Is it just me or is Liberty seriously broken this week?
It's all you, no lag here.

I agree with Matty McTwinkletoes, no lag here either. It is just you.
Gotta agree with Matt and Fitzy, no lag on my end, and I'm connecting from Europe, however I'm also running on a 110M cable connection, so that may be part of it too. I love me some European internet connections!
A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
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I've been experiencing similar lag spikes ShadowKitty, but with my current internet connection I was putting the blame on my modem. Currently having to connect through a broadband usb phone modem, and it can get downright grumpy.
If I'm not the only one, though, then perhaps not? The rubberbanding you describe I've had happen to me two seperate days this week. <shrugs>
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."
I ran into a little stuttering and command lag last night, but it seemed okay this morning...
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
I don't know what is going on but yesterday both my mother and I experienced severe lag issues, the kind you used to see in the old Hami raids.
We're in different states and use different internet providers. This happened both in a small instance map and in the zone. We both have good, new (as of this summer) computers that are UM capable so it isn't on our end.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Funny, after last night's patch, my game ran without a hitch...
Has to be server side, our team last night was across the states east to west and we all suffered the lag beast like it was cycluing between us completely weird. For soome it happend in mission others was in the general zone, or zoning cycle into missions. I would think it was me or my connection but when my fellow team members in different states have the same issues it makes you pause. Whatever it is we need it fixed.
by Star Ranger 4 WIN LOSE OR DRAW, WE WILL FIGHT. WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO! |
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG
I was fine last night but my friend in Florida was having all of the above posted trouble...
I noticed last night that my load times were really bad. Teammates were waiting on me all night to zone in and out. It was just me though so probably my ISP/connection.
Looking at these posts has me fairly convinced that I'm wrong to blame these problems on my modem.
Which, is a shame, really. I can fix my modem. I can't do anything about the server.
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."
Sadly, the one mistake I made when it was happening to me, I didn't test any of the other servers so I don't know if it's specific to Liberty or if it's game-wide...
Alot of times when my load times are long is because CoH has been running for a bit. Restarting usually helps.
/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!
Looking at these posts has me fairly convinced that I'm wrong to blame these problems on my modem.
Which, is a shame, really. I can fix my modem. I can't do anything about the server. |
It's not the server.
I suggest posting in the Technical Issues forum along with your DxDiag and HijackThis report. Some possibile issues:
- spyware
- virusses
- old graphics card drivers
- low space on c:
- need to defrag
- pagefile undersized
- not enough RAM
so on and so forth.
But I can tell you with near 100% certainty it's not the server.
I began experiencing "stuttering" or "rubberbanding" after the patch on 9/9/10. It was so terrible the market was unusable. At one point i "mapped" an entire mission, only to be sent right back to the door. All of this cleared up mysteriously after the patch on 9/27/10.....
strange coincidence ...... hmmmmm.......
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
Looking at this comment has me fairly convinced you don't have a clue. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
It's not the server. I suggest posting in the Technical Issues forum along with your DxDiag and HijackThis report. Some possibile issues: - spyware - virusses - old graphics card drivers - low space on c: - need to defrag - pagefile undersized - not enough RAM so on and so forth. But I can tell you with near 100% certainty it's not the server. |
First -
This is going to make an attempt to run a little program that can take up to 20 minutes to finish. When it's done, it puts shortcut to a text file on the desktop. When it's done, you attach the text file to the CoH support ticket.
From there, the folks that fully understand exactly how things are supposed to work on the CoH side can get a better understanding of how to solve the problem.
In my case, they told me to click start, run and enter MSCONFIG
They told me to hide all of microsoft services. Then uncheck all the remaining things. There were about 7 or 8. 3 of them I had no idea what they did. At that point, I was then able to get on and resume as usual.
Absolutely nothing against the bright folks in our own CoH forums, but I've had occasions where I've gotten conflicting advice in the past.
Some rules of thumb - always check your video card drivers to ensure they are up to date. (might as well check your other drivers as well)
Check to see if Windows is trying to update something. That always seems to cause me lag.
Some of you are playing on quad and hex core systems with 4 gigs of ram or more. I suspect that for the most part, you guys aren't having any problems at all, except for the server side issues when the CoH system is trying to track the details for 50 toons and send all manner of data back to each persons system so the respective players can mash the appropriate buttons to beat up the bad guys. That problem, well, maybe they're fixing that now!

When all else fails, blame the ISP!

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Wednesday night:
Constant serious rubber banding and stuttering, powers and chat pausing for extended periods of time, having to click on doors 5 times or so to enter missions or train.
Thursday night:
Game ran fine, everything back to normal.
Saturday morning:
Back to the same conditions as Wednesday night.
It's not my machine, I'm a computer technician and know it inside out.
It's not my internet, I'm on a 50M cable service.
I connect to the game from Ontario, Canada.
Wednesday night, a teammate connecting from Florida was experiencing the exact same issues, while others on the team from other areas were fine.