In-Character Formspring




Originally Posted by ransim View Post
I mentioned formspring to mine and they all blew me off. They seemed annoyed I never have time to be in game for actual RP.

Yeah. Pretty much. My friends told me it was cute, that it was ideal for Gideon... and terrible like in a biblical way, potentially able to end life as we know it.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Just noticed Enerjack's powerset, going to bother the CRAP out of him now...

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



One thing I really hate about the thing is the music exchanging bits. All my best and most profound stuff is in German and relatively obscure. No way Gideon would really get that and use it.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
One thing I really hate about the thing is the music exchanging bits. All my best and most profound stuff is in German and relatively obscure. No way Gideon would really get that and use it.
I would probably get it... actually depending on what it was Azure might, she has a lot of free time on her hands since she doesn't sleep ever.

I am glad at least the more wacky things I can post are right up Azure's alley. Like Peelander-Z.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
I would probably get it... actually depending on what it was Azure might, she has a lot of free time on her hands since she doesn't sleep ever.
Brat needs a proper job. The rest of us who don't sleep either have one too. And if it's just being designated drinker. Anyways I'm sure you would. Well, not sure if you're into the whole Neofolk/Medieval thing or whether you've heard of my man Rummelsnuff (though I do pimp him on here once in a while), but Gideon definitely wouldn't. Ah well.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
We should get the OP updated with a list of everyone's formspring accounts and get this thread stickied. I've been trying to follow everyone myself.
This is becoming a problem too. Haha I feel like I'm self centered cause I'm not asking nearly as many questions as I'm being asked. Teehee >\w/<

Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
Just noticed Enerjack's powerset, going to bother the CRAP out of him now...

Hahaha is that you with the Overlord visors and green face? I swear that was completely random set up and it's one I've struggled with trying to make work for YEARs. I die so much right now as a brute because it's like the toggles just aren't doing it for me. I tried energy and that was a pain as well and didn't feel... electrifying enough. He's supposed to be manipulating matter at a sub atomic level which would explain KM as a primary since he'd pretty much be more of a brawling and ranged combatant then say Static Shock who ran around magnetizing everything... not that IC he wouldn't be able to do that too of course.

Funny thing is Super Speed was going to be his power set. Haven't used that in a while on any of my characters. But I'll probably go with TP and wait for the vet reward so I can take it AND maybe fly. His mode of transportation is more accustomed to TP anyways, since he'd crackle and vanish in a bolt before striking the desired position far away.



Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
Brat needs a proper job. The rest of us who don't sleep either have one too. And if it's just being designated drinker. Anyways I'm sure you would. Well, not sure if you're into the whole Neofolk/Medieval thing or whether you've heard of my man Rummelsnuff (though I do pimp him on here once in a while), but Gideon definitely wouldn't. Ah well.
She works a lot actually between modelling, the standard heroing fare and her volunteer work with the military and Vanguard. But no one can keep anyone occupied 24/7 365. Well never mind that while she might be a useful asset she probably grinds on everyone else's nerves in the manner she's already grinding on all of yours.

Rummelsnuff is a new one for me, but actually quite good. Passing that one on to Negami too. Rather then turn this whole thread into music, which I could really do, just PM me a bunch of stuff and I'll check it out >_< I also just started using too. I like music, a lot, and I'm always looking for more stuff. But again I listen to pretty much anything, I think country is the only genre I don't care much for.

Also how did I wake up to 12 questions waiting for me! *dies*



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
This sounds so tempting
I didn't have to be coerced and I did it. It's actually a lot of fun. :P



Sounds like fun, will try and set one up when I get back from work later tonight. Curse you corporate firewalls.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I think I'll get in on this as well. I need help picking who to try this with first. Anyone mind telling me which sounds the most interesting?

Human Air Horn- Sonic/NRG Blaster, mutant. Got his powers from a motorcycle accident that injured him so badly it awoke his latent mutation.

Overseer Kuznetsov- Crab Spider. Big ol' Russian guy with a bit of a bipolar (anywhere between furious and hilarious) temperament.

Tyranny of Silence- Night Widower. Arachnos' chief ambassador to other nations/organizations. He's mute, and spends much of his time buried in the international paperwork Arachnos has to deal with.

Jolt-Charge Thunder- Elec/Regen Scrapper, mutant. College frat-boy who got his powers after being struck by lightning during a frat party in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Neuronomicon- Ill/Kin 'troller, mutant. Gained his powers by awakening his mutation during a surgical procedure that replaced his entire nervous system with a 'neurokinetic' network that wires to his brain. He spends his time teaching neuroscience at Steel Canyon U and saving the day when needed.

Vince Blood- Pistol/Kin, natural. He owns a bar and seems to be in a constant state of inebriation. There's a little more to him than that, but since he never mentions it, no one quite knows why he seems so different.

Exec (Tovias Orqell)- Mind/Psi Dom, natural. He's a powerful psychic/telekinetic with a love of the Human Resources business. Since he can make people do whatever he wants just by thinking it, his HR company Orqell Services is one of the best HR agencies in the world.

Ulrich Van Sturm- Traps/DP 'fender, natural. He owns the company Van Sturm Industries, a worldwide vendor of small devices and military-grade inventions.

Steven "Synaptus" Murwin- Elec/Rad 'troller, mutant. Steven, a loyal Praetorian, gained his powers while dosing on a designer drug. The drug caused him to emit electricity and various forms of energy discharge, not limited to radiation. So he started a metal band. His band 'Six Levels, One Boss' is a huge hit in Praetoria, even with the stoic Emperor Cole. Such singles include "Resist my Fist", "Desyndicate", "Vice Grip Vindicator" and "Grim Enricher".

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



So I made a boo-boo. If you get a question asking, "So what do you plan on doing now", you don't need to answer. Sorry peeps.



List updated, please post a link to your formspring if you do not see your name listed above!



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Steven "Synaptus" Murwin- Elec/Rad 'troller, mutant. Steven, a loyal Praetorian, gained his powers while dosing on a designer drug. The drug caused him to emit electricity and various forms of energy discharge, not limited to radiation. So he started a metal band. His band 'Six Levels, One Boss' is a huge hit in Praetoria, even with the stoic Emperor Cole. Such singles include "Resist my Fist", "Desyndicate", "Vice Grip Vindicator" and "Grim Enricher".
This one so Mine and yours can form some kind of Rap/Metal abomination

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I think I'll get in on this as well. I need help picking who to try this with first. Anyone mind telling me which sounds the most interesting?
Pick the character you feel the easiest portraying, the one whom you have the firmest grip on and know the most about. Constantly having to wing answers to stuff like 'what was your first pet' can be straining.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



I am TOTALLY not pushing for the Metal/Rap super-hero album idea when I say that Formspring has actually helped me flesh out some ideas by getting questions asked that might not come up in normal RP such as the pet one.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.