In-Character Formspring




Woo, more hawt girls!



This thing is a ravenous beast to keep up with.






Originally Posted by Unhearted View Post
You forgot to arrange them alphabetically.



Gonna take some getting used to the interface. I basically went through and went all click happy, following CoH folks whether I knew them or not. :3



I'm having some confusion in using Formspring. There's no real way to respond to people, is there? Like...say I make a question, someone says something in it, there's no real reply. I click on "Respond to question," and on my profile that answer shows as if I answered someone anonymously.

It's a really neat site, but kinda confusing.



Do you have a screenshot? I'm confused. D:

Edit: Oh, I see. The question has to have come from your inbox to show who asked it.

... I think.



Originally Posted by Square_Woot View Post
I'm having some confusion in using Formspring. There's no real way to respond to people, is there? Like...say I make a question, someone says something in it, there's no real reply. I click on "Respond to question," and on my profile that answer shows as if I answered someone anonymously.

It's a really neat site, but kinda confusing.
Yeah Formspring does that if you answer questions that are not in your inbox.

You have to answer questions via the inbox (i.e. typing in a message in the inbox interface and clicking "post response".) If you do it any other way then your "questioner" will appear as anonymous.

I'd advise following absolutely everyone you can so that you get all the questions in your inbox.

I hope this made sense.



Originally Posted by Encharger View Post
Do you have a screenshot? I'm confused. D:
I'll get one tonight. Basically I'm just trying to respond to people's comments in a question I asked; but find myself unable to.



Oh, you'd have to post the response to that person as a new question then. Formspring doesn't allow for threads of conversation to happen.



Originally Posted by Square_Woot View Post
I'll get one tonight. Basically I'm just trying to respond to people's comments in a question I asked; but find myself unable to.
The site's design is solely about the Q&A, so it doesn't have any sort of comment/reply threading feature. If an answer inspires a follow-up, you can go to the person's profile page to send a new question straight to them, or uncheck Followers and use the Friends button on your own follow stream's question box to select only specific people. The option the corner arrow on questions gives for responding is there mainly for if you see someone answer a question you weren't asked but would like to answer yourself.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Originally Posted by AlwaysAPrice View Post
The site's design is solely about the Q&A, so it doesn't have any sort of comment/reply threading feature. If an answer inspires a follow-up, you can go to the person's profile page to send a new question straight to them, or uncheck Followers and use the Friends button on your own follow stream's question box to select only specific people. The option the corner arrow on questions gives for responding is there mainly for if you see someone answer a question you weren't asked but would like to answer yourself.
I see. And when you answer a question like that, you're not added to that thread unless they follow you, correct?

I'm still sort've getting the hang of it, as well as the proper etiquette for it. (Like, do people often send a question to everyone on their friends list, or just their followers?)



Originally Posted by Square_Woot View Post
I see. And when you answer a question like that, you're not added to that thread unless they follow you, correct?

I'm still sort've getting the hang of it, as well as the proper etiquette for it. (Like, do people often send a question to everyone on their friends list, or just their followers?)
Yeah, it acts as an independent anonymous instance of the question, so it'll appear in the follow stream for anyone following you but not on the page created to collect the answers from the batch of people the question was originally sent to.

As for sending etiquette, I would say when it's a question somehow specific to your character ("If I were an animal, which would I be?") only send to followers, but if it's more general ("What is your favorite animal?") go ahead and blast it to everyone you can.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



Originally Posted by Encharger View Post
Oh, you'd have to post the response to that person as a new question then. Formspring doesn't allow for threads of conversation to happen.
Just around the corner I'm hoping. Since our "participation" there's been quite a few updates so it's looking hopeful.



I'm not on the fist page list. how will people know to experience all my horrible profanity and jerkery?.... T_T

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Going to give this another shot... profile is incomplete, but here's the link. Deathgrind is a combination of Nemesis, Shredder, and Lex Luthor with more self-control than all 3. Eccentric, eloquent, but there's still that "I hurt things to watch them bleed" element. He's currently made himself politically active in the Isles.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



I've gone ahead and opened one of these things up for Dechs Kaison and his Kaison Corporation, as featured on the forums and CoH facebook. If you've got any questions about Kaison Corp, now's your chance to find out about it.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Also does anyone still do this?
Quite a bit. My main ( is following 233 accounts as of adding you and Dechs; of course over time most of those have moved on or been retired as players try out other characters, but people are always drifting to and away from it as time and interest allows. I've seen people fall silent for months then pop back up in my feed out of nowhere. Good indicator of current activity is that a lot of the more general public questions rack up 40-50 individual responses after a few days.

2 quick tips for anyone new to FS to quickly connect to a bunch of folks:

1) Follow, follow, follow. Most people ask their questions with "Followers" checked to send the question to everyone who follows them, so the more folks you're tracking the more questions you'll get, and if they aren't already following you they'll see your answer anyway and have the opportunity to.

2) Ask, ask, ask. Either send out general questions from your own homepage to everyone you've followed, or individual ones to anyone you see that your character might like to know more about. When they answer, anyone following them will see who asked the question.

Do you UHVU?
Orpheus Initiative | Parts Unknown
League of Misfits | The Reciprocators



For new people; I suggest following absolutely everyone, even people you don't like.