Solo Master of LRSF




Yeah Mind/Fire is pretty potent, for comparison, here's my 50 Mind/Fire's build

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



I've been combing the forums for ideas in dominator builds and fell upon this. Wow, just wow!


"Look out! It's the monk of funk!" - @Hermetic
"With, Keil you just can't fail. >.>" - @Wrax



What other secondaries could possibly work for soloing the LRSF? Thorns? Energy? Earth?

Just trying to get some ideas...

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



Very cool man I am impressed, I created a Mind/Earth Dom a little awhile ago to make a AV Killer but I am starting to think I should of made it a Mind/Fire. Think its time to re-create the character



3 weeks late, but hey now! Don't hate on the mind/earth! I've proven it doable



Originally Posted by SlaveDawg View Post
What other secondaries could possibly work for soloing the LRSF? Thorns? Energy? Earth?

Just trying to get some ideas...
I was wondering about Mind/Thorns as well, as that's my main permadom. Would that be viable?

Congrats on pulling this off, Fiery. I bow to your uberness!



I bet that with the addition of the other incarnate powers (Reactive Total Radial Interface+ comes to mind), I'm sure the "less damaging secondaries" could pull off an MoLRSF as well. Fill me in on the results once someone's tried xD

Also, big gratz on the achievement! Even though you never died, I'm sure it must've been a tough couple hours for your concentration

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself