Heya New here
Welcome to the funhouse, Spud. Enjoy your stay on our (now yours!) fair server.
Welcome, Spuddy! I'm Stefie from the Justice Girls (an all female Supergroup.) If you have any questions, or just want to be intro'd to some people, my in-game global is @SweetStefie
I transferred here from Triumph when Going Rogue launched--and haven't looked back! I truly forget other servers exist. Virtue is AMAZING!
I will go ahead and spill 2 secrets that you will just LOVE:
www.virtueverse.com - Virtue's very own Wiki (It says something on there about Maintenance for Migration, so I'm a bit confused as to what's going on, but you can still check it out!) &
www.thecaperadio.com - Virtue's very own radiostation!!
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!

www.virtueverse.com - Virtue's very own Wiki (It says something on there about Maintenance for Migration, so I'm a bit confused as to what's going on, but you can still check it out!)
Also, check out Paragon Wiki for most of your game information related queries.
Good luck and have fun.
Now give me your lunch money.
Welcome to the game, Spuddy! Nyght-shade here, from the Dauntless Reverie. I moved to Virtue from another server 4 years ago, and love the player community here. The CoH website is a wealth of info, and City of Heroes Wiki is another great source for Game questions. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.
It's moved to www.virtueverse.net
Also, check out Paragon Wiki for most of your game information related queries. Good luck and have fun. Now give me your lunch money. |
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!

Watch the catgirls on your way in, dood!

Welcome to Virtue. Leave your sanity at the door, pick a straitjacket in your prefered color and remember not to sit on the couch in Pocket D.
You'll probably want to check out the different global channels commonly used here on Virtue. There's a sticky about them near the top of this forum. Many people belong to at least one of them, often several. Many private channels are also formed by different SGs or other people.
Global channels are sort of the hidden behind the scenes social area for CoH/V. A lot of people who come from other MMOs expect to see tons of folks running around or camping spawns and then get the impression that it's rather empty here in our mostly instance based game. Global channels will let you see people forming teams or just chatting in general. They're also a great place to ask questions and get answers quickly.
And like Nyght_shade said don't be afraid to ask questions either in game or on the forums. If you see someone do something cool or pull off something you've never seen ask 'em how they did it. People in this game love to talk (especially on Virtue); if you're lucky you might even get them to talk about something other than themselves.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
Welcome to Virtue...I am sure you will have a great time. See you around the City.
Hey, welcome to the server. Hope you have fun around here. Definitely my favorite server out of 'em all.
And yeah, avoid Pocket D.
Thanks everyone. I'm gonna have to look into those global chats because i am a very talkative person as well. As for SGs should i just wait for jump into one?
Aww, Pocket-D isn't so bad most of the time, just some of the time. It's a nightclub, so you get nightclub-style RP there. The Cape Radio DJ's broadcast from the middle of the dance floor most nights, which is really neat, and you -can- find serious RP in the D, if you're patient.
Thanks everyone. I'm gonna have to look into those global chats because i am a very talkative person as well. As for SGs should i just wait for jump into one?
SG/VG Recruitment Board
Supergroup Directory
If you spend a little time ingame you will most likely find a group that suits your liking. Several groups will recruit using broadcast especially in Atlas Park; others will recruit by holding events; and others may use other means. But here are some resources that could possibly help you narrow down your search.
SG/VG Recruitment Board http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=566 Supergroup Directory http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=232290 |
Thank you very much!
KNEEL, Whelp, before the might of the Emperor! Lest you be cast upon your knees from a blow from on high! THIS I COMAND!
Heh, just messin' with ya! Welcome to the game, and better yet, our crazy server! Just look out for the ERPing catgirls in pocket D and you'll be fine =)

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)
Yea, pretty much.
Pocket D is my RP hang out of choice, but then again I'm the Artificial Intel. That's definitely not supporting the 'Pocket D is a great RP hangout' argument.
Lets see... General rules of the Pocket D Night Club:
((All RP)) = They like to get their freak on, but they enjoy the occasional real RP.
((Dom/Sub/Futa)) = Avoid at all cost if you're not into that stuff.
The Cape Radio DJ's are by far the most recognized people there, and for the most part, there is some healthy RP around there, even if it is a bit clique-esque.
Avoid the monkey bar. The couchs are slick and sticky with unknown substances.
... I know I'm forgetting something...
Oh, right. Due to my experience within these VG's, I can definitely say I can vouch for them for some good RP/Group Leveling themes.
Weapons Union: A well-known mercenary RPVG, filled with some ridiculously comical characters (See 'Mad Blood Morgan'). Great group, if you can withstand their egos and attitudes.
The Sekhem-Sa: Definitely my VG of choice for all my Magic-based characters that are lacking in the human DNA department. The leader is a fantastic person, great writer, and a very, very nice person overall.
S.I.N. Inc.: By far, the -BEST- Science/Tech based RPVG I have -ever- been in. Its a shame that they are inactive nowadays. Great leaders, lots of group events, lots of leveling, and lots of in-game knowledge and experience.
Abyss Empire: 'elitism' in every form of the word. Hard to get into, must be based on one of their 'Ashen' demons, with their permissions. The leader has low tolerance for those who cannot spell, make bad plotlines/characters, and is a PVP fanatic. Alot of people have their opinions about them, but I thouroughly enjoy them for the most part.
Arachnos Espionage Division: By far one of the greatest Arachnos-themed VG's I've ever been apart of. Lots of fun, emphasis on group leveling, group RP. Your almost immediately accepted if you roll a Soldier of Arachnos, and all other characters simply need to prove their loyalty to Arachnos under a trial period. All characters, SoA or not, are on a trial period.
Unfortunately, no virtueverse for them yet.
Hello Everyone,
Figured i would stop in and say hi just bought the game, Extremely new and rolled my first character on Virtue! His name is Mr. Spud and he is a Radiation/storm character(i think i did that right...maybe :P) Anyway feel free to add me and message me in game, I', always good for a chat and maybe someone i can send my questions too.
P.S. Everyone I've met so far is extremely nice and very helpful!