Villain Group Directory (Aug '10 - Jan '11)
Name: Titan Industries
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: Moderate to heavy. This is an rp vg; our members are generally looking to share stories together, both in-game and on the forums. We have an OOC channel, but teams and sg chat should be considered IC unless indicated otherwise.
PvP Level: Player's choice. The group doesn't pvp, but individual members are free to pursue it as they like.
Theme/Concept: Established in 2009 by Brooklyn Cale, Titan Industries is an acquisitions and problem-solving firm. The company operates out of a secure facility in St. Martial in the Etoile Isles and specializes in the quick, discreet resolution of problems. Employees are free to pursue their own interests, cultivate their own clients, and work on their own agendas. In order to find and perform jobs, each operative has access to the human, electronic, and financial networks provided by the company. In exchange, employees give a small percentage of their incomes to Titan Industries and occasionally carry out an assignment given to them by the firm. Jobs assigned to operatives by the company pay extremely well once they are successfully completed. Good performance and loyal service tend to result in better assignments, bigger paychecks, and more perks.
Most backgrounds and all origins are welcome. There's a few concepts that probably wouldn't fit in too well. (For example, Arachnos loyalists or anyone under the age of 18.) Also, characters are recruited into the group, so there's no IC way to apply. Players are welcome to inquire about membership though! A captain and the applicant will decide together how Titan Industries has heard about the character.
Activity: We currently have a nice group of about 20 experienced roleplayers. We tend to be active after about 8-9 PM EST, though there's a few of us who pop on during the afternoons. We have in-game teaming and rp (including two weekly team nights), as well as forum-based rp. Members are not required to use the forums for storytelling, but they are certainly encouraged to do so.
Requirements for Membership: There is no minimum level to join, but anyone who's interested in applying will need to fill out an application at our website. We expect members to be mature, thoughtful, and active.
Leadership: Titan Girl - Director; Sharpening Block - Captain; Voltaic Scorpion - Captain.
In-Game Contact(s): @Andy, @T-Pill, or @Victor I.
Out-of-Game Contact(s): You can pm Andora on the main CoH forums or leave a message for us at our website in the application section.
Coalitions: Anathema, Sin Enterprises, and Pulse
You can also check out our Virtueverse page here.

Name: Entropy Legion
Currently Recruiting: always looking for people to join the Legion
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, 100% IC spatial, /sg IC and OOC mix. We have dedicated OOC channel. Also, quick OOC messages with the typical (( )) chat rule in any channel.
PvP Level: Casual, we do schedule occasional RPvP (PvP in a RP context and decorum) Patrols. But PvP is a very minor, to non-existant, element in Entropy Legion. PvP activity is mostly left to the individual.
Theme/Concept: Entropy Legion is a silver-age style group of villains bent on the usual "conquer the world" or "the greatest heist" concept. We are a lot like the Legion of Doom, in where one member will come up with a Plot (created in AE) and the rest of the Legion will then help that Plot in order to have the Legion be victorious.
Of course, being the people that villains usually are, we mess up and are a bit screwed up. We are enjoying the RP of what it would be like if severely quirky and dysfunctional people were stuck in a room together.
Activity: The Legion more EST biased, but RP and member interaction is at any time of day, any day of the week. We have regular scheduled events, with Wed being our main RP night (called "Rogue Night Out") and Monday being more of Infamy grind style missions, but in RP.
Requirements for Membership: out-of-game communication on guild forums (
Leadership: Radium Blight is the current sitting leader (Arch-Villain), with Dark Lies Made Real, Aeshara, and Miss Ultimate being the current "officers" of the Legion
In-Game Contact(s): Radium Blight is current leader of the Legion (@davpa), but any officer or member can be contacted
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Contact in this forum under Davpa_CoX for more info
Other Details: We like to think of ourselves as a fun group that has a good "family" core of players that are always looking out for each other. We play Red and Blue side together and support each other with story ideas, RP interaction, and just a good laugh or two.
Name: The Sveziron
Currently Recruiting: Heavily recruiting and also looking for coalition allies.
RP Level: Medium-Heavy RP. The group is primarily a RP group. We have an ooc channel.
PvP Level: We do not require PVP and if a player wishes to do it on their own or invite anyone else to join them, it is not a problem.
Theme/Concept: After the unfortunate destruction and deterioration of their home planet, the Sveziron had little choice but to use their technology to survive. Part organic, part cybernetic, the Sveziron are scavengers, constantly looking for replacement parts as their bodies reject them. They took leave to Earth, a suitable environment. As their current leader and chief engineer, Botos seeks a way to give the Sveziron their natural bodies back.
The concept is basically a humanoid with tech parts, much like a cyborg. Though the tech does not have to be in the majority of the character. We do ask that a new toon is created or an existing toon be altered to suit the looks of the alien race. The naming policy is basically Hungarian or Slavik names but that is not a requirement. For more on background of the race as well as character creation guide, visit the website.
Activity: As we are new, we have at least half a dozen active players. We are hoping to make that number grow as we recruit. Hopefully this site can help =].
Requirements for Membership: Mature Roleplayers are welcomed. Some character creation or alteration may be required.
Leadership: Botos - Leader. Schevaka - Commander.
In-Game Contact(s): @Xanxus, @TheSyrup
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Leave an in game tell or e-mail. Also messages in the COX forums.
Name: Powers Division
Currently Recruiting: Recruiting!
RP Level: Medium RP preferred, but not required. SG concept would require at least a little character concept parity.
PvP Level: I don't do a lot of PvP, but others are welcome to. Potential rivalry for RPPvP exists.
Theme/Concept: Powers Division is just what it sounds like; the Primal Earth version of Praetoria's Powers Division. The idea is for the "Heroes" of Praetoria (mostly Power arc, but also Responsibility; Loyalists) to come to Primal Earth and prepare it for Cole's coming invasion. We seek publicity, popularity, peace and prosperity, just like members of Powers Division back home.
The Rogue Isles are a mess, and we're going to tidy up before Emperor Cole arrives to put everything in order. If we get a bit of fame and fortune in the process, all the better!
Activity: Less than I would like, though I haven't been able to catch most of the people that have expressed interest yet (many are still in Praetoria). I'm on almost every day, though my times are a bit sporadic.
Requirements for Membership: Be willing to play in a group dedicated to the conquest of Primal Earth by Praetoria.
Leadership: Muchitsujo Eiko (@Eiko-chan).
In-Game Contact(s): @Eiko-chan
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Drop a GleeMail, Global Tell, PM, or a note in this thread!
Name: The X-Patriots
Currently Recruiting: We are currently seeking active recruits, of any level, AT, or origin to join our ranks.
RP Level: RP-friendly organization
Theme/Concept: This organization was founded with the belief that Paragon City is no longer truly a government by the people and for the people but rather a city run by the might of heroes, not the rule of law. Fleeing to the Rogue Isles, disillusioned former heroes banded together to prove it... in flames if necessary.
What grew from these humble idealistic beginnings would eventually be known as the largest and wealthiest mercenary group to work the Rogue Isles and menace the "good" people of Paragon City. With a rank-and-file membership composed of thieves, murderers, vigilantes, anti-heroes, and every other criminal shade of grey that walks the Isles, the X-Patriots are commonly known as a ruthlessly efficient para-military outfit. Behind the scenes however, their true leadership still works towards that original goal, their wealth and their might focused on organized crime, corruption, and the downfall of the "City of Heroes".
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" -Thomas Jefferson
Activity: Members are commonly on throughout the day, with peak activity during the evening hours of Eastern Standard Time.
Requirements for Membership: Members are expected to log on at least once per week unless notifying the leadership of an absence. 100k prestige and registration on our forums are required for promotion to soldier status and access to base storage. Further promotions based on merit. SG mode is appreciated, but optional. This is also a family-friendly group with policies accordingly.
(Leadership) Commanders: Smallz
In-Game Contact(s): @Smallzies, @Kotenok, @Dreamfarer, @Pyr9, @Monovalent
Out-of-Game Contact(s): We are always checking our forums. Please feel free to contact us there.
Coalition(s): Global Co, X-Patriots
(Other Details) Mission Statement: The X-Patriots strive to be one of the most versatile and active groups in all of City of Villains! Our first priority is providing a friendly environment for members with an emphasis on maturity and working together.
PVE oriented players, RPers, and PVPers welcome.
Name: The Furioso Family
Currently Recruiting: We are recruiting all levels and all archetypes.
RP Level: light RP but we don't mind if you're heavily into RP, some of us are into it more than others.
Theme/Concept: We are a mobster-themed villain group
Activity: We are active everyday, Sunday is Meeting Day with missions afterward, Wednesday is designated SG night but we team up every day of the week.
Requirements for Membership: The Furioso Family has 2 rules: 1) Please play in SG Mode at all times and 2) please log in every 15 days to avoid being kicked from SG. Also 1 costume slot has to be dedicated to a suit, all black with a red spade in the over position. Colors are Red and Black.
Leadership: Catalina Furioso, Roxanna Furioso, Enrico Furioso
In-Game Contact(s): @Dark Fuel, @Maiden of Darkness
Out-of-Game Contact(s): feel free to send me a global tell or a PM here
URL: currently we have no website but I may be in the process of creating one
Coalition(s): B1ood Pack, Society of Sin are two of the 4 that I know off the top of my head
Other Details: First promotion after 25k in prestige, having your suit and staying in the Family for at least 1 week. The Furioso Family has moved from Triumph where we were #2 on the entire server to Virtue due to lack of players on Triumph.
we can't run from who we are, our destiny chooses us.
The Furioso Family has moved to Virtue
global @Enrico Furioso
Enrico Furioso Level 50 DP/Rad Corr
Name: Sin Enterprises
Currently Recruiting: Yes.
RP Level: RP-Heavy (( VG chat is IC, as are all the other chats except for things between parentheses or in the OOC global chat channel))
PvP Level: Casual, everyone's free to engage in it as much as they like.
Theme/Concept: Much like Umbrella Corp. from the popular Resident Evil series of video games and movies and Crey Industries within our very own Paragon City, Sin Enterprises is not without ulterior motives. While the aims of this organization may ultimately be well-intentioned, the means by which they are achieved is not. Sin Enterprises is run by ruthless twin sisters who despise corrupt government meddling, the petty gangs that would subjugate and trample entire neighborhoods and the ignorant Freedom Corps with their blindly faithful heroes. The Sin sisters suffer no guilt releasing a security detail to sweep the streets, "cleaning" it of social garbage.
Powered employees* are widely used to spread word among the gangs and various power groups that Sin Enterprises means business and to discourage any interference. Additionally, powered teams may be dispatched to demand restitution for such interference in business activities. More experienced teams are given additional instructions to "make an example" of any nuisances. These examples are expected to be violent, fast, and leave no direct connection to Sin Enterprises while leaving no doubt to any who knew the victims.
* All the player characters start as Powered Security.
Activity: Activity tends to vary, peak times are usually past 6 PM EST, though we have a several European members as well (mostly in the GMT +1 timezone).
Requirements for Membership: By application on the forums' Reception section.
There is no level restriction.
Leadership: Angela & Kira Sin
In-Game Contact(s): @Laughing Wolf, @Knightslayer, @Paxicon, @Melkhor, @Mrr'Shaw, @Conquerer Worm, @Onca (currently limited on in-game time), @Nitro-Girl (currently limited on in-game time)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Feel free to send me a PM, or just contact one of the officers on the Sin Enterprises forums.
Other Details: We have a weekly AE RP event on fridays at 9 PM EST, though the slot might sometimes be used for an SF or RP event instead (but something will always be going on!)
Other than that the events tend to be spontaneous.
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
Name: Repossession Inc.
Currently Recruiting Yes.
RP Level: RP-Med to Heavy (VG chat and coalition is generally IC unless brackets are used.)
PvP Level: Casual, everyone's free to engage in it as much as they like.
Theme/Concept: Repossession Inc. is an assortment of folk living aboard the airship, Pandora. While the group as a whole ranges from pirates, thieves, outlaws, and anarchists; everyone aboard the ship looks out for each other and to keep the Pandora, the path to the freedom they all desire, in the skies.
Activity: Just a couple members currently, mostly Pacific evenings. We're hoping to expand.
Requirements for Membership: Some sort of a loose fit with the theme; although we would love it if applicants had some idea of what they would like to do on the ship (ie gunner, medic, engineer etc.).
Leadership: Rivette
In-Game Contact(s): Captain Rivette, Rivette or my global @veebs
Out-of-Game Contact(s): If Im not online, please feel free to send me in-game email. I do use it!
Other Details: Since the VG is just getting off the ground (see wut I did thar?), there is a lot of room for flexibility and growth.
Name: Anathema - website at:
UPDATED LISTING & Recruiting Information: Currently Recruiting: For more information, see our website, or contact one of our Leadership.
RP Level: RP-intensive in /coalition and /VG, active on our website forums, and chatty, funny, and sometimes raunchy OOC in Global.
PvP Level: Extremely casual and individually driven.
Coalitioned with: Repossession Inc. and Titan Industries
Theme/Concept: Anathema is a community of sorts and is home to a number of outcasts, fugitives, extortionists, arsonists and varying and sundry other vile individuals. They come from all paths, be it from the power of Technology, Science, Magic, Mutation, or through some Natural design. These gathered have deemed it worthwhile to commune together. Some do it for protection, others for access to the Warrens, the home of Anathema, and still others do it simply because there is nothing better happening in the Rogue Isles.
OOCly, Anathema is the Dauntless Reveries Villain-side counterpart.
Activity: Our prime time is predominantly North American in the evenings and weekends, and we have a weekly VG night
(Wednesday evenings.)
Requirements for Membership: You need to be a good writer (this is more about the strength of your stories than the incidence of your typos!) and mesh socially with the group.
Leadership/In-Game Contact(s): @Rhianwen, @LyteInVirtue, @TheVagabond, @Elysienne (UK time), @Arinara (UK time)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): We highly recommend registering through the main site home page, at: After registraton has been processed, you may log-in and click the City of Villians: Apply button on the Home Page. This will take you to the Anathema VG application thread. [Note:] When submitting a character application, please also include your characters IC reason and method for seeking membership with Anathema.
Name: Insidious Force
Currently Recruiting: Yes!
RP Level: Light to Moderate. This is a light RP group made in response to the SG Unified Force.
PvP Level: Light PvP, not required.
Theme/Concept: Established as a coalition of powers to take down Unified Force, Insidious Force recruits all those who hate the Heroes of Paragon...
Activity: We have a small population of 3 active players, being mostly military in real life we have a few characters and they're players on leave of abcense,
Requirements for Membership: None accept activity...
Leadership: Blessed Lucifer, Patriot Lass (antistatesman ask)
In-Game Contact(s): @enforcement, @nightblades master
Out-of-Game Contact(s): PM elvnsword09 here on the boards.
URL: none at this time
Coalitions: none at this time
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

Name: House Dracul (VG)
Currently Recruiting: We are currently recruiting new members.
RP Level: We are a Heavy RP VG but we don’t require people to RP all the time. PUGs are often OOC, but all SG/VG events are IC like Temple RP Thursday and RPAE Nights. Supergroup and coalition channels are considered IC, as is the TempleComms global channel which enables characters redside and blueside to communicate.
PvP Level: We are not PVP intensive at all, but we welcome PVPers. Some members PVP occasionally.
Theme/Concept: House Dracul is a VG for people who find themselves in the Isles through misfortune and need a place to lie low for whatever reason. The Keep (VG Base) was the former hideout of the Temple of the Wilted Lotus' big nemesis but is now being used as a safehouse. If your character is misunderstood, from bad circumstances or even framed, House Dracul might be for you. (Real Villains are also welcome, it is the Isles after all.)
Currently both the Temple and House Dracul are reacting to and preparing for war with the Praetorians. Praetorians who want to stop Cole’s invasion (for whatever reason) are very welcome to join.
Activity: Currently we have three players active within the VG that have several alts. We are looking to get active. Active members are either in the Mountain or Eastern Time Zones.
Requirements for Membership: There are no requirements for membership. We are more than happy to help you level. You are not required to run in SG-mode, but if you have requests for the base they will not be heeded unless you earn some prestige. More rules and information can be found at the website below.
Leadership: Alicia Lang founded the Temple and now is considered Countess of House Dracul (Toon Names: Crimson Bliss (Blue), Alicia Lang (Blue), Scarlet Agony (Red), Ebon Agony (Red). House Dracul’s Warden is Maynard Badseed and its Chief Arachnos Representative is Widow Autumn.
In-Game Contact(s): For invites or more information contact @Crim the Man-Tastic, @Saucy Mynx, @Kitty Chow or @Nandez.
Out-of-Game Contact Crim or Nandez through steam. Search for Bu WeiLong or Nandez. The webssite below is free and open to join and a good way to get involved and get an invite.
Coalition(s): Heroside, we are coalitioned with two top 100 SGs, S.C.O.R.P.I.O. and Light of Paragon, as well as with Crimson Academy. We have no Villainside coalitions at this time. If it turns out that you fit in better with one of those SGs, we’d be happy to be a gateway to that.
Other Details: We don’t require that you bring SG or VG members for events. Bring your favorite character from any SG or VG. In fact, House Dracul is open to anyone looking to lay low, so feel free to RP with us at any time on either side. We run missions and TFs/SFs almost daily.
To help people understand the mood of the VG, I’ve made two low level AE arcs. House Dracul's arc is called “Finding Safe Haven”, Arc #480217, and is for characters level 1-25. The main villain is Wyvern although it cameos Infected, Arachnos, Legacy Chain, Luddites and more. This arc is soloable but a team is recommended for better rewards. It’s intended purpose is to introduce House Dracul.
Think it's time for a new VG recruitment thread. Here we go!
(Template copied from Grae_Knight's layout for Feb. '08 - June '08)
Name: SG Name
Currently Recruiting: you are / are not accepting new members, not recruiting new members but looking for other players/SGs interested in RP, not looking for anyone new in any way but wanting to let others know you exist, etc.
RP Level: RP-friendly, RP-intensive, RP-lite, nonRP, /sg IC, 100% IC spatial, etc., what degree of immersion do you expect or require?
PvP Level: Casual, hard-core, arena, zone, etc..
Theme/Concept: Briefly describe your SG's theme and/or concept (Longbow or other NPC-oriented group, Single Origin, Single Archetype, etc.) or general raison d'être
Activity: how many unique members do you have, what times (of which time zones) are your members active, which days of the week do you see the most log on - when is your "prime time" (so to speak)
Requirements for Membership: must be at least level #, out-of-game communication on guild forums (please also list URL forums if different from website), no alts in other SGs, no villains on Virtue, daily log-in, etc.
Leadership: character name(s)
In-Game Contact(s): Global @<name> for in-game contact(s)
Out-of-Game Contact(s): CoH's Virtue Forum handle(s) for PMs or email address(es) for those interested to seek more information when not logged in
URL: the group's website
Coalition(s): If you wish to reveal them here -you might also describe the nature of it - alliance, RP adversarial, functional, alt overflow, etc., or whether it is an IC or OOC associate.
Other Details: feel free to add any other important information like base setup, frequency of TF/SF scheduling, prestige generation expectations / goals, or anything else of general but significant appeal.