AMD to retire ATI brand
Strange to say the least, as the ATI brand has been on the upswing the last couple years, especially since the launch of the 5xxx series.
I just saw that. It doesn't seem like it will impact quality of product or anything, but yeah it is a little surprising that they would trade in a trademark/name with so much goodwill attached to it.
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interesting thing, the source for this information appears to be Anandtech / Dailytech. The problem I have with this is that AT/DT basically have an axe to grind against AMD/ATi. Case in point in a server processor test a few years they intentionally used a software package that had a known performance problem on AMD processors and passed it off as "factual real world performance", which raised a lot of eyes in the *Nix communities and various forum posts on places like Mepislovers to the effect of "those numbers aren't right"
I used to have fun documenting various times AT/DT was caught lying their pants off back in 2006, 2007, and 2008.
Given AT/DT's reputation, anytime anybody on that site says ANYTHING about AMD/ATi, it's best to have a 55 gallon drum of salt on hand.
As to whether or not AMD would drop the ATi brand-name, I could see AMD dropping the brand from the Fusion Processors. I just don't see AMD dropping the brand from it's add-in graphics cards anytime soon.
It's gone beyond rumor stage. This is real.
I like AMD, but I don't like ATI. So, this is a tie for me.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

It's on all the tech news sites including the European ones.
People have been expecting this since the merger.
On a positive note, there are rumors that the HD 6870 has closed the tessellation gap with the GTX 480.
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Any idea how much that 6870 is going to cost? Is that their new top of the line product for that tier or ...?
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Given AT/DT's reputation, anytime anybody on that site says ANYTHING about AMD/ATi, it's best to have a 55 gallon drum of salt on hand.

Speaking of poking: I've been poking around the AMD website and there is NOTHING I can find so far to support this story. Not a single press release or thread or anything that makes it clear that this is a real AMD announcement. Not saying it is or isn't true, just saying that AMD's own website isn't supporting it that I can see. Does anyone have a link to an actual AMD press release?
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interesting thing, the source for this information appears to be Anandtech / Dailytech. The problem I have with this is that AT/DT basically have an axe to grind against AMD/ATi. Case in point in a server processor test a few years they intentionally used a software package that had a known performance problem on AMD processors and passed it off as "factual real world performance", which raised a lot of eyes in the *Nix communities and various forum posts on places like Mepislovers to the effect of "those numbers aren't right"
I used to have fun documenting various times AT/DT was caught lying their pants off back in 2006, 2007, and 2008. Given AT/DT's reputation, anytime anybody on that site says ANYTHING about AMD/ATi, it's best to have a 55 gallon drum of salt on hand. As to whether or not AMD would drop the ATi brand-name, I could see AMD dropping the brand from the Fusion Processors. I just don't see AMD dropping the brand from it's add-in graphics cards anytime soon. |
Sorry, couldn't resist.
I haven't bought an ATi card in a decade now (the integrated one in my laptop doesn't count) so I couldn't care less really. I always hated their driver support back then and in computers I've had to fix on the job since.
I haven't bought an ATi card in a decade now (the integrated one in my laptop doesn't count) so I couldn't care less really. I always hated their driver support back then and in computers I've had to fix on the job since.
Anyways, it seems I must stand corrected. I have gotten responses from AMD confirming that the ATi brand is to be retired with the 6x00 series.
ATI had always been "great hardware, horrible drivers". It hadn't changed in ages, I don't expect it to.
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