Market price a joke

Adeon Hawkwood



What you and everyone else is experiencing is the effects of the sudden influx of high level toons.The latest AE exploit got alot of ppl to lvl quickly so naturally the demand for io's,recipes,salvage, went up while the supply wasn't there.

People are taking advantage of it with price hikes and there are people willing to pay the prices.I cleaned 2 sg's of mine out today of all the salvage,enhancements, and other stuff and sold everything for 1 inf each.I still walked away with 300 mil.

My suggestion to you and others is put a bid in and wait, prices will come down it's a matter of time.



Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
Whats the go the go with market prices? I went to go buy a set of kinetic combat yesturday 140mill for the recepie! Almost as much as a purple... Its very disheartening, I wish tjere were a way to reset the market? Stupid ae sruffed everything.
You could also run alignment missions and get the recipes you want that way.

Most recipes go for 1 - 2 Alignment merits.

Just a suggestion

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Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
I wish tjere were a way to reset the market?
well resetting the market would involve deleting EVERYTHING (enhancements, recipes, inf and salvage) on all characters which strikes me as a rather extreme solution. My advice is to wait for the frenzy to calm down or take Solar's advice and use alignment merits (or combine it, use alignment merits to buy an even more expensive recipe, sell that and buy your kinetic combats).



People have been able to respec to a build that doesn't have Stamina as a power. Wait about 2 weeks for the demand to die down. The market should start to stabilize soon.

Also remember you can use merits or alignment merits to get the sets you want.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



*Jesse Ventura walks in, reads thread...*

You mean in the United States of America, people would manipulate a virtual market like they do the real ones, driving up prices and selling short and leaving everyone else holding the bag, while they sit back and rake in the influence!?

City of Heroes? I think not! Sounds more like City of Conspiracy to me!

What? You mean you want to genericize me? A former governor of Minnesota? Not on my watch!

*Jesse Ventura stomps out on a tarmac to board a private jet.*

Announcer: When we come back Governor Jesse Ventura takes the fight to Mountain View, California, where he confronts the secret architects behind the AE/Consignment Conspiracy.



140 million "almost as much as a purple"? SOMEBODY hasn't been checking the price of the popular purples today. Try 500, 600, 700 million.



There's more than one way to skin this cat. Stop whining.

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



You can thank the devs for the non stop exploits of the AE since its introduction. Thing generates inf(and not much else) like a a storm cloud generates rain.



Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
Whats the go the go with market prices? I went to go buy a set of kinetic combat yesturday 140mill for the recepie! Almost as much as a purple... Its very disheartening, I wish tjere were a way to reset the market? Stupid ae sruffed everything.
My suggestion would be to just farm Tips daily so you can get Alignment Merits. In most cases you can purchase the recipes relatively easy as long as you give time on attaining each Alignment Merit. It's how I got a full 6/6 of Obliteration for my Headsplitter and almost ready to complete LoTG.

The market has been whack since it's introduction. Simply because Influence was so high due to farm teams. It's not bad but that's what caused such bad price balancing.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
My suggestion to you and others is put a bid in and wait, prices will come down it's a matter of time.

Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
You could also run alignment missions and get the recipes you want that way.

Most recipes go for 1 - 2 Alignment merits.

Just a suggestion


Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
*Jesse Ventura walks in, reads thread...*

You mean in the United States of America, people would manipulate a virtual market like they do the real ones, driving up prices and selling short and leaving everyone else holding the bag, while they sit back and rake in the influence!?

City of Heroes? I think not! Sounds more like City of Conspiracy to me!

What? You mean you want to genericize me? A former governor of Minnesota? Not on my watch!

*Jesse Ventura stomps out on a tarmac to board a private jet.*

Announcer: When we come back Governor Jesse Ventura takes the fight to Mountain View, California, where he confronts the secret architects behind the AE/Consignment Conspiracy.

*Gorilla Monsoon walks in*

Jesse... PLEASE.

Alright, folks. Back to the thread.


"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
Whats the go the go with market prices? I went to go buy a set of kinetic combat yesturday 140mill for the recepie! Almost as much as a purple... Its very disheartening, I wish tjere were a way to reset the market? Stupid ae sruffed everything.
There are a lot of things wrong with this entire paragraph.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
What you and everyone else is experiencing is the effects of the sudden influx of high level toons.The latest AE exploit got alot of ppl to lvl quickly so naturally the demand for io's,recipes,salvage, went up while the supply wasn't there.

People are taking advantage of it with price hikes and there are people willing to pay the prices.I cleaned 2 sg's of mine out today of all the salvage,enhancements, and other stuff and sold everything for 1 inf each.I still walked away with 300 mil.

My suggestion to you and others is put a bid in and wait, prices will come down it's a matter of time.
This person knows stuff about economies.
You can tell by the picture of their signature.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
People are taking advantage of it with price hikes and there are people willing to pay the prices.I cleaned 2 sg's of mine out today of all the salvage,enhancements, and other stuff and sold everything for 1 inf each.I still walked away with 300 mil.
The people paying the exorbitant prices are the ones that are "ruining" the market. Marketeers don't list items at high prices if no one will pay for them, because they can't earn money if their slots are clogged with merchandise that doesn't move. And they lose the listing fee if they pull the item and relist lower.

If you are listing at 1 to attempt to stop flippers, you're playing right into their hands. They often put in several legitimate (but lowball) bids and then relist at higher price for a decent profit, but no big killing. Or they turn around and craft recipes that are selling for ridiculously high prices as IOs. When they do make a killing is when someone with lots of cash just bids way higher than their listing price. Which as you've seen people do all the time.

If you want to stop flippers you need to post at prices higher than their buying bids, and lower than their selling price. In other words, to beat flippers you need to understand the market and think like a flipper.

However, flippers aren't the enemy of the "little guy" who just wants to get a set of Kinetic Combats. The rich guys who bid outrageously high to jump the line and get the goods immediately are abusing their economic clout. And I seriously doubt the flippers are the ones paying outrageous sums to get stuff they want -- they already know how to get it on the cheap; it's how they make their money.



I see AE has killed CoH.


I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug



Originally Posted by untoldhero View Post
Whats the go the go with market prices? I went to go buy a set of kinetic combat yesturday 140mill for the recepie! Almost as much as a purple... Its very disheartening, I wish tjere were a way to reset the market? Stupid ae sruffed everything.
Do you see the bonuses Kinetic Melee offers? Can you deduct why such a recipe would be expensive to begin with? It's almost always been like that due to the sheer power of this particular set.

Reset the market?! Reset it to what, exactly?! Market is run purely by players. I don't get what you mean by 'reset'.

Yes. AE did have an affect on it. But so did the new Inherent Fitness effects and Incarnates. Many people are currently re-adjusting their builds, and so demand is high.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The people paying the exorbitant prices are the ones that are "ruining" the market. Marketeers don't list items at high prices if no one will pay for them, because they can't earn money if their slots are clogged with merchandise that doesn't move. And they lose the listing fee if they pull the item and relist lower.

If you are listing at 1 to attempt to stop flippers, you're playing right into their hands. They often put in several legitimate (but lowball) bids and then relist at higher price for a decent profit, but no big killing. Or they turn around and craft recipes that are selling for ridiculously high prices as IOs. When they do make a killing is when someone with lots of cash just bids way higher than their listing price. Which as you've seen people do all the time.

If you want to stop flippers you need to post at prices higher than their buying bids, and lower than their selling price. In other words, to beat flippers you need to understand the market and think like a flipper.

However, flippers aren't the enemy of the "little guy" who just wants to get a set of Kinetic Combats. The rich guys who bid outrageously high to jump the line and get the goods immediately are abusing their economic clout. And I seriously doubt the flippers are the ones paying outrageous sums to get stuff they want -- they already know how to get it on the cheap; it's how they make their money.
Um point was even tho I sold everything for 1 inf I still made alot of inf off of what I was doing.People are paying crazy prices for the most common of materials, it's the supply and demand thing again or as I like to call it the "running of the lemmings".



I wonder if the sudden mega-increase in people running TF's and such will increase the number of drops people are getting and thusly increase the supply and slowly lower the prices?

I know personally I've been doing so many TF's that I got a Hecatomb and an Armageddon just in the past two days, not to mention all the non-purple stuff. And have been pricing it to sell fast on the market just because I needed to clear the space for more stuff.



Very simple. Here you have all the level 50s who have been accumulating massive amounts of influence for years and nothing worth spending it on. You toss a respec that gets them more powers. Yes, Salvage A shouldn't normally cost 500k but if you have 75mil, who cares, buy it it anyways, so artificially supported equilibrium.



Originally Posted by Kai View Post
Very simple. Here you have all the level 50s who have been accumulating massive amounts of influence for years and nothing worth spending it on. You toss a respec that gets them more powers. Yes, Salvage A shouldn't normally cost 500k but if you have 75mil, who cares, buy it it anyways, so artificially supported equilibrium.
Pretty much it in a nutshell. AE influenced it but the market was borked before AE was even in beta. :P



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
Pretty much it in a nutshell. AE influenced it but the market was borked before AE was even in beta. :P
((And since they fixed the latest AE exploit, I've noticed that some things have gone way up. Like rare salvage was super-cheap there for a while. I was buying red recipes and getting the rare salvage to make them at a fraction of what I'm paying now.))



It's Kinetic Combat; it's always expensive. And that's not even its real issue; its availability is.

The best way to look at the market for highly demanded items is thusly; you aren't paying for the item itself. You're paying for time/convenience. You can get a full set of Kinetic Combat in about a week's worth of Tip Missions and Reward Merit Conversions; throw in Salvage/Crafting fees and you're looking at maybe 120 Million for the 4 pieces you [probably] want. Or you can put up a bid for 150 million for ONE piece--even though there aren't any available--then get frustrated. Your call.

EDIT: Oh yeah; one of the KinCom pieces can be obtained for 50 Reward Merits. So make that 4 days and 95 Million Inf (conversion, crafting, and salvage) for the whole set. And if you don't have that kind of Inf to do the converting, get yourself to 2 Hero Merits, make an LotG: +Rech, and profit.



AE exploits generally equate to lower priced rare salvages, large supply of IO recipes, and a large supply of Influence.

Closing an AE exploit means lots of influence is still out there, but IO recipe and Rare salvages supply go down.

Add in a patch that gives a freespec to everyone, removal of the need for a power pool that was almost universally chosen, and you have the makings of a massive demand on the market. High demand, low supply, prices go up.

And since there is that AE exploit that caused another massive influx of inf into the system, you also have lots of currency floating around. People with tons of currency that has no use then don't care what they pay.

Also, add in an influx of 50's coming back for I-19 and knowing they will be running around making more inf due to the raiding and TF's that will be needed for Alpha slotting.

Toss in a few factors I'm probably forgetting or not bothering with because I'm rambling too long, and you get a massive jump in market pricing.

And, in a few weeks, the prices will start to come back down again as supply catches up with demand. That won't help anyone that wants it RIGHT NOW! but again, the winners on the market have always been the patient and ungreedy.



Thanks to this thread I decided yesterday to sell my 4 sets of Kinetic Combat that I had sitting around.

I am now 1.7billion richer than I was.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
The people paying the exorbitant prices are the ones that are "ruining" the market.
Hush. You silly.