Do +hps from IOs/accolades not affect heals?




I've noticed on my /FA brute that healing flames used to heal her for 740 hitpoints per activation, which is about half of a brute's hit points at lvl 50 (1499). This makes sense because the power is slotted to be a 48-49% heal.

However, now she is fully IOed + two hit point accolades and is sitting at 1881 hit points, but her heal is still 740. Shouldn't it be scaling with the increased hit points?

I know that the performance shifter proc is reflecting her max end of 110 (with marshal and born in battle) by returning 11 points of endurance when it fires, was curious why this isn't the same with a heal and increased hit points.

This WAI or a bug of some sort?



I think it's WAI, because the same happens on the Heal-type powers on my Empathy/ defender, /Thermal Controller, and my /Pain corruptor.

If it's a bug, it'd be great to get that fixed.

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Originally Posted by Person34 View Post
I've noticed on my /FA brute that healing flames used to heal her for 740 hitpoints per activation, which is about half of a brute's hit points at lvl 50 (1499). This makes sense because the power is slotted to be a 48-49% heal.

However, now she is fully IOed + two hit point accolades and is sitting at 1881 hit points, but her heal is still 740. Shouldn't it be scaling with the increased hit points?

I know that the performance shifter proc is reflecting her max end of 110 (with marshal and born in battle) by returning 11 points of endurance when it fires, was curious why this isn't the same with a heal and increased hit points.

This WAI or a bug of some sort?
Working as intended, and I don't think you have a firm grasp on how the game works.

Check the power data on healing flames. It's just a heal, with it's own set amount of hit points. That heal is not tied to your maximum hp. No Heal in the game is tied to a player's maximum hit-points.

Only regeneration powers are tied to your maximum Hit-Points. As a Fire Armor, this means that the only two powers you'll be able to get that are tied to your Hit Points are Health and Physical Perfection.

As a note, enhancement procs that boost your regeneration rate, such as Numina Unique and Regenerative Tissue Unique will also give you larger returns as your HP increases, as once again, regeneration is tied to your maximum Hit Point count.



Appreciate the time to confirm that guys, yeah I wasn't aware of the mechanics behind the heal. TY for the clarification!



I'm not at home to check, but isnt Dull Pain (whether from Regen, or Inv, and I think the Electric Armour heal as well) a click type heal power that does indeed heal based on your max health?
In theory, its supposed to boost your health by a % amount, and then heal you that same amount (up to your new max health).
Or am I remembering it incorrectly, and its a fixed boost to ma health?



No, most heals do work based off of a set % of your max health, and increasing your HP helps with that. HOWEVER, heal powers that also grant resistance (like Healing Flames) are flagged as not to do this, because it messes with the resistance part. As such, heals that do not grant any kind of resistance (such as healing aura) will be affected by +HP accolades and set bonuses, but powers like Healing Flames will not.

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
No, most heals do work based off of a set % of your max health, and increasing your HP helps with that. HOWEVER, heal powers that also grant resistance (like Healing Flames) are flagged as not to do this, because it messes with the resistance part. As such, heals that do not grant any kind of resistance (such as healing aura) will be affected by +HP accolades and set bonuses, but powers like Healing Flames will not.
je_saists is actually correct on this one. Heals are a percentage of your Base HPs and not your Max HPs. As the OP has seen via tests, increases to HPs have no effect on Heals. Since your Brute's Base HP of 1499.3 has not changed neither has the Heal's magnitude. Your only options to enhance it is via +Heal set bonuses and heal enhancements.

Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
I'm not at home to check, but isnt Dull Pain (whether from Regen, or Inv, and I think the Electric Armour heal as well) a click type heal power that does indeed heal based on your max health?
In theory, its supposed to boost your health by a % amount, and then heal you that same amount (up to your new max health).
Or am I remembering it incorrectly, and its a fixed boost to ma health?
Dull Pain provides a 20% (of base HP) unenhanceable boost to your Max HPs, a 20% enhanceable boost, and a 40% Heal. Since only half of the +HP boost is enhanceable, the Heal will always be greater than the +HP boost.



Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
I'm not at home to check, but isnt Dull Pain (whether from Regen, or Inv, and I think the Electric Armour heal as well) a click type heal power that does indeed heal based on your max health?
In theory, its supposed to boost your health by a % amount, and then heal you that same amount (up to your new max health).
Or am I remembering it incorrectly, and its a fixed boost to ma health?
Okay, picture time.

Again, Heal and Regeneration are not the same thing. If you want the actual mechanics of each, refer to paragon-wiki:

Now, since I already did Heal with Healing Flames and Regeneration with Health, I'm not going to repeat them. Again, as a base line:
  • Heal is not tied to Hit Points.
  • Regeneration is a percentage of a players Maximum health.
There are several powers in the game that both perform a Heal and influence Regeneration at the same time.

Powers like Earth's Embrance and Hoarfrost offer both a powerful heal, but also increase a player's Hit Point cap. Increasing the Hit Point cap automatically raises the effective amount of Hit Points that are Regenerated

With Electric Armor the developers went with a different Method. Energize contains both a Heal and a Regeneration component.

* * *

Then there are powers that boost just the Hit Point cap, such as High Pain Tolerance and Frostworks These also affect Regeneration by giving more hit-points for the Regeneration percentage to work against.

* * *

Now, as you can see from the actual power data, each power has separate components that control each aspect of the power. This is why Invention Origin sets have bonus's for separate Healing and Regeneration buffs.

This is why when you slot a set that offers a +heal / improved heal effect, like most of the healing IO's on Pump 4, only powers that offer a Heal are affected.

Hopefully this explains the confusion between Heal and Regeneration and how the two do not directly interact.



The relation between Heals and Your HP :

Note, this is all "As I recall."

most if not all melée set heals reference a unique table (called melee heal, IIRC, vs. regular 'Heal') for the heal values. The base values of this table are based off of the HP table. As alwas, table refrences are then modified by AT mods, resulting in most heals giving a similar/same percentage of heal when comparing heal vs HP base values. So a change to your HP from powers/set bonuses doesn't change the heals value.

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