Speeder and Speed Demon




Trying to finish off my winter badges, but having a tough time getting highest badges on the skiing missions. Are there any secrets, advice, help that you can give me?

@Doctor Density
A respectable lvl 50 INV/SS tank
Currently "Rogue"



Originally Posted by Iplaygames View Post
Trying to finish off my winter badges, but having a tough time getting highest badges on the skiing missions. Are there any secrets, advice, help that you can give me?
find a kin. Ask for Inertial Reduction

The only stats that matters on the ski-slopes is your jumping speed and air control. Your run-speed has nothing to do with it.

Trust me. I've turned on Walk, which disables hurdle and harms air control, and still turned in a sub 48 second run on the Luge just on IR alone:

* * *

Also, as a sub note, the Luge run is fairly level limited. Even with max jump speed, you probably are going to need a level 30 or higher to turn in a gold time.



Have a kin hit u with IR and SB, jump to make small adjustments. I helped a stone tank buddy get it that way, in granite no less.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Also, as a sub note, the Luge run is fairly level limited. Even with max jump speed, you probably are going to need a level 30 or higher to turn in a gold time.
Not true. I did it with a level 11 with just IR and Ninja run. Knowing the course and where the things that can slow you down is the key, but it can be done. Without Ninja run, then your level can play into it.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Also, as a sub note, the Luge run is fairly level limited. Even with max jump speed, you probably are going to need a level 30 or higher to turn in a gold time.
I've done it on a level 24 character, and I've heard of someone doing it on a level 1.



Thanks so much everyone! Now to try it.

@Doctor Density
A respectable lvl 50 INV/SS tank
Currently "Rogue"



Alternatively, if you have or can generate a build with Combat Jumping or Super Jump, you can make this run pretty easily. I had all the top scores on my MM back when she was in the 30s long before I managed to get it with my 50, who uses flight. (In the end I got it with the safeguard jump pack, and when they made the luge slope I used the second build I hadn't made yet to get SJ).

Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
find a kin. Ask for Inertial Reduction

The only stats that matters on the ski-slopes is your jumping speed and air control. Your run-speed has nothing to do with it.

Trust me. I've turned on Walk, which disables hurdle and harms air control, and still turned in a sub 48 second run on the Luge just on IR alone:

* * *

Also, as a sub note, the Luge run is fairly level limited. Even with max jump speed, you probably are going to need a level 30 or higher to turn in a gold time.
That is both true and not true. You listed the right power, but not exactly for the right reasons. As I mentioned in the other thread, IR helps dramatically with MovementControl and MovementFriction, which is really what's needed. As far as I can tell, those aren't as limited as the actual Jump speed/height caps you listed, and you can get gold at almost any level.