New Comics Day - Post your Reviews 12 -15-2010
Mine is a short stack:
John Byrne's Next Men #1
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Darkwing Duck #7 - Morganna vs. Magica! Darkwing vs. Negaduck! Gozmoduck vs. everybody else! All that plus the secret origin of Quiverwing Duck, and the menace that's been terrorizing the waters of St. Canard is finally revealed!
Brightest Day #16 - Most of the issue focuses on the new Aqualad learning his origins and interacting with Aquaman. There's also a framing sequence dealing with Firestorm's situation, along with a peek in at Deathstorm (aka Black Lantern Firestorm) and the abducted Prof. Stein and Mr. Rusch.
Green Lantern #60 - Hal and crew vs. a Parallax-posessed Flash and the being responsible for hunting down the Entities, whose identity is revealed at last on the final page. And in a nod to events in GLC, Sinestro seems to finally be responding to his daughter's abduction by the Weaponer in that series.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Some of the comics I bought:
Brightest Day #16: Mainly a character building issue. Nothing much really happens. Aquaman gets Aqualad ready for action, Deathstorm plays mind games with Prof. Stein and Jason's dad, and Ronnie and Jason hope their sudden power surge as Firestorm hasn't just blown up the universe.
Green Lantern #60: Parallax has possessed Flash, which makes Parallax pretty darn dangerous. But the little guy in bandages who has been collecting the emotional spectrum entities shows up. He claims he once controlled all the entities, and is working to get them back. Other members of the rainbow Lantern crew show up, including a couple more entity-possessed people, and the entity collector proceeds to kick butt. The collector's face is revealed, and we've seen that face before. He goes waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back with the Guardians of the Universe! And not in a good way!
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #5: Somebody is mind controlling Green Lanterns, and tricks them into thinking Guy Gardner and pals are Sinestro Corps members. When they fail to capture/kill our heroes, they commit suicide. Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Green Lanterns getting slaughtered left and right, and this slaughter had weak justification. But the story soon ties into Green Lantern #60, as Atrocitus warns Guy that he needs to help stop that entity collector.
Green Lantern/Plastic Man: Weapons of Mass Deception (one-shot): Aliens and Earth gangsters working together! And the gangsters look like human-sized ducks. It's an oddball story that has nothing to do with anything else going on in DC Comics right now, but it's fun, and it's nice to see Plastic Man in action again. Plastic Man shows that he's still savvy with the gangster crowd, but needs Green Lantern to clobber the aliens.
Superman #706: It's a character building story for Perry White, newspaper boss guy. How often do we see that? And it's just as exciting as it sounds. Well, maybe not quite that exciting.
Batman #705: Lots of interesting characters running around.Sensei of the Lague of Assassins. Peacock, an unusually colorful costumed character for a Batman comic. I-Ching, who helped out Wonder Woman a really long time ago. Riddler and his daughter Enigma. Say, can we someday get the powers that be in DC to set a standard for Riddlers face? Just a bit of a consensus? For somebody who's instantly recognizable by his outfits, it's amazing how artists can't seem to agree on what his face looks like. (He even had extensive plastic surgery to change his appearance some time back, and it didn't help; artists still can't draw him consistently.)
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Looks like Batman and Robin #18 and Batman #705 for me. Might also pick up Spidey #650 (and the issues just before to catch up on the current arc). Read OMIT a while back, and I can see why everyone hates Joephisto, but I still like Spidey (don't know if I should put a or
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
Here's the titles I'll be reading
Batman (#705)
Green Lantern (#060)
GL Em. Warriors (#005)
Brightest Day (#16)
Batman and Robin (#018)
Birds of Prey v2 (#007)
And here be a better list...
This was a Geoff Johns week for me:
Green Lantern
Emerald Warriors
Brightest Day
and scooping up last week's Flash
Green Lantern
Perhaps its simply that so many bits of the story came out at once, but the recap page that opens this issue really makes it feel like Johns is ready to start pulling Brightest Day together. There's a lot of Parallax/Flash fight here, but the big point here is the reveal of the cloaked figure collecting the entities. Not a surprise reveal by any means, but its certainly a nice return that gives the series a firm direction once more.
Emerald Warriors
Our psychic mastermind pits a bunch of GL rookies against Guy and company. It's sort of a frustratingly hopeless fight, but again, this issue is about giving the title some foundation, and the last few pages of blood spray collages certainly do that. Simultaneous events across the 3 GL books have really started to pull things together again.
Brightest Day
Some really nice character work with Aquaman/Lad really make this book. The cover fight happens and comes across entirely unnecessary, but it certainly leads to a great bit of dialog that gives the new Aqualad a solid foundation. The other half of the book is made up of Fire/Deathstorm shinanigans that are certainly solid, but feel more like a work in progress. I really hope next issue gives Firestorm the same kind of footing Aqualad received.
Last week's news, but kind of a filler issue. Basically a Secret Origin for Captain Boomerang that's got some neat ideas, but ultimately exists to move the series forward but lacks what's great about it. Barry is sorely missed, as is the creative use of his powers.
On the Marvel front, I had one book:
Another one of those, "the team puts aside their differences to survive" kind of chapter. Quite the strong conclusion to the Vegas storyline, with a fun use of Thor, Princess Bride references, and a neat use of Darwin (I do love that this entire book is full of characters with deus ex powers). Probably the most frustrating thing is that all the action crowds out the character work that makes the series great. Also GREAT to the far more consistent quality, both in storytelling and art. Hopefully the series can get another big setup soon.
I finally got around to reading the first 3 issues of the recent Amazing Spider-man arc, "Big Time." I stopped buying Spider-man back when Straczynski made the terrible decision to bring Gwen back and creepify her. I was like, "Yeah, I'm out." Then Brand New Day's wrongheadedness happened, so....
These were given to me because the writing is good, I was told. And it is. Dan Slott is firing on all cylinders and except for a bad panel here and there Humberto Ramos' art isn't as goofy as I remember it. The Hobgoblin is completely badass, Kingpin is appropriately Machiavellian and Peter is all genius-y. The story is snappy and moves right along and whenever I got to the end of an issue I thought, "Was that only 5 pages long?" The introduction of the black suit actually makes sense, and Slott spent two entire issues setting up the reason for its existence. Of course, there's no real story reason for the suit to look any different, it's mostly just to remind the reader that Peter is switching things up. It's always nice to see him using his brains as well as his brawn. The arc starts with Spider-Man leading the Avengers into battle against Dr. Octopus' giant octopus robots -- 40 of them! -- rampaging through NYC, and Slott has little mysterious introductions which pay off later. I really like it when writers clearly have a master plan and reveal hints as they go along.
Really good stuff. 5 stars.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I finally got around to reading the first 3 issues of the recent Amazing Spider-man arc, "Big Time." I stopped buying Spider-man back when Straczynski made the terrible decision to bring Gwen back and creepify her. I was like, "Yeah, I'm out." Then Brand New Day's wrongheadedness happened, so....
These were given to me because the writing is good, I was told. And it is. Dan Slott is firing on all cylinders and except for a bad panel here and there Humberto Ramos' art isn't as goofy as I remember it. The Hobgoblin is completely badass, Kingpin is appropriately Machiavellian and Peter is all genius-y. The story is snappy and moves right along and whenever I got to the end of an issue I thought, "Was that only 5 pages long?" The introduction of the black suit actually makes sense, and Slott spent two entire issues setting up the reason for its existence. Of course, there's no real story reason for the suit to look any different, it's mostly just to remind the reader that Peter is switching things up. It's always nice to see him using his brains as well as his brawn. The arc starts with Spider-Man leading the Avengers into battle against Dr. Octopus' giant octopus robots -- 40 of them! -- rampaging through NYC, and Slott has little mysterious introductions which pay off later. I really like it when writers clearly have a master plan and reveal hints as they go along. Really good stuff. 5 stars. ![]() |
Anyway, glad to hear you think the writing is so good. I've only flipped through the occasional Spider-Man comic in the store since OMD/BND, so I might just check these out myself.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Wait wait wait... Spidey actually wears that suit on the far right cover? It's not just some Tron: Legacy tie-in advertising gimmick? Or was I reading that wrong?

Anyway, glad to hear you think the writing is so good. I've only flipped through the occasional Spider-Man comic in the store since OMD/BND, so I might just check these out myself. |
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Batman (#705)
Green Lantern (#060)
GL Em. Warriors (#005)
Brightest Day (#16)
Batman and Robin (#018)
Birds of Prey v2 (#007)
my opinion of these titles is that...well nothing really happened.
Batman learned more about something happening
Hal Jordan had a nice chat with Paralax and learned more about something happening
Guy Gardner learned more about something happening
Aqualad became Aqualad
Firestorm "might have destroyed the universe"
Batman and Robin learned more about something happening
Barbara decided too many people know about Oracle and has decided to kill herself off... after setting up the whole Oracle thing which means the whole thing is stupidly conceived...
Basically it was just a parts of a whole story that without knowing the full story is hard to this week was more or less nothing happened.
He actually wears the suit, and Slott sets up an excellent reason for him to do so. Tron isn't mentioned or even hinted at. Of course, he could've just modified his regular suit, but then it wouldn't have been as cool -- or as easy for the reader to know that he's trying something new. 651 came out this week, too, but apparently I'm only worth $10 to my buddy.
![]() I'm a "writing uber alles" kind of guy and these pass muster. I like good art, too, but good art can't elevate bad writing as much as good writing can overcome bad art, in my opinion. |
Also, that's not the "Tron" suit anyway... this is!

Well I picked up the 3rd issue of "Big Time", and went ahead and read through it. The writing seems better, but the art needs some work. It just looks kinda cartoon-y compared to some other comics. I'm hoping I can find the first two issues soon to get the whole story so far.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
It's Ramos, who does cartoony art. But he's really toned it down. At some points in the past the characters' feet would be half the size of their torsos, which was really ridiculous-looking.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Green Lantern (#060)
my opinion of these titles is that...well nothing really happened. Hal Jordan had a nice chat with Paralax and learned more about something happening Basically it was just a parts of a whole story that without knowing the full story is hard to this week was more or less nothing happened. |
EDIT: I found this info from the CBR boards (thanks Retro315!) very interesting:
It's been hinted at throughout the War of Light - strongest though, definitely came from Larfleeze's origin, since his "crew" very obviously stole the "Pandora's Box" with Parallax in it from Krona's vault, and followed a map made by Krona to where they found the Orange Lantern.
The Orange "Lantern" shaped containment device dates back to that time as well, so it's safe to say that Krona is the originator of Power Lanterns in some ways, but it might just be standard Oan tech he was just a master of.
So anyway, like he says - it's not really been a very big secret that he's Krona. How he's alive again is the question ... but we should all remember that Krona is VERY tied to Nekron, but as an immortal Oan found ways to try to loophole himself back to life ... back into power ... back in general.
If Krona is the originator of the "Oan Lantern-based technology" that all these Corps are copying and using now ... it stands to reason that he might have even manipulated Nekron into trying to mimic that technology as well. Why else would the Black Lanterns be ... "Lanterns"? Or all these rival "Lantern" Corps? He might've been using Nekron to get all the lost entities back. It all goes back to his interest in "Creation" and the entity involvement. Which, brings us back to Earth. Krona now must have some huge interest in Earth.
It's also possible he is the one who sent the Manhunters to kill everything in Sector 666.
Go Team Venture!

Dec 15th 2010's previews
what's in YOUR stack?