The "What are you Reading" thread part deux

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
No, you're right about that. It descends into hopeless meandering and a complete loss of direction after that basically.
Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
In my opinion, you've already read the best of the series, and it's only downhill from there. Of course, I have not read The Path of Daggers or anything that follows.
Interesting...I will see how it goes. I am going to plow through them all since I cannot stand a story not finished.



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Interesting...I will see how it goes. I am going to plow through them all since I cannot stand a story not finished.
You know it's still not finished, right? (and that Jordan died in 2007). It's still being continued with a new writer though I believe.

Just Wikied it and it seems like what was to be the last book has been split into 3 and the last is penciled in for Spring 2012 release.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
You know it's still not finished, right? (and that Jordan died in 2007). It's still being continued with a new writer though I believe.

Just Wikied it and it seems like what was to be the last book has been split into 3 and the last is penciled in for Spring 2012 release.
Yup that is why I started reading them last year, by the time all the books are out, I should be about ready to finish the series. Unlike "A Song of Ice and Fire".



Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Yup that is why I started reading them last year, by the time all the books are out, I should be about ready to finish the series. Unlike "A Song of Ice and Fire".
For reference, I started reading them in 1992, which may explain why I got so jaded with them.

On another note, Surface Detail is a stunning book (finished it last night).

I'm next onto the Wind-up Girl which I have high hopes for.



Just finished the superhero short story complilation, "Masked." About 3/4 thru the incredibly fun & brilliant, "Soon I will be invincible."

Next up: dunno...that's why I'm checking this thread ;P

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Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
I just muscled my way through Stieg Larsson's "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"

It pissed me off in such a way as to nearly turn me off of reading for a while... on several occasions... It was good in places, which only served to make it all the more irritating when it wasn't. Started off slow, got slower, irritated me, got really good, irritated me again, and then got good again, and then got boring again, and ended up with pissing me off again...

I really really hated this book, and there's absolutely no way I'll be reading the rest of the series... unless he writes one called "The Girl Who Died in a Fire" because then I'd know there's a happy ending.

I hate everyone who recommended this book to me, too.
I'm with you, brother. Quite easily one of the worst books I've ever had the misfortune of encountering. The only reason I can think of why this is a hit is that neighborhood book clubs all over the world are chock full of secretly kinky women who skip over the pages and pages of incessant and irrelevant lists to get to the juicy bits.

Fortunately the author died, so the series is done.

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I just finished reading The Emperor's Finest (newest book in the Caiaphas Cain series). It was a nice change from the rest of the series with the focus being more on the Astartes than the Guard but still maintained the same charm.

Next up is Towers of Midnight (new Wheel of Time book) although I'll probably wait until the weekend to start it because if I start it earlier I'll end up going to bed at 2am.

Before that I started reading the Miles Vorkosigan saga, I made it about 1.5 books in before getting bored and stopping. It was interesting but I just found myself not really caring about the characters. In some ways it reminded me of the RCN series but I felt that the general background and stories were less interesting.



Not Sci-Fi per se, but I just started reading Simon Pegg's new bio, Nerd Do Well. Really enjoying it so far, he writes as he speaks and you can so hear his vice in your head as you read.

Will report back once I finished it

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The Wheel of Time series really picks up with the eleventh book, Knife of Dreams, although even I would agree that's really too long to go between 'good' books. Jordan seemed to be getting tired of all the extraneous story lines and characters, so in one massive prologue took care of the lot of them. Some might call that a bit lazy, just shuffling them off like that, but I liked the abrupt change of pace from meandering stream to 'oh **** we just went over the edge and the last battle's waiting at the bottom. The two books since then, written by Brandon Sanderson, have seemed to keep up that pace.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




So you could skip from book six to eleven and not miss a thing?

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

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Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
So you could skip from book six to eleven and not miss a thing?
Well, you would miss some big stuff, but I've read the series three times and don't remember most of what happened in those middle books.

Considering the series was originally intended to be six books, I can understand how things went sideways on the guy in the middle stretch.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
And right now, I'm reading "The Zombie Combat Manual: A Guide to Fighting the Living Dead" by Roger Ma.
I'm more a fan of The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks... and currently reading World War Z by the same author.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



Currently Reading World War Z

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
Currently Reading World War Z

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)