Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I considered this. I paid my $99 and applied to their developer program. They sent me an e-mail requesting that I snail-mail them documentation of who I am. (I guess paying them with a credit card in my name wasn't good enough. Whatever.) I made copies of my driver's license and sent it to them. They sent me another e-mail saying that wasn't good enough, they need it notarized.
This is silly... notaries are ridiculously easy. The UPS store will do it for a few dollars. Heck, if you're in Chicago area, I'll do it for free. All you are really notarizing is your signature, and identity of the other party via reasonable means (such as that driver's license).

(As a corporate officer, I can notarize stuff. Becoming a corporate officer is also... not hard. About ~$100 and file some paperwork.)




On the topic of cleaning up the program and making it work better, are there any plans to get the database editor working more stably? Ever since the switch to the more complicated database system a while back to accomodate VEATs, it has been extremely difficult to use, as it loves to throw out error messages and refuse changes for no apparent reason. Back before the change, I liked to copy powersets between ATs in order to speculate on proliferation, but since then I haven't been able to get it to work.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Nah, pretty much all builds will load fine. Disregard this topic. :P



I'm glad I held out on the bootleg patch and made all of my i19 builds with floating slots left over.