Hm... that's kinda like saying "I really want to make spaghetti, but I don't want to use noodles or sauce. What do you recommend?"
Honestly, after those two, the drop-off is precipitous. I suppose Devices is probably the worst, but the others aren't a whole lot better, and anything you choose won't be very blappery.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
If you really want to deal a crap ton of damage in melee range, go Rad/Fire.
Sure, Energy and Electric have some good single target melee attacks.
But /Fire has Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, Hot Feet, Blazing Aura, and Burn.
Rad has Irradiate, which is a PBAoE attack with about the same radius as Combustion, but activates much faster.
You can single target blap with Energy and Electric, but only Fire lets you AoE blap.
Disclaimer: Fire Manipulation will deal obscene amounts of damage in melee range, but it adds almost nothing to your survivability. If you choose to play one solo, expect to die frequently until you get your timing down.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
If you really want to deal a crap ton of damage in melee range, go Rad/Fire.
Sure, Energy and Electric have some good single target melee attacks. But /Fire has Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, Hot Feet, Blazing Aura, and Burn. Rad has Irradiate, which is a PBAoE attack with about the same radius as Combustion, but activates much faster. You can single target blap with Energy and Electric, but only Fire lets you AoE blap. Disclaimer: Fire Manipulation will deal obscene amounts of damage in melee range, but it adds almost nothing to your survivability. If you choose to play one solo, expect to die frequently until you get your timing down. |
My latest blaster toy is a Rad/Fire. Holy Devastation Batman !
Aim(or Buildup)+Irradiate+FSC+Combustion = Every spawn combo (all available by 10th except Buildup (level 16))
Cannot wait to add in Hot Feet.
I think I'm going to try that out. Rad/Fire sounds fun.
Yeah, I know the thought of a Blapper w/o Nrg or Elec sounds crazy but I've got EM & ELM on other characters and just do not want to play them again.
/Fire or /Ice were what I had been considering.
I had a Fire/Fire Blaster a while back and I did like all the AoE but it was a bit hard to manage with all the aggro.
Anyone have any opinions on Rad/Ice?
Anything but devices can do. I just wish /ice had greater ice sword or ice sword circle, or both.
I agree with a lot that has been said too.
I have a 50 Nrg/Nrg/Pyre Mastery Blaster and the melee is pretty nice
It would even be nicer if I slotted better for it....
but it will someday
I have a 50 Fire/Fire/Pyre Mastery Blaster also and the fire-swords, fire-breath, combustion etc does fine too :-) (Bonfire helps me a LOT when soloing an inside map)
But I have to admit..... a Rad/Fire sounds intriguing to try
@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!
I think I'm going to try that out. Rad/Fire sounds fun.
Yeah, I know the thought of a Blapper w/o Nrg or Elec sounds crazy but I've got EM & ELM on other characters and just do not want to play them again. /Fire or /Ice were what I had been considering. I had a Fire/Fire Blaster a while back and I did like all the AoE but it was a bit hard to manage with all the aggro. Anyone have any opinions on Rad/Ice? |
-DEF had always been a good thing. Good solo, Great on Teams. It makes higher-con villains easier to hit. Now put this with a Blaster who survives by taking down their enemies BEFORE losing all their hps and you see how this is a match made in heaven. Misses are very serious for Blasters, especially at the start of a fight. My little Rad/Fire was running around Galaxy and then King's Row looking for orange cons. I even tried some solo reds.
Rad Blast on a defender was low damage at best. Probably got better at higher levels, but the trick is to get to those higher levels using only what you got. Porting Rad Blast over to Blasters could have been the best thing for the set. The improved damage makes NB still a low-powered blast, but Blasters can skip it. YAY! And with the upcoming I19 changes, X-Ray eyes can be switched to a hand-blast if you prefer (Hey keep your minds out of the gutter).
Radiation Blast as a set kind of reminds me of Spines. Great AoE potential, but rather limited on single target damage. When you are playing a Defender, having limited single target damage is a very big concern at lower levels. On a Blaster, not as much.
EDIT: One more aspect of Radiation, which I took into consideration when I chose it was that Fire/Fire (More conceptual for this character of mine) had no Hard controls, only soft controls in Burn and Hot Feet. With my experience playing Defenders and Controllers (and Blasters too I guess), I think its very important to have some means of dealing with problem critters. And Cosmic Burst seems like a good candidate, especially when you consider Villain epic pools ::cough::OG:::cough
One thing that you will need to work out, in regards to synergy is whether you will be focusing your AoE for PBAoE or.... for Edge of spawn (Cones). These are two very different methods of dealing your damage. Depending on which way you go, it will change which AoEs you will take. My original thought was to stay at the edge of spawn and use powers like Electron Haze and Neutron Blast, but looking at cast times and other factors (like how much I hate cones), I decided to heck with it. PBAoE works just fine for my empath. Just look at the cast times of Irradiate and Fire Sword Circle and compare them to any two other combinations and you will see what made me focus on those two AoEs as my staple shots.
sorry for the long-post. Hope you find a combination that you like.

If you really want to deal a crap ton of damage in melee range, go Rad/Fire.
Sure, Energy and Electric have some good single target melee attacks. But /Fire has Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, Hot Feet, Blazing Aura, and Burn. Rad has Irradiate, which is a PBAoE attack with about the same radius as Combustion, but activates much faster. You can single target blap with Energy and Electric, but only Fire lets you AoE blap. Disclaimer: Fire Manipulation will deal obscene amounts of damage in melee range, but it adds almost nothing to your survivability. If you choose to play one solo, expect to die frequently until you get your timing down. |
Might have to try Rad/Fire ...
The Elec/Fire I have puts out a huge amount of pbaoe damage (planned build has 5 of 7 pbaoe attacks in it). It's also very timing critical/squishy solo so far but almost any teammates around (even ones not prone to holding/drawing aggro) and stuff just dies. This is mid-20's and on all SO's/generic IO's so far. Looking at the build the new Consume with its +recovery appears to be a godsend for sustainable endurance.
Rad Blast would seem to have similar amounts of aoe goodness.
yes yes a thousand times YES!
I have one of these around 27, and the aoe blapping style is pure devastation. If you have a tank or a brute to herd mobs for you, it's downright beautiful to see all the orange numbers fly. So suicidal with it I'm actually gonna try to stack even blazing aura, hot feet, and burn on top of the aoe's in /fire and the two in rad. You can count nuetron bomb if mobs bunch around you after all.
By far it's the most reckless blaster I've ever played too, so yeah watch your timing, but when you can cut loose boy can you ever. So if you want to stay away from eng or fire give this combo a try.
yes yes a thousand times YES! I have one of these around 27, and the aoe blapping style is pure devastation. If you have a tank or a brute to herd mobs for you, it's downright beautiful to see all the orange numbers fly. So suicidal with it I'm actually gonna try to stack even blazing aura, hot feet, and burn on top of the aoe's in /fire and the two in rad. You can count nuetron bomb if mobs bunch around you after all. By far it's the most reckless blaster I've ever played too, so yeah watch your timing, but when you can cut loose boy can you ever. So if you want to stay away from eng or fire give this combo a try. |
Neutron Bomb will replace combustion once I get there because the cast time of Neutron Bomb is 1.67 sec as opposed to Combustion at 3.0 sec. NB does less damage but will easily fit under the Aim or buildup, whereas now I spend alot of time in the combustion animation taking fire. Depending on when I popped Aim/Buildup I can miss the buff window for combustion (which is why it is last in the chain).
Ultimately while solo I am figuring Hot Feet + Blazing Aura(maybe) + Aim(or buildup) + Irradiate + FSC + Neutron Bomb :: then move to next spawn. For a really tough fight you could do both AIM and BUILDUP together, but most normal combats only requires one, so I like to alternate them.
I would strongly encourage anyone playing /Fire manip to skip Blazing Aura. Possibly after you get a bunch of IOs slotted (especially the +recovery/end procs), it may be worth adding, but even then it is doubtful. It costs too much end for such a small radius and smallish damage ticks.
I do have this power on two of my /Fire manip blasters. I am constantly trying to find a better replacement, but so far for my playstyle, BA still works OK. On the level 50 that is fully IOd (including a bunch of purples) I still have modest end issues, but it is manageable. On the level 40 slotted with commons and SOs, I am barely able to function unless I have a teammate that can make the end bar problem better or unless I turn BA or HF off. HF is the better power, so BA is the one I shut off.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Thanks Strato
I suspected as much when looking at mids. Running either Hot Feet or Blazing Aura was something you could IO into, but not both. And having seen how you use Hot Feet to considerable effect, Blazing Aura was the one I threw on the woodpile as well.
I'll echo the others on Rad/Fire. I started a traditional blapper with nrg/nrg but haven't gotten him past 14, my Fire/Rad is 33 or so and lots of fun. He can really crank out the orange numbers but very much a glass cannon, a melee range glass cannon. Solo I turn down enemy level so I can kill quick. Much safer teamed, but even then I have to be careful when I sidle up to the tank to use my PBAOEs.
So far for AOE I have Irradiate, FSC, and Neutron Bomb, plus Electron Haze, but I don't use that one as much. I mostly use haze on the way into the spawn. Oh, and Atomic Blast of course. I skipped Combustion as the 3s cast time turned me off. I tried it for a level or two early on, but dropped it pretty quickly. Eventually I'll have Hot Feet and Burn as well. I'm also planning to take the Fire epic for theme and of course Rise of the Phoenix to turn my inevitable deaths into a chance for more AOE.
I like to alternate Aim and Build Up to keep the damage rolling.
I would strongly encourage anyone playing /Fire manip to skip Blazing Aura. Possibly after you get a bunch of IOs slotted (especially the +recovery/end procs), it may be worth adding, but even then it is doubtful. It costs too much end for such a small radius and smallish damage ticks.
I do have this power on two of my /Fire manip blasters. I am constantly trying to find a better replacement, but so far for my playstyle, BA still works OK. On the level 50 that is fully IOd (including a bunch of purples) I still have modest end issues, but it is manageable. On the level 40 slotted with commons and SOs, I am barely able to function unless I have a teammate that can make the end bar problem better or unless I turn BA or HF off. HF is the better power, so BA is the one I shut off. |
Hey guys.
So I rolled a Rad/Fire and a DP/Fire last night.
Honestly, /Fire is definitely what I want, next to Nrg & Elec, its the most 'blappery' but more of an AoE base which I don't mind.
I'm a bit torn though, not sure which I should stick with.
They're both tons of fun and I'm just totally in love with X-Ray Eyes (coolest looking attack) and the damage was a lot more than I had expected. I also like the flashiness of DP.
My Blaster is Electric/Fire, and while I wouldn't call her a Blapper, she is very much built around Fire Sword. It can do significant damage, and Fire Sword Circle is quite powerful as well.
Personally, I would guess the biggest advantage Energy and Electric have over Fire as a Blapper secondary is that they don't have as much of an AoE focus. Fire, I would guess, tends to draw a lot more aggro. OTOH, if you can handle it, the AoEs will do more damage if you have more targets to damage. So it's probably a non-traditional Blapper strategy, but it outta work.
Though the OP has already made his choice, I'll still add my two-cents since no one else has said this so far:
I'm gonna recommend Elec/Fire as an alternative to Rad/Fire (I've got both in the 20s). W/ elec/ you'll get your hard control power (Telsa) a bit earlier than for rad (CB), you can drain bosses easily thanks to -recovery, and there aren't any cones so you don't have to worry as much about positioning.
I have been playing around alot with mids regarding Blazing Aura and Hotfeet. Its not looking very good from solo standpoint but maybe Consume will make it all be fine. ...
EDIT: Hrrmpph missed and messed that up ... duration on the +recovery is 15 seconds.
Hey guys.
So I rolled a Rad/Fire and a DP/Fire last night. Honestly, /Fire is definitely what I want, next to Nrg & Elec, its the most 'blappery' but more of an AoE base which I don't mind. I'm a bit torn though, not sure which I should stick with. They're both tons of fun and I'm just totally in love with X-Ray Eyes (coolest looking attack) and the damage was a lot more than I had expected. I also like the flashiness of DP. |
For me, its all about concept. My character Sunforge is a mutant who has the ability to harness the power of the Sun (Fusion). I colored the Radiation powers all to match the Orange/Yellow of the Fire powers, so they have a cohesive look, and wow do the Rad powers look good like that. The original character was planned to be Fire/Fire, but having played that combination in the past I knew there were no "hard" control powers like holds. This is what led me to look at other sets with actual "controls" in them.
Dual Pistols has a control in it, so you will have that added benefit, along with a "crashless" nuke and the whole set seems geared to play "in melee range". Odd for a Gun powerset, but eh, it looks cool.
Let us know how these (this) character progresses for you.

Having barely reached Consume much less slotted it up I can't say for sure but looking at Mids: 3 in aoe = unslotted stamina+full end bar, 5 in range = slotted stamina+full end bar. That's a single use, not sure if it stacks but it appears it would and is very doable to stack the buff while only using recharge in the power itself (no outside buff/global needed). 10 icons is roughly half the base strength of Recovery Aura. That takes my build from a net recovery around 2 end/sec to 4 end/sec which short of Nukes should be darn hard to use up. I'm figuring if I can keep a 5 or 6 icon buff on myself I should be close to if not infinitely sustainable (while running Tough, Weave, Maneuvers, Tactics, Hotfeet, and Charged Armor)
Hmms I sorta like the Ice/Fire combination myself, nice high damage single target, good mitigation with FR, and even ice storm helps out.
"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)
Hmm, that does sound good. I am not planning on the Leadership toggles, but will be running Tough/Weave/CJ/Hot Feet. Maybe with Hasten and good use of IOs I could squeeze more toggles, but I will probably just stick with Hot Feet because of its larger radius. The big down-side is that Hot Feet will go away alot when doing exemplared stories and TFs. Might have to consider having Blazing Aura for just those times.

I would strongly encourage anyone playing /Fire manip to skip Blazing Aura. Possibly after you get a bunch of IOs slotted (especially the +recovery/end procs), it may be worth adding, but even then it is doubtful. It costs too much end for such a small radius and smallish damage ticks.
I do have this power on two of my /Fire manip blasters. I am constantly trying to find a better replacement, but so far for my playstyle, BA still works OK. On the level 50 that is fully IOd (including a bunch of purples) I still have modest end issues, but it is manageable. On the level 40 slotted with commons and SOs, I am barely able to function unless I have a teammate that can make the end bar problem better or unless I turn BA or HF off. HF is the better power, so BA is the one I shut off. |
They will also accept an Armageddon Chance for Fire damage proc. If you have enough foes in range you should see it tick on at least one of them every 10 seconds, and you should usually see more than one, since it has a higher chance to fire than normal porcs (33% as opposed to the more common 20%)
But that's on a team, I would be inclined to agree with the advice to skip it if you plan on soloing a lot.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I've found Blazing Aura works well combined with Hot Feet if you are on a team with good agro control or crowd control, basically anything that lets you consistently stay in melee range where BA and HF will be ticking away. With both of them going, the number of enemies you have left over with a sliver of health drops significantly.
They will also accept an Armageddon Chance for Fire damage proc. If you have enough foes in range you should see it tick on at least one of them every 10 seconds, and you should usually see more than one, since it has a higher chance to fire than normal porcs (33% as opposed to the more common 20%) But that's on a team, I would be inclined to agree with the advice to skip it if you plan on soloing a lot. |
Gratz on the birth.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I know that /Nrg & /Elec are the kings for blapping but how would the rest rank after those two?
Looking to make another blaster but I don't want to use Elec or Nrg.
Thanks in advance!