What's your Incarnate Item?
I think what happens to the artifact is influenced by your origin. For instance, my magic character recently did the arc and it solidified into a magical symbol. I don't remember any poofing.
At the end, when you obtain your first shard from where the well used to be it evaporates and you become empowered.
My Going Rogue Trailer
Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best
I guess if we need an Incarnate item, for Eiko, it'd be a map of her genome. Which, thanks to Ouroboros, she could trip back in time to slip it into her father's lab before she was "conceived" (she's sort of a genetically engineered vat baby, though she does have two distinct genetic forebears) - thus making Eiko's incarnate power her own DNA, and, in a way, making her her own creation.
She was an Incarnate all along!
My main's would be her helmet. According to her backstory, it was Athena's own helm and the source of all my main's powers.
My main claims to have bettered herself over her rival using every ounce of her own strength, clawing away at the world tooth an nail. Her rival simply picked up a magical gun, and she claims that her hard-won natural power means she's better than him.
Of course, my main is a Mastermind, so she's not really doing much work herself, she's just getting her thugs to do the work for her.
Of course, the little work she does do comes from demonic power (Dark Miasma, Soul Mastery, and /l Live free, Demonic Aura!$$cce 4 howl$$powexecname demonic aura).
My main is a pretty big hypocrite.
I think I'll use sirloin steak on my next hero. That way I can change his name to "Incarnate Asada".
An Illudium Q-36 Space Modulator.
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