Which Primary Power Set Is The Most Survivable?
For 'pure Survival' and nothing else, Stone is still king, post 32.
Ice has never really been that bad, just misunderstood. It is a Defense set, so you don't get hit often, but when you do get hit, it Hurts. Also, it takes a few levels to build up the defenses, so it Seems to suck, at first, but grows up Strong.
One of the best Tanker options is Invulnerability, built and set-slotted for extra Defense. Call_Me_Awesome has a suitably awesome pair of guides for doing this. Resistance Plus Defense is Awesome!
The new kids are Shield Defense, which is a Defense set, but has a bit of Resistance and Hit Points boosting built in, and Willpower, which is massive Hit Points, plus Regeneration, with a little Resistance and Defense thrown in to help control the bleeding. Also, we've recently gotten Electric Armor, which is a lot like Fire, a Resistance set, but with a focus on Energy and Endurance.
Fire has received a few tweaks, but it's still more offense than defense, a Resistance set with extra damaging options, plus one of the fastest self-heals in the game.
Finally, Dark has been ported over from the Scrappers and we Tankers have learned to love the 'Batman utility-belt' that Dark Armor brings, while Hating the huge amount of Endurance management needed to run the set. It's not as much protection as we might like, but it has an answer for just about everything, as well as having the most potent self-heal in the game.
So, in answer to your question, "Which set is the most survivable?" the answer depends entirely on how you use it!
And other folks might have their own pat answers for you.
I'd say, for 'classic' tanking, Invulnerability + Defense, or Stone - slotted to overcome its negatives, will be strongest. Shield Defense will give you almost as much protection, as will Ice, but they take longer to mature. Willpower is fantastic for You, the Tanker, but you have to work much harder to overcome it's weak Aggro-holding traits, so it can be problematic on a team.
The other sets lend themselves better to a Different playstyle. They are no less effective, but work less well for the classic 'meat-shield' role. Your playstyle and your Team have more effect on your survivability, with these other sets.
Be Well!
Hi all, I recently came back from a few yrs break and wanting to re-start with a pure Tank for teaming. Due to all the updates which set is the most survivable? Is Ice/Ice still weak compared to others?
Thanks in advance ![]() |
Invuln once mature and with some IO investment is probably number two; and it's plenty tough enough for anything you may want to do. There's nothing that my Stone/Fire tanker can tank that my Inv/Stone can't handle as well... sometimes it takes a bit more effort or an inspiration or two but I haven't run into anything yet that he can't handle.
There's several sets that with a bit of IO bonuses can also approach this level... actually if you throw enough bonuses at it nearly any set can get pretty danged good. My Shield/Fire tanker at 46 is quite capable... not quite up with my Inv/Stone tanker's durability but it's been more than up for any challenges I've faced so far and it's damage output is MUCH greater.
I haven't played an Ice tanker to significant level as of yet; I've a baby Ice/Electric waiting for me to have time to play him up. From what I've seen in teaming with Ice tanks they're unparalleled in aggro management but most of them seem to be fairly squishy. I'm assuming that's due to build issues since by the numbers they should be pretty good once their defenses mature.
Of course, ALL defense based sets will struggle early on... by it's nature defense gets stronger the closer you get to the 45% soft cap. The flip side of that is that defenses below 20% usually feel like you're really squishy... I know on the def based characters I've leveled I didn't start to feel like my defenses worked until I got above 25% and I didn't feel durable until they got above 35%. This is the advantage that resistance based sets have, resistance always works and it's stronger early. Once a defense matures though things shift the other way. A set that combines strong resist with strong defense is very powerful... hence why Granite Armor is so durable and Invuln is close behind.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Obviously nothing survives better than the most sturdily built Granite tanks. Of course, they sacrifice a lot to get there.
After that, I vote Dark Armor. Then again, I'm biased. Then again again, layered mitigation is the best way to go, and thanks to IOs, you can get all three layers on Dark Armor in high amounts. Very good resistances, softcapped defenses and the best heal in the game.
It also helps that you have to actually kill it twice.
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
MVP has to go to Shirayukihime though. Crazy Ice Tank was our enemy herd-master for the entire run. Left me crying because I couldn't get no aggro! While our run was no speed record, it probably would have taken twice as long were it not for Shira's efforts.
Ice/Ice ... like so many things ... is "weak" if you "build it wrong" or don't have the sort of mindset or playstyle necessary to play to the combination's strengths. There are successful strategies you can use with Ice/Ice, but they'll often be somewhat counter-intuitive from what you'd expect from experience with other powersets. Ice/* however does have more than its fair share of "kryptonite" in the game ... from cascading defense debuffs, to cascading Vengeance on Nemesis, to "IWIN!" button hostiles (DE Quartz emanators and Rularuu Eyeballs) that simply bypass your entire primary powerset "for free" (without a "thank you" note), to Psionic Damage (oh look, Rularuu again!) to Toxic Damage (which hardly anyone gets protection against). On the flipside, you can shut down Malta *HARD* with Ice/Ice, which is often a bugaboo group for most other powersets.
Ironically, Ice/Ice is perhaps best played using a mindset more akin to that of the ideal for a Brute or a Scrapper. Ice/Ice is very much in the "flypaper" strategy tradition in which you herd them up and grind them down. Once you get it fully slotted out and built, Ice/Ice is actually a remarkably aggressive combination to play.
Just watch out for all the kryptonite designed to (over)kill any and all Defense based protection schemes in the game.

Stone is great as long as you like your nickname to be "Captain Slow"
Invul is a great set as long as you get tough and weave. It's simple and powerful at high ends.
Will Power is also a good, but a bit tricky, as you are now balancing regen and defense. But you get that Psi defense many tank builders are looking for.
Shield is good as an offensive consideration, some good team defense for your efforts, but I personally think it's overrated
The other power sets can be good, but are very complex to get right. I see them more of a fun alternative than a true defensive tanker build.
For 'pure Survival' and nothing else, Stone is still king, post 32.
Willpower is fantastic for You, the Tanker, but you have to work much harder to overcome it's weak Aggro-holding traits, so it can be problematic on a team. Fireheart |
Your secondary can be almost as important as your primary with certain builds.
Hi all, I recently came back from a few yrs break and wanting to re-start with a pure Tank for teaming. Due to all the updates which set is the most survivable? Is Ice/Ice still weak compared to others?
Thanks in advance ![]() |
You might also consider creating a brute. Not quite as tough as a tanker, but the damage can be much better. I've got an Electrical/Electrical brute slotted for high Slash/Lethal defense and it can easily deal with x4/+1 spawns at level 43. It can do Tip missions (which have a lot of the worst mobs in the game -- Malta, Carnies, Arachnos, etc.) at that difficulty without serious problems.
Have to agree with Redlynne, Ice/ is a very powerful set, but you can feel the pain if your Def is debuffed to much. However, since i've been playing an ice tank (ice/eng) since before I can remember, I'd say that ice tankers can out tank most others (except for stone) with ease. Very little will get through to you (especially if you get some nice set bonuses from IOs as I did) and you always have hoarfrost and hibernate to back you up if your health gets too low (P.S. aid self works well with this set also if you want another healing power). I also have a WP/Fire tank at 50, and while he is fun to play, i consider him a squishy compared to my ice tank.
I like Invuln the best overall.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Willpower and Invulnerability to me are a tie for second place.
Ive build pretty much every tank except Dark to level 50 and I just find that Invuln overrall is the best for me. Stone in granite is very very tough but you pay for that by being incredibly slow, travel limited and doing less damage.
My Invuln will get even better once issue 19 drops.. He already has perma Dull Pain, Soft capped defense with a very few foes in range and with IO's even has decent defense and resistance to PSI. And he is at the cap for smashing lethal resistance as well.
Plus no recharge or damage penalties.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
This question really depends on whether or not you're talking about an "end game" build or a leveling build. I have 3 lvl 50 tanks, and I can tell you that my Invuln tank was easily the most surviveable on my way to 50. However, once we start talking about IOing at level 50, things change a bit. I have a fire tank that rivals my invuln for survivabilty, believe it or not. With IO's, my fire tank is at 40% S&L defense which vastly reduces the damage coming in. With S&L resistances at 70% and everything else but toxic and cold at 50% resist, what does come through is pretty well mitigated and healing flames currently has a 12 second recharge to keep the green bar full. The only real exception I've found has been Lord Recluse. I am proud to say I've tanked Recluse successfully on my fire tank with just an Emp for support, but it wasnt easy. My invuln has tanked recluse much more successfully, due largely in part to Dull Pain hitting the hitpoint cap and that extra defense & resists. But I can't think of another mission/AV in the game that I have had troubles tanking with the fire tanker (maybe Hami?), and the toon adds some significant damage to the team as well unlike my Invuln.
My point to all this? Pre-IO, Invuln would be my vote for the most survivable and playable tank (stone can be FRUSTRATINGLY slow). If your thinking Stateman TF, Invuln or stone are really the best ways to go. But post IOs ANY tank should be able to do the job on 99% of missions/TFs/AVs with the right build.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
With the recent ability to change Dark Armor's effects, it's not as much of an over powering look any more.
Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.
You can just about customize the effects of DA to absolutely nothing now. Which is nice, seeing how it is the best set out there, unless you like being a big slow lifeless turd that has lackluster damage.
Pre-ED, yeah Stone all the way, but now, meh. Sadly mine was level 41 when that issue dropped, and my Stone/SS got put on the shelf. Took almost 2 more years for him to hit 50, and that was cus I was tired of looking at him.
Dark Armor is like that kid you knew in school that didn't know when to shut up, and no matter how bad he got beaten down, he got right back up again and kept on talking.
My Invuln will get even better once issue 19 drops.. He already has perma Dull Pain, Soft capped defense with a very few foes in range and with IO's even has decent defense and resistance to PSI. And he is at the cap for smashing lethal resistance as well.
Plus no recharge or damage penalties. |
Having said that, my Stony's already S/L/Psi capped out of Granite, and I'll prolly be adding back Crystals, maybe even (chuckle) Brimstone w/I19. Even in Granite, he's hardly slow, though you can't do much about the damage debuffs. Of course, I just spend as little time as possible in Granite.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I'm not disputing your finding Stone (or any set) not to your taste, but really, in what way did ED affect Stone's survivability relatively more than other sets? Is it not still the king of "Hey, I'm still standing!" regardless of ED?
Here's an interesting data point, back in issue 7 when I was leveling my Stone/EM tanker I got curious about just how tough it was so I decided to find out. At level 40 I went to PI and found a group of level 50 Nemesis consisting of a Fake, Warhulk and 4 LT/Minions. I went Granite + Rooted, TP'd into the group and stood there with Mud Pots running. After about a minute I hit Earth's Embrace. About a minute later I TP'd back out again at about 20% HP. That was on pure SO's against a half dozen +10 Nemesis including two bosses. Obviously I wasn't going to ever do any damage to them, but they were unable to kill me.
Because Stone's so strong I don't look for survivability when I'm looking for an IO build, instead I look to overcome the recharge and mobility penalties. When the base performance is that high I find it's not worthwhile looking for still more. Yes, with IO's you could increase a Granite tank's durability by a considerable amount but why? I'd rather work on QoL bonuses rather than durability in that case.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
I'll have to pitch my case for Elec. Endurance is never an issue, Self Heal with +Regen lets you tank Hamidon on the LGTF quite effectively, and you get great offensive stuff in a damage aura and a +rech passive. All resistance sets are up there for the most survivable, but in my mind Elec gives you the most offense with that. It also looks cool.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
I'll have to pitch my case for Elec. Endurance is never an issue, Self Heal with +Regen lets you tank Hamidon on the LGTF quite effectively, and you get great offensive stuff in a damage aura and a +rech passive. All resistance sets are up there for the most survivable, but in my mind Elec gives you the most offense with that. It also looks cool.
More to the point, there's a great deal of debate on whether resistance is better or worse than defense (most argue defense is better, btw), but a pure resistance set will never compete w/the kinds of layering Invul & Stone have, or even Shields (which arguably gives even more offense than Fire).
Now, get your Elec tanker to a few types or positions of defense capped, and now we're talking. On SOs, I find Elec lacking on overall mitigation, just as I find Fire & Dark on SOs (very) lacking.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Fire, Dark & Stone all get damage auras; Fire gets a BU-like power as well as Burn. Fire has the better heal also, and while Consume pales to Power Sink for +end, it received a nice buff recently. Now, if you're saying among resist sets Elec has the best resist #s, I'd agree with you, but Elec doesn't give you the most offense, and not by a long shot.
More to the point, there's a great deal of debate on whether resistance is better or worse than defense (most argue defense is better, btw), but a pure resistance set will never compete w/the kinds of layering Invul & Stone have, or even Shields (which arguably gives even more offense than Fire). Now, get your Elec tanker to a few types or positions of defense capped, and now we're talking. On SOs, I find Elec lacking on overall mitigation, just as I find Fire & Dark on SOs (very) lacking. |
As for getting defense capped, I'm close. I try to always carry a full tray of purple insps, and they're always enough. If I decide to spend some inf on the Gladiator defense proc, I'll be softcapped to all positionals with a single purp insp.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
As for getting defense capped, I'm close. I try to always carry a full tray of purple insps, and they're always enough. If I decide to spend some inf on the Gladiator defense proc, I'll be softcapped to all positionals with a single purp insp.
I definitely like the idea of shooting for 32.5% defenses if you can't flat out cap it, esp at lower levels before you're all IO'ed out. It's very easy to combine insp drops into purples and you can keep yourself artificially at cap a whole lot of the time.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Hi all, I recently came back from a few yrs break and wanting to re-start with a pure Tank for teaming. Due to all the updates which set is the most survivable? Is Ice/Ice still weak compared to others?
Thanks in advance