how about a dark assault secondary




Ok if no Dark control how's about a dark assault secondary for Doms it would totaly fit my concept of a psy an dark together in a toon



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
Ok if no Dark control how's about a dark assault secondary for Doms it would totaly fit my concept of a psy an dark together in a toon
We already know the reason the Devs haven't done Dark Control yet (too much overlap with Dark Miasma, becomes a problem when Controllers want to make Dark/Dark), but Dark Assault could certainly come first. They made Elec Assault many issues before Elec Control, after all.



Siphon life on a dom FTW !!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
Siphon life on a dom FTW !!!!!!!!!
Or they could give you Life Drain instead



If I don't get some kind of Dark Dom by I22 I will be buying a plane ticket out west and my only carryon luggage will be a 2X4 and a wet noodle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, now that I got that outta my system- I do believe we will see Assault first, BUT.. do not hope for either Siphon Life or Life Drain. It seems to be a design choice not to give any Dom's any self heal in sets. We very likely will get stuck with a stinker like Dark Pit. BUT I'll gladly skip that if it means blasty goodness of Tents and Nightfall... Not to mention Midnight Grasp....

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



look i cant be a awsome mind/dark vampire dom without siphon life .
the devs wouldnt gimmie my dark assault without siphon life ......
Ummmm would they?



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
look i cant be a awsome mind/dark vampire dom without siphon life .
the devs wouldnt gimmie my dark assault without siphon life ......
Ummmm would they?
Wouldn't the Council/5th Column Vampyrs be surprised when we started whipping their arses in the same way they've been doing to us for nearly 7 years?

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
If I don't get some kind of Dark Dom by I22 I will be buying a plane ticket out west and my only carryon luggage will be a 2X4 and a wet noodle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, now that I got that outta my system- I do believe we will see Assault first, BUT.. do not hope for either Siphon Life or Life Drain. It seems to be a design choice not to give any Dom's any self heal in sets. We very likely will get stuck with a stinker like Dark Pit. BUT I'll gladly skip that if it means blasty goodness of Tents and Nightfall... Not to mention Midnight Grasp....
I wouldn't be too down on the chance of getting siphon life or life drain. Dom primaries are control sets, none of which would have a self heal anyway. Dom secondaries are mashups of blast and melee sets with an occasional utility power thrown in. Again, (excluding dark sets), there wasn't an *opportunity* to give them a heal, apart from the utility power. And of the secondaries with a utility power, only fire, ice, and earth even have thematically matching self heals that could have been included. Plus, doms get two +regen powers in drain psyche and spirit tree. Finally, we do even get an actual heal - a dull pain clone (hoarfrost) in ice mastery. I don't think that 'no self heals' is actually a design decision (like apparently is the case with stalkers and endurance recovery tools) so much as they just haven't had any reason or opportunity to.

On the other hand, I definitely wouldn't expect to see either tenebrous tentacles or dark pit, because I expect those to be yanked for use in dark control (suitably modified, of course). I also wouldn't be too surprised to see some variation on touch of fear or cloak of fear in dark control, so I wouldn't expect those in dark assault either. All of the various possible new dark sets are interrelated and thus will need to be handled carefully - Sunstorm posted about this once.

For a hypothetical dark assault, I'd look at it this way. Dark blast, gloom, and at least two from the list (shadow punch, smite, shadow maul, midnight grasp) seem sure choices. Soul drain is out because it's in two epics already. Nightfall seems likely, but there's no dark-themed PBAoE to give them, so a possible second AoE is up in the air (unless it's shadow maul). The possible issue with nightfall, though, is that it's a *very* narrow cone to give to an AT which is expected to be in and out of melee - perhaps they'll modify it some. I would think that one of siphon life or life drain would be in, but of course not both. Oppressive gloom would be incredibly difficult to balance (mag 4 stun aura when in domination? ), so that seems a bit questionable to me, although there aren't too many other utility powers *left* to give them. Torrent is another possibility for a 'utility' power, or maybe death shroud (unlikely). Moonbeam is a definite possibility, especially if they choose siphon life instead of life drain. And, as a *completely* off the wall possibility, I could see some insane dev putting in soul transfer as the 'utility' power (which would be awesome ).

If I were making it, I'd probably do something like this (if I was only allowed to use existing powers):
1: Dark blast
2: Shadow punch
4: Shadow maul
10: Gloom
16: Smite
20: Nightfall
28: Torrent or Soul transfer
35: Moonbeam/Midnight Grasp
38: Siphon life/Life drain

Basically, either moonbeam+siphon life or life drain+midnight grasp, depending on which one the devs decide would be more appropriate. Give me the life drain/midnight grasp/soul transfer version and I'd be taking all 9 powers.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post

If I were making it, I'd probably do something like this (if I was only allowed to use existing powers):
1: Dark blast
2: Shadow punch
4: Shadow maul
10: Gloom
16: Smite
20: Nightfall
28: Torrent or Soul transfer
35: Moonbeam/Midnight Grasp
38: Siphon life/Life drain

Basically, either moonbeam+siphon life or life drain+midnight grasp, depending on which one the devs decide would be more appropriate. Give me the life drain/midnight grasp/soul transfer version and I'd be taking all 9 powers.
Oh gods, Nightfail

I'd really HATE nightfail in a Domi set. The to-ing and fro-ing is bad enough on normal cones in Domi sets. Giving Dark Assault Nightfail would be horrendous (because the cone is so narrow)

I'd personally switch it for a ranged chained power which would suit a Domis playstyle better.

Moonbeam and Torrent are also poor choices for a Domi IMO. I'd switch Torrent for a PBAOE along the lines of Tremor (bear with me) which also works like a short duration, lower strength Soul Drain (something like Warshade Dwarfs get)

Something like :

1: Dark blast
2: Shadow punch
4: Shadow maul
10: Gloom
16: "Soul Mire"
20: "Crawling Dark"
28: Smite
35: Midnight Grasp
38: Life drain



My Thoughts on how it could work:

- Dark Blast
- Smite
- Shadow Maul
- Gloom
- Power Boost
- Dark Regeneration
- Life Drain (Damage Bonus so its like a Tier 2.5)
- Moonbeam
- Midnight Grasp

Of course, we'd undoubtedly get Night Fall.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



I dug up one of my pestering PMs to the Devs about Dark for Doms, and here's one iof my suggestions on the 2 sets-

Dark Control
1) Gravimetric Snare analog
2) Petrifying Gaze
3) Tenebrous Tentacles
4) Tar Patch
5) Black Hole
6) Fearsome Stare
7) Dark Pit
8) AoE Hold
9) Dark Servant

Dark Assault
1) Dark Blast
2) Smite
3) Gloom
4) Touch of Fear
5) Soul Drain or Buildup, possibly Dark Consumption
6) Nightfall or Torrent (prefer Nightfall)
7) Moonbeam
8) Death Shroud
9) Misnight Grasp

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
I dug up one of my pestering PMs to the Devs about Dark for Doms, and here's one iof my suggestions on the 2 sets-

Dark Control
1) Gravimetric Snare analog
2) Petrifying Gaze
3) Tenebrous Tentacles
4) Tar Patch
5) Black Hole
6) Fearsome Stare
7) Dark Pit
8) AoE Hold
9) Dark Servant

Dark Assault
1) Dark Blast
2) Smite
3) Gloom
4) Touch of Fear
5) Soul Drain or Buildup, possibly Dark Consumption
6) Nightfall or Torrent (prefer Nightfall)
7) Moonbeam
8) Death Shroud
9) Misnight Grasp
Soul Drain and Dark Consumption are out because they're in the Soul PP. Which is why I suggest something more like a Dark Dwarfs Mire, skirting along the edge of the "No Duplicate powers" rule but not falling into it.

Most of Dark Control is out because Controllers would also get the set and Dark Miasma as a proliferated secondary (this is the chief stumbling block really, making a Dark Control set which would sit pretty with Dark Miasma for Controllers)

Snipes have no business in Domi sets really IMO. Not with the way the AT has been rejigged and developed since release.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Snipes have no business in Domi sets really IMO. Not with the way the AT has been rejigged and developed since release.
Well every Dom secondary that could have a Snipe did, so it's in.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Oh gods, Nightfail

I'd really HATE nightfail in a Domi set. The to-ing and fro-ing is bad enough on normal cones in Domi sets. Giving Dark Assault Nightfail would be horrendous (because the cone is so narrow)

I'd personally switch it for a ranged chained power which would suit a Domis playstyle better.

Moonbeam and Torrent are also poor choices for a Domi IMO. I'd switch Torrent for a PBAOE along the lines of Tremor (bear with me) which also works like a short duration, lower strength Soul Drain (something like Warshade Dwarfs get)

Something like :

1: Dark blast
2: Shadow punch
4: Shadow maul
10: Gloom
16: "Soul Mire"
20: "Crawling Dark"
28: Smite
35: Midnight Grasp
38: Life drain
Well, I did specify that this would be the version that uses only existing powers. I don't like nightfall, torrent, or moonbeam very much either, but if I didn't have any other choices, I'd use them.

And there's no reason why the stats couldn't be tweaked, too. If I did have to make a dark assault set along the lines I listed above, I would definitely make some changes. Something like:

Shadow punch: Becomes 6s recharge, with appropriate increase in damage
Smite: Becomes 8s recharge, appropriate increase in damage
Nightfall: ... crud. I've lost the AoE formula. Oh well, I can't give an exact number, but I'd turn it into a 45 degree 40 foot cone, with whatever tweak in damage and/or recharge is given by the AoE balance formula.
Torrent: Also becomes a shorter, wider cone
Life Drain: Damage becomes scale 1.32, recharge decreases to 10s, end decreases to 10.192.

(By the way, anyone have the AoE balance formula and damage/recharge formula handy? My calculator seems to have forgotten them the last time I changed the batteries.)

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Shadow punch: Becomes 6s recharge, with appropriate increase in damage
Smite: Becomes 8s recharge, appropriate increase in damage
Nightfall: ... crud. I've lost the AoE formula. Oh well, I can't give an exact number, but I'd turn it into a 45 degree 40 foot cone, with whatever tweak in damage and/or recharge is given by the AoE balance formula.
Torrent: Also becomes a shorter, wider cone
Life Drain: Damage becomes scale 1.32, recharge decreases to 10s, end decreases to 10.192.
I can agree to pretty much all those changes. One note though, when Siphon Life got changed they gave it full damage for it's new recharge time, so there's really no reason Life Drain shouldn't get bumped to the standard 1.96scale for a 10s recharge.

Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
All of the various possible new dark sets are interrelated and thus will need to be handled carefully - Sunstorm posted about this once.
Honestly I don't think it'd be all THAT hard to do. (Standard code rant and all that jazz.) Dark assault is easy enough to cobble together. It's just a matter of picking powers and putting them in a row.

It's the Controller aspect that's the problem. A lot of the ideas people post for Dark Control canibalize Dark Miasma, but no matter which way they look at that If they want to proliferate Dark Miasma to Controllers to match Dark Control, they'll need to make new powers to fit the holes. Since they'd have to make a full set's worth of new powers anyhow I would say leave Dark Miasma as it is (with a few modifications, mainly to Fearsome Stare and Fluffy) and just make Dark Control a fully new set.

Here's an idea I posted in the Lady_Jade thread a long time ago (edited a bit since then).

Dark Control

1) Tenebrous Grasp -- Single target, Moderate DoT, Fast recharge: Foe Immobilize, -tohit
(Standard issue black tentacles.)

1) Soul Storm -- Single target, Moderate DoT, Moderate Recharge: Foe Hold
(I would like for Doms to have access to Soul Storm specifically, since it's GW's signature power, and She's supposed to be the Dominator within the Patrons. Since Going Rogue some Hero ATs have already been able to get SS from varying PPPs anyhow, so there's no real conflict of Heroes using GW's trademark power.)

2) Tenebrous Expanse -- Target AoE, Minor DoT, Moderate Recharge: Foe Immobilize, -tohit
(Standard stuff.)

6) Fetid Wastes -- Location AoE, Very Long recharge: Foe -Speed, -Regeneration, Chance for Vomit
(Location targeted pet similar to Quicksand or Tar Patch. Lowers enemy movement and regen, has a low chance to cause mobs to vomit (hold? sleep? whatever) each tick.)

8) Starlit Shroud -- PBAoE Toggle, Slow recharge: Foe -Tohit, -Damage, Chance for Placate
(Basically Chill of the Night, trading the damage for the chance to placate. More or less a Dark equivalent to Arctic Air.)

12) Oppressive Gloom -- PBAoE Toggle, Moderate recharge: Foe Disorient, Self Damage Special
(Same ol' OG it's always been. If OG proves to be too much of a pain to balance it can be switched to Dark Pit(modified to Control set standards) instead.)

18) Stygian Embrace -- PBAoE Toggle, Minor DoT, Slow recharge: Foe -End, Self +Regeneration, +Recovery
(Kind of a variation on warshade's Stygian Circle power. Drains the HP and End of any nearby foes, returning it to you via regen and recovery.)

26) Spirit Squall -- Target AoE, Very Long recharge: Foe Hold
(Ranged AoE version of Soul Storm.)

32) Surging Shadow -- Target AoE, Long Recharge
(Animates your enemy's shadow and turns it against them. Summons an immobile Shadow pet (like Phantasm's decoy) for each target within the radius of the power. These Shadows are targetable, and attackable, but are indestructable. Each Shadow uses Deathshroud, damaging and taunting foes to attack them. Basically creates a damage field that absorbs agro for you. Since it's not a real pet, and each Shadow despawns when it's anchor mob is defeated, the power's recharge would be MUCH shorter (Say 60-90seconds) allowing them to be resummoned frequently.)

Dark Miasma would get the following changes:

Fearsome Stare - Cone shortened to 50feet. Recharge increased from 40seconds to 60seconds (maybe even up to 90s depending). Magnitude lowered from 3, to 2. This still leaves it useful for neutralizing minions, or for stacking, akin to Thunder Clap's uses from Storm, but makes it so that you can't use it very well as a primary control method.

Dark Servant - Gets the Mastermind treatment... Recharge upped from 240seconds to 500seconds. Retains it's 240seconds duration.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Dark Assault.

Most likely something like this:

1) Dark Blast
2) Shadow Punch (1.32ds, 6s recharge)
4) Gloom
10) Shadow Maul
16) Smite (1.64ds, 8s recharge)
20) Siphon Life or Life Drain (1.96ds, 10s recharge)(Counts as the set's Utility power, cause the main powers you would put here, Soul Drain and Dark Consumption are already in the PPPs/APPs so can't go in the set.)
28) Night Fall (hopefully with a wider cone)
35) Moonbeam (I would frankly rather get something else here, but the snipe is most likely)
38) Midnight Grasp

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Well every Dom secondary that could have a Snipe did, so it's in.
Aye, and in fairness a "feature" of Dark Blast is that it gets its snipe early.

Snipes really need a look at though in general. Personally I'd give them a mag 2 fear or stun on the target (depending on the snipe, Darks, AR and Psi would have fear, others would have stun) and a 60% chance of summoning a 10 foot mag 2 same-mez type patch at the target, to represent the shock and awe of a mob getting headshot.

In terms of Dark Control the idea of nicking powers from the Soul Patron Pool and Warshades as Oathbound has done makes some sense. As a Domi I also like the multiple PBAOEs too (because I'd like to try another melee friendly Domi with Dark or Earth Assault)

One idea I had for the Dark Control Tier 9 pet would be taking the mechanism from Extract Essence (summon a pet from an enemy corpse) and summon the Spirit from Necromancys Soul Extraction as a Shade or Shadow (dunno what tier of Spirit you'd summon really, 2 would probably be about right). Like Extract Essence and Soul Extraction each pet would only stick around for a few mins, but you could have more than one out if you slotted them for recharge.



Doms will get a dark assault set right around the time that Dark Blast gets proliferated to blasters, which should be next on the list as it's the only blast set they don't have. This way, the devs will be able to also create a Dark Manipulation secondary to pair with. In this way, you'll be able to service a very popular AT (blasters) and give your less-played AT something shiny as a byproduct.

I also imagine a Dark Control set for doms and controllers would hit around this as well although there's the hang up of two things: Illusion Control and Dark Miasma. Will either or both of those be direct ports? Or will a Dark Control be created that's a hybrid of the two and therefore satisfy both crowds without causing the problems that exist with Ill for doms and DM for trolls.

Please buff Ice Control.