Make /auctionhouse available to all




The upcoming 84 month vet reward is:

In addition to the badge, for 7 years in City of Heroes you will be able to remote access the Auction Houses with the slash command /auctionhouse and gain an additional Character Slot.
I suggest making a market related accolade that will enable /auctionhouse for those who do not have the vet reward.

Perhaps one of the existing major sales badges could result in the accolade that would do this.

The vet power would still be better in that we won't have to earn it for every character but it would be a nice feature for newer players.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I fully support this suggestion. Hell I want this bad enough that I would pay twenty dollars for it(though I don't expect many others to feel the same way).



Uh.../signed (again, heh)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'd still (personally) like to see it added as an SG base item.
I would like both. That way everybody is happy.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I would like both. That way everybody is happy.
I am sure we can find someone who wouldn't be but that doesn't deter me.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Feeling entitled, are we?

I won't see it for at least another year as a Vet reward. And as I've just gotten serious about some marketeering I sure could use it. But I can wait.

What I REALLY want to see (besides a base AH access item) is Web access to the AH or, better yet, some smartphone apps (Android/iPhone) to allow mobile access. When I can get into the game I'd much rather be playing City of Heroes than City of Day Traders. When I can't get into the game would be the ideal time for me to be marketeering and crafting, at least from my point of view.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I fully support this suggestion. Hell I want this bad enough that I would pay twenty dollars for it(though I don't expect many others to feel the same way).
Eh, I don't think this would reach my "$20 just for this one thing" threshold but I'd probably pay for it if it were part of a $9.99 Booster Pack that came along with other stuff too. I'd reserve my "I'd pay $20 just for that" offer for additional costume slots for characters, but of course that's a topic for another suggestions thread.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
Feeling entitled, are we?

I won't see it for at least another year as a Vet reward. And as I've just gotten serious about some marketeering I sure could use it. But I can wait.

What I REALLY want to see (besides a base AH access item) is Web access to the AH or, better yet, some smartphone apps (Android/iPhone) to allow mobile access. When I can get into the game I'd much rather be playing City of Heroes than City of Day Traders. When I can't get into the game would be the ideal time for me to be marketeering and crafting, at least from my point of view.
Yes I am feeling very entitled about sharing my vet reward I get the first week it is out.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'd love to see it opened up to all, but I'd settle for buying it as part of a booster pack. Just water it down so that the Vet Reward stays exclusive.

Something like a pet power that summons a market vendor who's on a 30 min cool-down after you close the window. All of these mechanics are in the game already, so it's not hard to do (I THINK).

And when I say PART of a pack, I mean add more to the boost than that. Like Ebil Marketeer costume pieces. You could call it the Ebil Booster.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
Feeling entitled, are we?

I won't see it for at least another year as a Vet reward. And as I've just gotten serious about some marketeering I sure could use it. But I can wait.

What I REALLY want to see (besides a base AH access item) is Web access to the AH or, better yet, some smartphone apps (Android/iPhone) to allow mobile access. When I can get into the game I'd much rather be playing City of Heroes than City of Day Traders. When I can't get into the game would be the ideal time for me to be marketeering and crafting, at least from my point of view.
...there are some things going on in this post with which the devs cannot help you. For those that they can:
*base AH access would be nice, but it wouldn't help mid-mission; bases themselves have been devolved--between Mission Transporting, Ouro Portaling, and the combining of the respective transit systems--to gathering spots for roleplayers, and/or salvage storage/crafting. I would certainly rather just open up my nifty /auctionhouse window then run to my SG base every few missions.

*I think you might have misunderstood the OP, and I can speak directly to it, as it was actually linked from an idea I posted in the Market forums. The point is that something as specific as instant access to the Auction House/Black Market confers a greater benefit on those players who make great use of said House/Market than those who do not, and that this has nothing at all to do with how long anyone has been playing/paying for the game. As I mentioned in my original post (in the other forum), I know many, many 5 and 6 year veterans who don't use the market very much, but I cannot say the same for those who have their Field Crafter badge. Tying the /auctionhouse into an Accolade or a Booster Pack sidesteps that issue, as those who want it will either pony up the $10, or work towards the badge.

I'm not really sure where "entitlement" comes into play vis a vis this suggestion.



I certainly won't be unhappy if others gain it through payment or something, but I actually like it being something hard to attain. I think CoX has made things too easy to get (like the Vanguard loyalty pack, the Epic ATs unlocked at 20, and items like that). I actually like seeing some rare things in the game that take time to get.

I like that purple drops are pretty rare. I wish they hadn't even upped the rate at all. I LOVED that they were super rare and special, but I digress.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Hard to attain =/= pay us $15 for 7 years, though.



Originally Posted by StormDevil View Post
Hard to attain =/= pay us $15 for 7 years, though.
I guess the way that I see it is that this is a loyalty perk that is not necessary. It's a perk that makes things more convenient, but we have done fine without it so far. We have paid for 7 years and every three months get another perk. So, as I said, I like it.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Well for my 2 inf, I am in the /unsigned camp.

The market is optional, and there is a temp power via day job or buy that brings you right to a market. I also feel it will open discussion on buying other vet rewards early. I still feel vet rewards are a thank you from the devs and that money has nothing to do with it, as much as people claim it does. Allowing it to come early goes against that thank you mentality.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I certainly won't be unhappy if others gain it through payment or something, but I actually like it being something hard to attain. I think CoX has made things too easy to get (like the Vanguard loyalty pack, the Epic ATs unlocked at 20, and items like that). I actually like seeing some rare things in the game that take time to get.
I'm not against the idea of Vet awards being considered "unique" or even "exclusive" but the idea of them being "hard to get" is a bit misleading because as StormDevil implied you just have to be patient enough to pay a monthly bill for a certain number of months. Nothing really "hard" about it.

But a serious problem with this market thing being a Vet award is that it breaks the precedent already set with two other Accolade awards. The Field Crafter badge gives us remote access to a crafting table and the Mission Engineer badge gives us remote access to the AE system. It actually makes relatively little sense that something new that gives us "remote access" to the marekts would not also be an Accolade award. Why would I have to earn a bunch of badges for those other powers and just have to be an old-timer for this new one?

Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Well for my 2 inf, I am in the /unsigned camp.

The market is optional, and there is a temp power via day job or buy that brings you right to a market. I also feel it will open discussion on buying other vet rewards early. I still feel vet rewards are a thank you from the devs and that money has nothing to do with it, as much as people claim it does. Allowing it to come early goes against that thank you mentality.
This is the main reason why I don't think this makes for a good Vet award. It's simply not "unique/special" enough to be worthy of something I had to play/pay over 7 years to get. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Oh, I don't disagree with either Penny or Shaggy. What I do feel is odd is that the thank you, in the form of the perk, doesn't necessarily equate with player interests. To me, it makes more sense, from a truly "thanks guys!" perspective, to offer /auctionhouse as a reward to those who use it the most, as they would get the most benefit from it.

EDIT: *high-fives Lothic* That sums up my perspective pretty nicely.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
The market is optional, and there is a temp power via day job or buy that brings you right to a market. I also feel it will open discussion on buying other vet rewards early. I still feel vet rewards are a thank you from the devs and that money has nothing to do with it, as much as people claim it does. Allowing it to come early goes against that thank you mentality.
I think equating a "remote access" ability to a "teleport power" is pretty darn flawed. Let's say your in a mission, and your salvage and recipes has filled. You have to keep deleting things if you want to stay in the mission, or zone (TWICE) and go to the market to unload/post/get (if you don't want potential drops to go to waste). Not leaving your mission and opening up your storage allows for a much faster gaming experience. It's not just QOL, it actually does allow for faster leveling (in real world time) if used to its advantage.

But I digress. It can remain a unique QOL feature as a Vet Reward while offering slightly watered-down versions as purchasable items (like the suggestion I made above).


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I think equating a "remote access" ability to a "teleport power" is pretty darn flawed. Let's say your in a mission, and your salvage and recipes has filled. You have to keep deleting things if you want to stay in the mission, or zone (TWICE) and go to the market to unload/post/get (if you don't want potential drops to go to waste). Not leaving your mission and opening up your storage allows for a much faster gaming experience. It's not just QOL, it actually does allow for faster leveling (in real world time) if used to its advantage.

But I digress. It can remain a unique QOL feature as a Vet Reward while offering slightly watered-down versions as purchasable items (like the suggestion I made above).
Likewise one could easily counter the idea that this award's advantage of letting you access the market mid-mission would be such an extraordinarily wonderful benefit that it blows the simple "market TF" powers out of the water. I think since the markets were introduced I can count on one hand the number of times I really, really wanted/needed to have market access mid-mission. Trying to make the case that this feature will allow for significant improvements in leveling speeds is definitely hyping up a mountain out of a molehill.

And as for the idea of making two versions of this thing (a Vet version and a non-Vet version) I just can't see the Devs ever putting that much effort into it. We don't have Vet and non-Vet versions of what Field Crafter and Mission Engineer provide - why would we get two versions of this new power?

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
Yes I am feeling very entitled about sharing my vet reward I get the first week it is out.

I, personally don't really care one way or the other (I'm only on something like 40 months or so).
I can definitely see how this is a rather large QoL bonus that could be freed up in some alternate manner, such as an accolade (which, if it were Field Crafter, I still wouldn't see any time soon... and that is A-Okay fine by me and keeps the spirit of the vet reward still being a rather nice thank you).

I dislike costume pieces, and such, being tied to vet rewards beyond a year or two... 7 years is pretty far out of range for new players. So, I thought these vet rewards were great for the vets who will earn them, but not too bad for those you won't... However, I could see the validity of claims that this /ah command goes a bit beyond that happy balance.

Time as a vet isn't so much "earned", it can just be a happenstance of it you were here or not.
I'm certainly not griping about any of it, but I agree with the idea of this suggestion.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Why would I have to earn a bunch of badges for those other powers and just have to be an old-timer for this new one?
Because... Old timers are afraid to leave their house and have an especially hard time hearing what's going on at the auction house?

Hehe, really, I agree with everything you said in that post!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I think equating a "remote access" ability to a "teleport power" is pretty darn flawed. Let's say your in a mission, and your salvage and recipes has filled. You have to keep deleting things if you want to stay in the mission, or zone (TWICE) and go to the market to unload/post/get (if you don't want potential drops to go to waste). Not leaving your mission and opening up your storage allows for a much faster gaming experience. It's not just QOL, it actually does allow for faster leveling (in real world time) if used to its advantage.

But I digress. It can remain a unique QOL feature as a Vet Reward while offering slightly watered-down versions as purchasable items (like the suggestion I made above).
Wow, another 2 inf! This thread is killing me.

Any how, I view levelling faster as a very extreme example, and one you can't quantify - 5 min faster? A day, week, etc? If a player is so caught on levelling speed, then drops are the least on their mind. They can farm all they want as a 50.

Also, if a player is so full on inventory, why didn't they sell before the miss or just put stuff on email? If a low level toon gets a great drop like respec recipe, I would think they would delete a generic recipe or email item to make room. And just how often is that really?



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Wow, another 2 inf! This thread is killing me.

Any how, I view levelling faster as a very extreme example, and one you can't quantify - 5 min faster? A day, week, etc? If a player is so caught on levelling speed, then drops are the least on their mind. They can farm all they want as a 50.

Also, if a player is so full on inventory, why didn't they sell before the miss or just put stuff on email? If a low level toon gets a great drop like respec recipe, I would think they would delete a generic recipe or email item to make room. And just how often is that really?
True, I was using hyperbole. But trying to equate the vet reward to the TP powers is as grand a statement as mine was.

My question is, how does a low level toon know he's about to get a respec recipe that he needs to make room for? What if he already had a KB IO? The thing is, this power does bring a great advantage to those who use the market and who make the most of the drops they get. Unless you're selling/going-to-the-market between every mission, it's not entirely unheard of when your inventory gets full. Many people can fill up on one mission.

Some might say that the devs haven't made alt-versions of Vet Rewards before, but I consider Ninja Run to be a nice alternative to having a travel power at level 6.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
True, I was using hyperbole. But trying to equate the vet reward to the TP powers is as grand a statement as mine was.

My question is, how does a low level toon know he's about to get a respec recipe that he needs to make room for? What if he already had a KB IO? The thing is, this power does bring a great advantage to those who use the market and who make the most of the drops they get. Unless you're selling/going-to-the-market between every mission, it's not entirely unheard of when your inventory gets full. Many people can fill up on one mission.
Just to be clear I don't deny that this Vet power has the potential be more useful than the current Market TP powers. I just contend that it will not be THAT MUCH MORE useful or unique to justify it being a post 7 year Vet award. Nothing about it screams "this would make a better high-end Vet award than an Accolade award" to me. *shrugs*

Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Some might say that the devs haven't made alt-versions of Vet Rewards before, but I consider Ninja Run to be a nice alternative to having a travel power at level 6.
Trying to define Ninja Run as an "alternative" to the 60th month Vet award is one of the biggest stretches of logic I've seen in these forums in a while. I think you shot past "that's ridiculous" all the way into "that's so ridiculous that's actually pretty impressive for its audacity" territory. Congrats to you.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Trying to define Ninja Run as an "alternative" to the 60th month Vet award is one of the biggest stretches of logic I've seen in these forums in a while. I think you shot past "that's ridiculous" all the way into "that's so ridiculous that's actually pretty impressive for its audacity" territory. Congrats to you.
Not really. Many people use it as their only travel power. And at the low levels, how much faster is SS over Ninja Run? Between levels 4 and 14, NR isn't that much slower that travel powers you can have between 6 and 14. Yes, SS is faster and might be considered by some to be better, but is it that much better between 6-14 that NR can't be considered a decent travel alternative?

I've unlocked the 60 month badge, and it doesn't feel "ridiculously faster" at those levels that NR becomes a joke.

As a side note, I was making a comparison to the "watered-down" suggestion I made for booster packs when making this comment. So it's more of a "Booster /AH power is to Vet Reward" as "NR is to Vet Reward" analogy. Does this explain the "audacity" to you?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.