Gaussian's Chance for Build Up
Gaussian's Chance for Build Up has too small a chance to fire for it to be noticeable in play. It's.. what.. a 2% chance for a Build Up effect that lasts 10 seconds? Or is it 5%?
You won't see the proc announce in the combat log. I think its in the Healing Delivered log, because it's a Granted Power effect.
Next time you go to WW or are otherwise spending some time doing something non-combat, stay shifted in Nova Form and then (after several minutes) go check the Healing Delivered log to see how many times Gaussian procced for you.

You won't see the proc announce in the combat log. I think its in the Healing Delivered log, because it's a Granted Power effect.
Next time you go to WW or are otherwise spending some time doing something non-combat, stay shifted in Nova Form and then (after several minutes) go check the Healing Delivered log to see how many times Gaussian procced for you. |
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
It fires so rarely I wouldn't put it in anything except a toggle (unless you're going for 6-set bonuses). In a toggle it's still fairly rare, but when if does go off it's gravy.
I don't think you're correct here. I have the Proc slotted in Tactics, and when it fires I see something akin to 'Your Attack Power has been enhanced' in the combat log (don't remember exact verbage).
It fires so rarely I wouldn't put it in anything except a toggle (unless you're going for 6-set bonuses). In a toggle it's still fairly rare, but when if does go off it's gravy. |
Personal experience, that % is faulty.
I have used it in Tactics, Targeting Drone, Nova, Build Ups and just about everywhere - I've seen it go off ONCE. My Fire/Fire/Pyre Tank's Build UP - after ckicking it for about the billionth time.
My personal opinion; its more use to have the +percept proc than Guassian's - I only use it on builds I want the def boost on in the set.
As more completely anecdotal info, it goes off every now and then for me, but I pay special attention to my damage bonuses. Not a consistent thing at all, but it is a nice perk which costs me nothing since I do not need that slot for anything else.
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Anecdotal info: My Kat/SR scrapper has it slotted in Focused Accuracy (it was a throw away power anyway that I don't particularly need and have no slots for). It's gravy to run it when I do. On the occasion I'm teaming with someone that'll give me recovery to burn, run FA for the BU proc. Why not, I say. Since I have a window opened for healing recieved to see my END and -res procs going off, I can see when the BU proc goes off. It's not frequent but I still notice it going off when I suddenly rip apart my targets.
I wouldn't suggest putting the proc into anything unless you a.> need the set bonus, b.> putting it in a throw away power you want a reason to use, c.> like procs.
I just happen to fulfill b. and c. so I use it on a few other characters (SD/DM Tanker, Claws/EA Brute and planning for it in my Peacebringer later)

Personally, I think the best place for Gaussian's Proc is in Nova Form ... even as the only enhancement slotted. It's not like you need Fly Speed in Nova Form anymore ...

I can confirm that, in Tactics at least, it displays a message in the combat log...and that it fires so rarely that it's quite the surprize when it manages to go off at a useful time ( combat).

It's slightly green text so its in those buff messages. yep
I don't worry about the proc going off. I just slot it for the set bonus
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I like Leo G's response. I worked with it a lot in my db/sr with the attack chain of BF > Sweeping strike > ablating strike (with a lot of procs: Guas in BF; Sweep with armageddon and FoGladiator; ablating had Achilles'). Anecdotally and supported in the Rikti pylons thread it adds about 1% damage buff, but when it goes off: oooo, awwww, wow! (fireworks)
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
It goes off every once in awhile.. use only if you want to fill a slot.. cuase otherwise its really not worth it...
The better thing to use in nova or for the human form bolt or eye beam is the chance for build up in the range slot.. You can fire it every second and will see it go off more frequently..
When my pb was triform i had it in my first nova blast and it went off all the time..
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Thanks for the responses, all! Slotted over it with a Performance Shifter proc last night!
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies
Just spent nearly an entire TF in nova, blasting away, and the other night in a Hami Raid spent the entire time in nova. I have that proc slotted in Nova's form, but not once did I see it go off or find it in the combat log.
Anyone else have that kind of a run of bad luck with this proc? I'm thinking about slotting a Performance Shifter +end right over it.
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies