Task Force Leaderboards




The DPS meter thread reminded me of something I thought of a while back but never got around to posting about. Who would be interested in Task Force leaderboards? Basically, at the end of a TF/SF or Trial one could have the option of clicking on a link in the "success" box that tells you various achievements of the team.

Most damage - Player who dealt the most damage and how much damage they dealt.

Most buffing - Player who used the most player buff powers

Most debuffing - Player who used the most debuffing powers

Most Accurate - Player with the most successful hit rolls

Most Evasive - You get the idea at this point

Hero/Villian of the Day - Player who contributed most to defeating to the "big bad" (something like this would have to be an aggregate score based on total contribution of damage/debuff/control, etc with each parameter being weighted to make it fair.)

So on and so forth. To add some depth to it perhaps there could be badges associated with being the top player in any given situation. They could also tie it into global accounts so you can compare your performance against your global friends in the given TF and to take it even further, keep a global leaderboard so you can compare yourself against every other player who has done the TF/SF/Trial.

I have a feeling this won't be popular among the forumites, but personally I think it would be awesome.



I'd like to see "Most streak breakers with a 95% hit chance" I'd win out every time.



The Most Inactive - People always seem to have Small bladders, wait to get a drink until the middle of a TF/SF, have people knock on the door, diapers to change, spouse aggro... you get the idea.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



I would have won "Most Deaths" on the ITF I just finished. Holy crap.



Yes it would be awesome.



I wouldn't like it.

I prefer more well-rounded teammates, I suppose. A defender who smacks stuff around in their spare time is much more interesting (and deserves more praise in my book) than a buff bot who stands around while waiting for the next buff to come up. Where is their recognition? A melee toon who took the time and picked up the day job or temp recipe to rez a fallen teammate is awesome to me (I swear this once made a near-impossible ITF possible!). A melee teammate who goes 3 rooms away and kills everything is someone I wish was soloing, and not on my team. But that's the guy who will get the recognition at the end of the game, using this idea. I could go on and on with similar examples, but you get my drift. I think it's the team player who will lose out under the proposed system. But, just my opinion....



I'd prefer funny statistics that you can't brag about.

Most time spent mezzed

Most Endurance Used.

Most Streakbreakers

Most Aggro Generated.

Most Shards Found

Most Recipes found

Luckiest (weighted calculation that includes recipe drops, attacks avoided, attacks missed, procs, basically anything the rng can bless/curse you on)



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
The Most Inactive - People always seem to have Small bladders, wait to get a drink until the middle of a TF/SF, have people knock on the door, diapers to change, spouse aggro... you get the idea.

Heh I would have won this the other night. Big thanks to the team I was running with on Friday. Friday was my stay up late night to get ready for Night shift Saturday.. So that day I woke up at 5am and gotta stay up as late as I can. In the Khan TF I had some pregnant wife agro. (You don't mess with that) but I was ok. Decided to grab a couple beers.

STF went well.. I think there may have been a bio break.. a few more beers down.. lol

ITF: was a disaster for me. I was really starting to get tired, so much so that keeping my eyes open was a chore. In the last mish I think I got through a couple mobs, then there was a little pause... my next memory was waking up, team empty, and my reward table showing. I felt pretty guilty so a big thanks to the team for not kicking me.

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




- Most healing.


Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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If this feature were to be developed, I hope it includes a means to recall the stats after the-big-frick'in-pop-up-window-that-blocks-half-my-screen-while-I'm-still-fighting is clicked off.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I wouldn't be against this idea but by the same token I don't think it'd give us anything we couldn't already figure out most of the time.

About the only way I'd see this being useful is on "single AT/powerset" teams where it isn't obvious (for example) which of the 8 Defenders did the most buffing. Otherwise on relatively diverse teams it's usually pretty easy to tell who did the most whatever because it's only one teammate who could've been the best whatever-doer.

And if there were ever badges associated with this I could guarantee you these would be heavily farmed/gamed...

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Luckiest (weighted calculation that includes recipe drops, attacks avoided, attacks missed, procs, basically anything the rng can bless/curse you on)
How about we just go meta with this one and use the RNG to select a random player to celebrate?

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



If this idea were to be part of the game, it would be GREAT to make the terminals have a use again.

@Blaze Moon, Blaze Moon the 2nd

This is where something more interesting than my global and this sentence would be.