Patch today no notes anywhere




Is this for the broken WL realm? I would really like to know before I waste my time getting a team together to kill him just to get teleported back to AP again.



The servers aren't even up back yet, be patient.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



there goes my EoE farming planned for 2pm Eastern...... :/



Yeah I hope this is a quick one - this is sorta prime time for a lot of people.

Oh, well. I'll go play Whack-A-Rat for awhile.



Wow I was not expecting anything till Monday or Tuesday. I didn't think they worked weekends. Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember last time they rolled out a Winter Event and it had issue's we got a 2nd Winter Event =)



they use to give you an idea when they would do patches and updates. now they dont even bother to tell you what they did after its done. I cant imagine they would think its a good idea to drop the servers mid day on a saturday, but nothing developers do ever suprises me. Hopefully they will fix something this time without breaking 5 other things like the past year or so worth of patches.. makes me think theres alot of budget cutbacks at the ole developers place. :P cause the workmanship is dropping month by month... really really cant figure out why the servers are down at 2pm on a saturday lol guess ill have to blow the dust off my WoW account til CoH wants to be useable again. shame.



whats more disheartening, is that they didn't even make a post this morning or before it went down that it WAS going down for emergency reasons. Maybe it did in game, but I got in just to do my thang at the time and BAM, patch and server down..

I'm a sad panda.



Originally Posted by Napalm1 View Post
they use to give you an idea when they would do patches and updates. now they dont even bother to tell you what they did after its done. I cant imagine they would think its a good idea to drop the servers mid day on a saturday, but nothing developers do ever suprises me. Hopefully they will fix something this time without breaking 5 other things like the past year or so worth of patches.. makes me think theres alot of budget cutbacks at the ole developers place. :P cause the workmanship is dropping month by month... really really cant figure out why the servers are down at 2pm on a saturday lol guess ill have to blow the dust off my WoW account til CoH wants to be useable again. shame.
Meh, I had plans to finally run some TFs today. Darn RL work and family kept me from them since i19 launched. This downtime really screwed me over, and think I'll just stick to single player games for a while. They at least run on my schedule.

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Originally Posted by Napalm1 View Post
they use to give you an idea when they would do patches and updates. now they dont even bother to tell you what they did after its done. I cant imagine they would think its a good idea to drop the servers mid day on a saturday, but nothing developers do ever suprises me. Hopefully they will fix something this time without breaking 5 other things like the past year or so worth of patches.. makes me think theres alot of budget cutbacks at the ole developers place. :P cause the workmanship is dropping month by month... really really cant figure out why the servers are down at 2pm on a saturday lol guess ill have to blow the dust off my WoW account til CoH wants to be useable again. shame.
Really, you can't figure it out? Part of the Winter Event which went live yesterday is broken, and you can't figure out why the servers suddenly went down the next day? It doesn't even occur to you that they're fixing it. Seriously, cry more.

An announcement thread would have been nice though.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Really, you can't figure it out? Part of the Winter Event which went live yesterday is broken, and you can't figure out why the servers suddenly went down the next day? It doesn't even occur to you that they're fixing it. Seriously, cry more.

An announcement thread would have been nice though.
maybe some people didn't know the winter event was broke at all.
I didn't know there was anything wrong with it. I ran the Winter Lady mish successfully once.



haha whos crying? I know about the WL problem, Forgive me for speaking more of a buisness standpoint but we knew there was an issue with WL at noon yesterday.. why wait 24 hours to a busy time to down them? and why not tell anyone? just because we can all figure out what it up doesnt mean you shouldnt let people know anymore. besides that it doesnt take to much quality control to test things to make sure there isnt such a blatent issue such as this one is. Got very few complaints about content and some great players in this game, its one of my favorite. Just saying a little curtousy isnt bad when youre taking money from people for a service, maybe im jsut old school that way. sorry ill stop "crying" now lol



Servers are coming back up as I write this.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Really, you can't figure it out? Part of the Winter Event which went live yesterday is broken, and you can't figure out why the servers suddenly went down the next day? It doesn't even occur to you that they're fixing it. Seriously, cry more.

An announcement thread would have been nice though.

From what I gathered talking to some QA people at Paragon Studios, they don't have rednames to post under, no priveleges to post in the Announcements section, or anything similar.

They have to rely on others, usually the OCR team, to post things. Being that this was an emergency patch to fix the Winter Event as quickly as possible, it is very likely that they worked through until they got a fix and were able to test it on the closed servers. After that, they likely pushed it out as soon as they could so that the Winter Event stuff was working right. When we had problems before, they extended the event's scheduled timeframe because they couldn't get a quick solution. However, it's possible that they haven't been able to make personal contact with anyone on the OCR team to have them post about it.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Infinite_Zero View Post
maybe some people didn't know the winter event was broke at all.
I didn't know there was anything wrong with it. I ran the Winter Lady mish successfully once.
Ironically, it's not the new part of the event that's broken, it's the part from last year -- the Winter Lord thing.

Originally Posted by Napalm1 View Post
haha whos crying? I know about the WL problem, Forgive me for speaking more of a buisness standpoint but we knew there was an issue with WL at noon yesterday.. why wait 24 hours to a busy time to down them? and why not tell anyone? just because we can all figure out what it up doesnt mean you shouldnt let people know anymore. besides that it doesnt take to much quality control to test things to make sure there isnt such a blatent issue such as this one is. Got very few complaints about content and some great players in this game, its one of my favorite. Just saying a little curtousy isnt bad when youre taking money from people for a service, maybe im jsut old school that way. sorry ill stop "crying" now lol
Problems actually take time to solve, you know. Also FYI the servers are coming back up now so you can drop the kleenex and get back your gaming.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



good, was runnng out, didntwanna have to result to toliet paper