Dev Choice Suggestion Thread




Originally Posted by LaceySky View Post
I'm definitely throwing in another vote for Arc #344596 - Golden Age Secret of the Paragon Society.

Wrong Number did such a fantastic job with that one!
Another vote for this, excellent arc!

MA Arc:
Overload (Arc ID #405822) | Status: Final | Last Edited: 5th Nov 2010 for text fixes.



I'd like to nominate Library Restoration Project - When Astoria Fell: Arc ID # 331736 by Witty Librarian because it's part of one of the funnest multiple arc storyline I've seen done in MA and I'm really curious to see what the author would do with another MA story slot. The other Library Restoration Project arcs are also fantastic and I would encourage anyone searching for a good AE experience to try them all out.



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
1. The arc you suggest must be flagged as final.
2. The arc can't be your own.
3. The player can't already have a Dev Choice.
I object to rule #3. If a player is capable of making multiple arcs worthy of Dev's Choice, why penalize that player for already having one? One would think that the goal of Dev's Choice is to motivate players to create quality content, but if you remove that motivation after a single success, that's kind of self-defeating, isn't it? What publishing company tells its prospective clients, "Come and write for us, and if you succeed at it, we'll never recognize your work again"?



A publishing company publishes. In Mission Architect, you self-publish.

The analogy here is closer to creating an anthology. Only so many Dev Choice arcs fit on those header pages, so the editor of the anthology chooses a suitable representative suite of stories. Typically all from different authors. When those stories hit home, hopefully the reader will think to search for other stories by that author. Self-published stories.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you! opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!



Originally Posted by airhead View Post
When those stories hit home, hopefully the reader will think to search for other stories by that author.
That sounds good in principle, but what is the payoff for the author's future endeavors? Hall of Fame? If I remember, last time I looked there were more Dev's Choice than there were Hall of Fame entries. And the only time I ever actually played a Hall of Fame entry, it was just a massive farming mission, which kinda lowers the Hall of Fame status achievement -- do the players like your arc because it's really, really good, or do they like it because you kicked the spawns up to 11 on a huge map with plenty of uber-allies? (Of course, that was a while ago -- pretty soon I intend to create a toon whose sole reason for being will be to play MA missions, so I'll catch up then...and hopefully find some arcs to recommend here.)

To me, the ultimate payoff for investing your time and imagination would be this: If the devs judge your Arc to be 100% flawless, fun, and canonical, then not only will they award you a free X-month (whatever's reasonable) subscription to CoH, but also they will convert your arc AS IS into an actual in-game mission that you could potentially get from an in-game contact (or even play from Ourouborous)! Think about it -- maybe instead of being offered "Bonefire" for the umpteenth time, your Kings Row contact would actually offer up YOUR arc! Wouldn't THAT be the coolest prize EVAR???



Originally Posted by airhead View Post
When those stories hit home, hopefully the reader will think to search for other stories by that author. Self-published stories.
Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. I get dozens of plays on one arc every week. And I have gotten maybe 2 plays off my other arcs because of someone playing that one arc and searching for more of my work.



Yeah. On the other hand, as long as the search system is cumbersome and the AE is loaded with dead wood, we can't be sure that the principle behind airhead's suggestion isn't sound.

I seriously wonder how much the system could be improved by a reset-to-zero for everyone.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
If they change the star-ratings system to something more fair at the same time: immensely.
Honestly, they need to just make arc visibility not dependent on star ratings. The front page of the search is not conducive at all to helping people find arcs. Just a big ol' list of stuff. Hell, just putting a few different categories like Most Popular, Highly Rated, Dev's Choice, Recently Played and such with a More button to look at other arcs in that category would be a far better system than just a big fat list.