No More Tips?




I've been running some radio missions to land some tips so I can convert my alignment. Before i19 I could get these things after 1 or 2 missions. Now I'll run 9 straight missions without a single tip. So, has the drop rate changed?



I think it is just luck.

Last night, I got two tips off of one group of Freakshow that I was streetsweeping for a defeat 20 mission.



Above level 20, right? (Just checking.)

I got tips normally last night, within 3 or four spawns.

A thought...are you running the missions set to "no bosses?" Bosses drop tips. Bosses drop lots of tips. In fact, I've never noticed if non-bosses drop tips -- I've been assuming they do, but at a lower chance; but maybe it's just bosses. Check your settings.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



9 is a bit too much to be unlucky. Did you reach your quota? ie if you only have 1 empty fame point left then you will only get 1 tip drop.
Also it is much quicker to street sweep for tips than running missions.



I would say the availability of tip drops seems to be reduced. It takes a lot more to get them now than pre-I19

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I'm still getting them just fine. Usually takes me about 4 street spawns to get a tip, which is pretty much what I was doing before. In my experience, the drop rate is way, way higher for bosses, so I tend to focus on them.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Level 25
Not a single tip on me
Not a single mission in my mission bar(besides scanner one)
Not a single fame point cause I haven't got a tip

Also, I have tryed street sweeping and after about an hour of it and no tips it seems like tedious BS.



It does seem like the incidence of tips dropping has reduced. I used to get 2-3 from a radio mish, now it's more like 1 every 2-3 mission.

I've asked in game and everyone tells me it's my imagination, so for now I'm going to put this in the same bag as "reduced accuracy with every release", but it does still seem strange to me.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



I do agree that it takes longer to get them. I thought 9 missions would be enough though I definately will continue to street sweep greys for them if they are that rare!



It's random. I was standing outside a mission in Independence Port on a level 41 scrapper. For entertainment, I decided to use Dragon's Tail (AoE knockdown attack) on a group of Family almost 20 levels below me. I got a tip. We went inside the mission. I got a tip in the 2nd spawn.

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The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
It's random. I was standing outside a mission in Independence Port on a level 41 scrapper. For entertainment, I decided to use Dragon's Tail (AoE knockdown attack) on a group of Family almost 20 levels below me. I got a tip. We went inside the mission. I got a tip in the 2nd spawn.
Huh, I didn't think we got tips from grays. Man, those guys better watch out from now on.



I haven't noticed any difference.
I still get enough to delete the annoying ones without slowing my roll.

anyone who's having issues, just hit Dark Astoria and mow a few spawns, you'll have all the tips you can carry.

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I haven't noticed any difference either.



I do these every day. I've noticed no difference since i19. My unluckiest streak was pre i-19 where I defeated over 120 mobs between tips.

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Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Mike View Post
Level 25
Not a single tip on me
Not a single mission in my mission bar(besides scanner one)
Not a single fame point cause I haven't got a tip

Also, I have tryed street sweeping and after about an hour of it and no tips it seems like tedious BS.
Hrm. I vaguely recall hearing something about having too many story arcs open preventing...uh...something from happening...maybe it was tips dropping. Do you have a lot of story arcs started? Check for the little page/book symbol in the contact list.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



There definitely seems to be a problem with getting tip missions to change alignment. My Rogue Scrapper has been getting no tips at all in Paragon, but my Hero Blaster doesn't have any trouble with it.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Huh, I didn't think we got tips from grays. Man, those guys better watch out from now on.
Yep. Since I park most of my characters at the St. Martial black market, I almost always start off by getting a few tips from killing -15 bosses in that area.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Huh, I didn't think we got tips from grays. Man, those guys better watch out from now on.
Yep. My higher levels will load up on tips in Dark Astoria sometimes.

And I haven't noticed them dropping any more slowly. *shrug* (And no, not just on the high levels.)



They just drop randomly. I'm usually very lucky (I can normally get a tip within 2 spawns).


Yesterday I wanted to get my Rogue Soldier into Vigilante territory. I got halfway through level 24 without a single tip, and gave up! I finally understand why these threads come up now



No diffrence here.

Street hunt for a minute and get a tip, then do the tip and usually get 2-3 more tips during that one.

Only annoying part is i always seem to get the spider morality now, it's so agonizingly tedious to do, while the old one is stupid quick, the contrast is so great between em.