132369 and http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=132894

IN the first thread he calculated DPS using insane recharge values (250%) and included gloom in most of the brute chains. In the second thread he calculated DPS with attacks slotted with either 1 or 2 recharge reduction IO's (L50). In that second thread the values he got where:

Powerset DPS EPS

Brute Fiery 172.6 3.1
Brute Energy 157.5 3.3
Scrap Energy 151 3.3
Scrap Claws 149.6 2.9
Brute Claws 149.5 2.9
Scrap Fiery 149.3 3.1
Brute Warmace 148 3.7
Brute Dark 143.7 3.1
Brute Martial Arts 143.7 3.6
Scrap Strength 142.1 2.9
Scrap Dark 141.6 3.1
Scrap Martial Arts 141.5 3.6
Scrap Warmace 141 3.7
Brute Stone 137.5 3.5
Scrap Dual Blades 136.3 3.5
Brute Dual Blades 134.8 3.5
Scrap Stone 131.8 3.5
Brute Katana 131.2 3.2
Brute Battleaxe 129.3 3.2
Scrap Katana 128.6 3.2
Brute Strength 127.3 2.9
Brute Broadsword 124.9 3.1
Scrap Battleaxe 123.3 3.2
Scrap Broadsword 121.7 3.1
Brute Electric 106.6 2.9
Scrap Electric 103.6 2.9
Brute Spines 93.4 1.6
Scrap Spines 80.1 1.6

Which puts 155 nicely towards the top.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
Hmm, it may be that the reason our experiences differed is that I only ran my mace bane solo - I had a huntsman build as his primary build that I ran in groups, so I couldn't say how the mace single target damage compared in a group. All I know is that I soloed with bosses on, level set to +2 or +3 and had no problems with any bosses or EB's. I have never tried soloing AV's with him or any other character - I consider soloing AV's to be a gimmick/not worth the time. I get that some folks like to do it and want to squeeze out huge amounts of DPS in order to do that but spending inordinate amounts of time to kill a single target isn't really my thing.
Oh I didn't have any problem soloing, quite the contrary, and I was not talking about soloing AVs. Bosses go down in a few hits, but on harder targets like EBs while solo I experienced much slower kill times than on my other melee toons. I was also refering to contributing to AV fights on teams which should be one of my strong points as a ST and debuffing specialist. Yet the numbers I got on paper and the sluggish feeling in the game didn't match those expectations at all.

Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
However, I question the declaration that 155 dps is crap - that puts a bane mace user firmly in the middle of most brute scrapper primaries with normal amounts of recharge and while it leaves them at the bottom of the heap when you throw in a ton of recharge, its still in the ballpark. I am referring to the DPS numbers that Bill Z Bubba calculated in the following threads: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=132369 and http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=132894

IN the first thread he calculated DPS using insane recharge values (250%) and included gloom in most of the brute chains. In the second thread he calculated DPS with attacks slotted with either 1 or 2 recharge reduction IO's (L50). In that second thread the values he got where:
Yes 155 is nicely at the top of the second thread but I expect results much closer to the first thread when I deck a toon with a 1-1.5 billion build (I use everything except PvP IOs and purple sets, with the exception of cheapass ones like Absolute Amazement and Fortunata Hypnosis). Spending that kind of inf I can get a comfortable minimum of about 180 DPS with most scrapper or brute primaries (which is pretty much consistent with Billz' first thread, with a few exceptions of course in which I'm not sure how he got such low results, DB and Claws for example). Ignoring Alpha slotting, of course.

And the build I based my calculations above is just such a build. That's why I said the toon was fantastic for leveling, but became quite lacking in the endgame when some serious IOs entered the picture.



Originally Posted by Exxar View Post

Yes 155 is nicely at the top of the second thread but I expect results much closer to the first thread when I deck a toon with a 1-1.5 billion build (I use everything except PvP IOs and purple sets, with the exception of cheapass ones like Absolute Amazement and Fortunata Hypnosis). Spending that kind of inf I can get a comfortable minimum of about 180 DPS with most scrapper or brute primaries (which is pretty much consistent with Billz' first thread, with a few exceptions of course in which I'm not sure how he got such low results, DB and Claws for example). Ignoring Alpha slotting, of course.

And the build I based my calculations above is just such a build. That's why I said the toon was fantastic for leveling, but became quite lacking in the endgame when some serious IOs entered the picture.
I agree that Bane, on his own, can't deal top damage but the charm is that Bane has access to 3 resistance debuffs/team buffs that Brute/Scrapper are lacking. Bane can help the team take down a hard target much faster.

If Bane has "good" damage and with no resistance debuffs, then I would say Bane feels "crappy".

Hey...I started at least 3 "Bane needs help" threads myself. lol That's before I respec for stamina inherent and took Shatter Armor. I now think Bane is very good on team because he can fill 3 roles really well: Team defense buffs, resistance debuffs and stalker role (burst damage and stealth).

Edit: My Bane build still can't solo a pylon because 1. I don't have Acrobatic and with just one anti-knockback piece, I still get knocked back which hurts dps big time. 2. I feel pylon has good resistance against toxic damage (I could be wrong on this one) 3. I am all melee and my Reinforcements will go melee after a while and they just die. If the spiders don't die, I am very confident that I can beat pylon in the end.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Heh, just made a hybrid crab/huntsman build with 164 ST DPS vs the bane's 155, but with no Surveillance or Shatter Armor. Unlike the bane, however, this toon has massive resists, 2000 hp and 25 hp/s regen, two arachnobot disruptors and a excrementload of AoE. So much for banes.



Originally Posted by Exxar View Post
Heh, just made a hybrid crab/huntsman build with 164 ST DPS vs the bane's 155, but with no Surveillance or Shatter Armor. Unlike the bane, however, this toon has massive resists, 2000 hp and 25 hp/s regen, two arachnobot disruptors and a excrementload of AoE. So much for banes.
Crabs are scary - you just gotta learn to love the legs :-)

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



[QUOTE=EricHough;3504445]pulverize actually beats anything in claws for DPA and shatter is nicely in the ballpark[QUOTE]

Lunge blows anything a bane has access to out of the ballpark... by a good mile. In less time it takes for a bane to use shatter a widow can fire off its two hardest hitting single target attacks (slash and lunge).

Banes aren't bad in general, but it's foolish to think they can hang with widows in the single target DPS dept.

Editted due to trying avoid another long bane vs NW debate...