On Your M-Arc - Video reviews




Currently working on Venture's Cole in Your Stocking. I know it's past Christmas, but it's his newest arc and I imagine most in need of an actual review. After that, I've got nothing. If you like what you see, feel free to ask for your own.



Preview for On Your M-Arc #4 live: My playthrough of Cole in Your Stocking #474611 by @Venture. Review commentary to be added hopefully by next week.

I believe I remembered to exclude the UI in every shot for this vid. The scenes with no sound are the ones shot using demorecord, all the others were shot live with no UI (makes it much harder to fight)



Looks good. Thanks!

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



My friend let me borrow a little webspace (since I'm helping him make it - the design is someone else's, I format and update his videos), and I used my ancient html skills to put this together. I just need to figure out if I want to add the playthroughs to the page or not.



Also looks good!

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Thanks for the review!

I know there are a lot of computers used as objectives, but really nothing else seemed to fit. Changing the ones in the last mission to destroyables might be a good idea, though.

Loved the background music.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I had an idea. This isn't quite as popular as I'd hoped (though I do have 1-2 more people who have shown an interest - which I'm not quitting early on) but I was wondering if it would be interesting to have something of a video journal. This would be a mix of this video review project and my Time Shifter project. I would create a character and film here and there during his or her journey to level 50 running only AE arcs. The commentary would be done in-character, explaining what they were doing in each arc and how it related to them personally. Also similar to a video version of Pro Payne - a review but with the addition of character motivations and between the lines story.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
On Your M-Arc #4: Cole In Your Stocking #474611 by @Venture is now live! Check it out, leave a comment, if you "like" it, be sure to come back here and request one of your own.
Jackhammer on the clickie FTW!!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



This looks awesome. I'm playing Cole In Your Stocking on your recommendation. Could you do a review of Nothing Else Remains (#486856)? It's listed as a work-in-progress, but it's largely finished except for the custom enemy descriptions (and any gameplay issues that the reviewers point out).

EDIT: On second thought, don't bother making a video. I played through a couple of arcs you recommended, and realized that mine needs a good deal more work than I thought it did. If you'd like to critique it, though, I'd appreciate that.



Originally Posted by Rayonn View Post
This looks awesome. I'm playing Cole In Your Stocking on your recommendation. Could you do a review of Nothing Else Remains (#486856)? It's listed as a work-in-progress, but it's largely finished except for the custom enemy descriptions (and any gameplay issues that the reviewers point out).

EDIT: On second thought, don't bother making a video. I played through a couple of arcs you recommended, and realized that mine needs a good deal more work than I thought it did. If you'd like to critique it, though, I'd appreciate that.
This is one of the problems I have with this project - great arcs don't really need a review, and arcs that need help don't want a bad review on video. Que sera sera. I do have at least one more that I'll be starting on soon. I'm remembering why I haven't done much canon stuff in a while and am about ready to head back to AE.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
[G]reat arcs don't really need a review, and arcs that need help don't want a bad review on video.
Here's a solution: make more trailers for the great arcs. I bet the authors would appreciate seeing their work made much of, and it would be a good way to point out the arcs you think are good so that they get played.



I had an idea. This isn't quite as popular as I'd hoped (though I do have 1-2 more people who have shown an interest - which I'm not quitting early on) but I was wondering if it would be interesting to have something of a video journal.
I'm just gonna give my 2 cents worth of feedback on this since I'm one of the ones who has seen the videos. Personally, I think the number of views you've gotten for A/E (which isn't hugely popular at this time) videos is impressive.

I've personally been contemplating re-upping my YouTube account and doing videos again. None of my previous ones got nearly as many hits as yours have, but I didn't advertise either.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I had an idea. This isn't quite as popular as I'd hoped (though I do have 1-2 more people who have shown an interest - which I'm not quitting early on) but I was wondering if it would be interesting to have something of a video journal. This would be a mix of this video review project and my Time Shifter project. I would create a character and film here and there during his or her journey to level 50 running only AE arcs. The commentary would be done in-character, explaining what they were doing in each arc and how it related to them personally. Also similar to a video version of Pro Payne - a review but with the addition of character motivations and between the lines story.
I'll second the comment about the number of views being a better indicator of its popularity than the number of requests... there just aren't that many requests for reviews right now, period.

But, for what it's worth, I do think that your suggestion of doing a video journal showing highlights of a 1 through 50 treck through AE might actually help you get more requests. One, it'll probably prompt a few people who might not otherwise make a request to do so specifically because you've reached a level that matches the level range of one of their arcs. As silly as it sounds, I'm not making a request in part because I've got about 10 arcs, but no idea which ones you'd have any interest in - but, hey, if I know you're level 10, then it's implied you have an interest in arcs for a level 10 character, which makes it easier to pick an arc to suggest.

Two, I also suspect there's something about knowing that you *need* arcs to play to advance your character makes people more willing to suggest their arcs: "Eh, I'm not going to suggest my arc 'cause I'm really not sure Bubbawheat's gonna like it that much." results in no suggestion. "You know, Bubbawheat might not like the arc that much, but he needs arcs to play, and at least it'll get him incrimentally closer to level 50, so I may as well suggest it." *would* result in a suggestion.

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



My apologies...

**video taken down, updated with better lighting and sound based on feedback**

...shouldn't have posted that in this thread in hindsight. I tend to do things without thinking. Comes with being from the male species and all. Right? o.O



Nah, there's no showing up of anyone. Some won't like my style, some will. I've seen every one of yours and I very much enjoy them so far.

I'm looking to be inspired by other's ideas and maybe give something to spark imagination in others who make videos. Nothing more.

You're doing great, and I hope you keep it up if you so choose to. The snowball starts at the top of the hill... not the bottom.




mini update - currently working on the next Player's Choice winner - FredrikSvanberg's Fear and Loathing in Striga. Playthrough should be coming soon, then I decide if I want to do a review and a trailer, or just a trailer. Next up will be Clave Dark 5's Wickerwork Khan - which will be the first video I do with a full custom group, hopefully I do it justice.



I just happen to stumble across this thread, and wanted to pop in to say that these are really well done. You have a great sense of exactly how much detail to include without getting bogged down, and exactly how much game play to show without becoming tedious. A couple previous attempts at video reviews have really failed at that. I really enjoyed all of them and I hope you keep it up, although I'm guessing that they're quite labor intensive to put together. These made me want to shift my time back to CoH and the MA.

On the topic of how popular these are, I think you have to manage your expectations a bit. These will only appeal to a niche of a niche (CoH players who use the MA), and you'll only get requests from yet a further niche (MA authors who put effort into their story). I would consider doing reviews without requests, if you're comfortable with that.

Keep up the good work.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Next up will be Clave Dark 5's Wickerwork Khan - which will be the first video I do with a full custom group, hopefully I do it justice.
Woot! I'm sure it's going to come out just fine, based on these others I've seen you do. Thanks.



Fear and Loathing in Striga playthrough is live. Review will be coming soon as I hope it will help give me a clearer direction on how to make this into a trailer.

Edit: just watched the upload myself and for some reason the last 40 seconds or so got lost somewhere. I will likely re-upload at a later point.



Made myself a logo:



Man, that's awesome Bubba!