Newly Arrived From Praetoria




I took my character through all of Praetoria (Robot/Poison MM) and was given a nice send-off by several of my surviving contacts there. I stepped through the Rift and---- found myself in an empty parking lot in Talos Island.

--kind of a big let-down--

I thought there'd be some kind of welcoming committee or something, greeting me to the "new world". Instead, my character was just standing there looking around. Also, I didn't take a travel power on this alt yet (didn't really need one in Praetoria), so he was left with no way of getting around. I've played CoH enough to know that I needed to go to the Shadow Shard to buy a jetpack, but new players wouldn't know this. Also, that run through Talos, then through Peregrine, to get to the SS is tough for a level 20 character!

My suggestion is that Steve Sheridan (or someone) be on hand to greet new players; maybe have some NPCs with confetti or something; also, information about travel needs in Paragon City, and, okay, why not, move the jetpack vendor to Talos, too. All characters arriving from Praetoria have just completed a monumental series of missions. Walking into an empty parking lot with nothing to do and no one to talk to is depressing.

Greet us, Primals!!!! lol

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Agree with the greeting.
Disagree about the need for the jetpack. New players can't wait to get their travel powers. In fact one of the first questions I keep getting asked is about when they can get travel powers and why do some players have them at level 6.

If they ever do move the Jetpack Vendor it should be to Atlas Park or put it on sale at the Market under fixed prices.



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I've played CoH enough to know that I needed to go to the Shadow Shard to buy a jetpack, but new players wouldn't know this. Also, that run through Talos, then through Peregrine, to get to the SS is tough for a level 20 character!
A few things:

First, you can get jetpack recipes at Wentworths for... what, pocket lint? And that market is, of course, merged - so you can snag one at any time from within Praetoria.

Second, the jetpack vendors in GV and the Shard are there for a reason - they're two zones that *really* cause problems for people without much vertical movement ability. They weren't put there for "lowbie jetpack sales." They won't be moved.

And third, of course - I have to agree that you not taking a travel power is your choice. *shrug*



I got a welcoming committee. I came out in the middle of a Rikti Invasion, and emerged from the warehouse literally two feet away from the sad end of a Rikti Dropship's main gun. Needless to say it waved hi back very vigorously.



Originally Posted by uberschveinen View Post
I got a welcoming committee. I came out in the middle of a Rikti Invasion, and emerged from the warehouse literally two feet away from the sad end of a Rikti Dropship's main gun. Needless to say it waved hi back very vigorously.
lol. That's pretty cool actually.

"Welcome to the warzone. There's no Emperor Cole protecting / repressing you here citizen"



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
lol. That's pretty cool actually.

"Welcome to the warzone. There's no Emperor Cole protecting / repressing you here citizen"
Considering I met Cole who told me all about how chaotic Primal Earth was right before I stepped out into Talos Island, that kind of a welcoming committee would have been pretty cool, actually

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I took my character through all of Praetoria (Robot/Poison MM) and was given a nice send-off by several of my surviving contacts there. I stepped through the Rift and---- found myself in an empty parking lot in Talos Island.
Yeah I guess I never thought about it but that does sound rather anti-climactic.

On the other hand since it seems almost certain that there will eventually be two-way travel between Primal Earth and Praetoria I'm thinking there's going to be a more formal portal between the two. Maybe the no-frills drop off in Talos is just a "placeholder" for the way people are going to be moving between the two worlds for "real" later on.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
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--{=====> Virtue ♀



I think it's entirely appropriate and in-genre for you to make your incursion into this dimension in a vacant alley or parking lot. The only way to make it better would be adding some lightning FX and the new costume-change power that makes a spherical pit in the pavement under you.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If they ever do move the Jetpack Vendor it should be to Atlas Park or put it on sale at the Market under fixed prices.
FYI (not just to Forbin, but anyone) - the temp power jet pack recipe is VERY cheap and easy to make.

30 minutes of Flight. I bought and made one in Praetoria for less than the 10K the SS one costs.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
FYI (not just to Forbin, but anyone) - the temp power jet pack recipe is VERY cheap and easy to make.

30 minutes of Flight. I bought and made one in Praetoria for less than the 10K the SS one costs.
To be honest I haven't paid any attention to the market since GR went live so I'm not aware of the prices to buy/make the new jetpack recipe. I've been giving it time to settle down since it was reset.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I think it's entirely appropriate and in-genre for you to make your incursion into this dimension in a vacant alley or parking lot. The only way to make it better would be adding some lightning FX and the new costume-change power that makes a spherical pit in the pavement under you.
Exactly. A welcoming party for the secret Praetorian invasion wouldn't make the invasion very secret.

But I haven't played that far in yet, so I'm not sure how "secret" it's supposed to be.

And the OP chose not to get a travel power and then complains about not being able to get around? /facepalm

Here's the $10 solution, thanks for playing.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I think it's entirely appropriate and in-genre for you to make your incursion into this dimension in a vacant alley or parking lot. The only way to make it better would be adding some lightning FX and the new costume-change power that makes a spherical pit in the pavement under you.
And you'd be naked, of course.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Yeah I guess I never thought about it but that does sound rather anti-climactic.

On the other hand since it seems almost certain that there will eventually be two-way travel between Primal Earth and Praetoria I'm thinking there's going to be a more formal portal between the two. Maybe the no-frills drop off in Talos is just a "placeholder" for the way people are going to be moving between the two worlds for "real" later on.
Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I think it's entirely appropriate and in-genre for you to make your incursion into this dimension in a vacant alley or parking lot. The only way to make it better would be adding some lightning FX and the new costume-change power that makes a spherical pit in the pavement under you.
What Megajoule said. Praetorians should arrive Terminator style



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Exactly. A welcoming party for the secret Praetorian invasion wouldn't make the invasion very secret.

But I haven't played that far in yet, so I'm not sure how "secret" it's supposed to be.

And the OP chose not to get a travel power and then complains about not being able to get around? /facepalm

Here's the $10 solution, thanks for playing.
Maybe you should re-read my post again.

I'm not complaining about the lack of a travel power. I knew I was going to pick up the jetpack as soon as I hit PC. Once I arrived, I did exactly that. As I was heading to the Shadow Shard, I starting thinking how it would be convenient for players if the Jetpack Vendor were somewhere closer, that's all.

This is the "Suggestions and Ideas" forum, not the "Vent" forum. I'm just throwing ideas out there, as the Praetoria--PC and Praetoria --Rogue Isles transfer system is new and may have some room for improvement.

As far as coming to Primal earth being a "secret", I don't know. I played Resistance-Warden in Praetoria, and my character was invited to come to PC to act as an ambassador of sorts for all Praetorians. That's why I was surprised there wasn't a big deal when he arrived.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Personally, I kind of liked the empty warehouse and nobody on the other side. It felt like it was saying "Welcome to Primal Earth. You're on your own now."



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
And you'd be naked, of course.
If you only knew how many characters I've made on that premise alone...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
Personally, I kind of liked the empty warehouse and nobody on the other side. It felt like it was saying "Welcome to Primal Earth. You're on your own now."
I agree with this. I don't think I would want a welcoming party. Especially if I was some one who had never seen Paragon City (or the Rogue Isles), it would be like "So this is Paragon, neat. Time to explore!"



It's a very personalised character thing, really. Some want fanfare, some don't. There's no way to turn existing fanfare off, so the people who do have to find some.

It wouldn't really make that much sense to have you attacked instantly when you left by a group that knows you, because your covertness about being from Praetoria is the reason you don't have the Freedom Phalanx personally cruising up to give you a very exciting fist-based welcome. As far as nearly everyone's concerned, Praetoria is another one of those silly bizzaro-land planets, and everyone in it is either completely powerless and helpless of phenomenally powerful and psychotic.

Actually, I think the best thing to do would be to put a contact just outside the exit who calls you over Vanguard Rep style. No missions, or anything, just a dialogue tree to the effect that 'We know you're here. We're watching you. Try any funny business and you'll regret it.'

Put one of those each side, and it would let players weaken that disjunction when you step out of the portal and BAM, Praetoria never mattered.



I found it kind of weird when I'd go up and talk to contacts and they'd be all like "I've heard about all the good you've done for the city..." or "while you've been here doing good, another you has been doing evil." ...except that I just got here!

What I'd like to see is a short arc which introduces you to the "Praetorian Underground" where you continue to do secret missions for Cole/The Resistance while you gain levels as a hero/villain in paragon. You could maybe choose between being an overt agent (you're "out" as a Pratorian, here to show the primals you guys are a-okay) or covert agent (nobody knows you're praetorian.)

So we'd need eight short (2-3 mission) arcs:

Covert Loyalist Heroes (forge documents to make you appear to be a primal)
Overt Loyalist Heroes (stage then stop a crime, for example)
Covert Resistance Heroes (see Covert Loyalist Heroes)
Overt Resistance Heroes (publicly reveal a Loyalist Underground plot)
Covert Loyalist Villains (Out of ideas, but you get the picture)
Overt Loyalist Villains
Covert Resistance Villains
Overt Resistance Villains

And then a spattering of arcs as you level, maybe at 23, 28, 33, 38, 43 and 48.

It'd take some work, but it would improve the "Praetorians in Primal Earth" experience alot.



What really gets me is the heroside doppelganger arcs. Do them on a hero you made in Paragon, or a villain who swapped sides, and it's at the very least implied that the good doppelganger who you meet is the praetorian you. And if you do it on a praetorian... it's implied that the good doppelganger you meet is the praetorian you.

Wait... what?

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



I kind of got my own idea earlier about something to help by introducing two new contacts and some new story arcs.
Basically, you arrive from Praetoria and get contacted by- Well, the contact in a somewhat cryptic way and you have to meet them not far from where you arrive, or maybe they're even waiting for you right there in a "Holy Zen! Where did YOU come from?!" moment.
The contact would basically explain that they know where your from and want to help you out, they do this by explaining some of the differences between Praetoria and earth Primal (this will likely be a snooze fest for veteran players), and then they give you a short series of missions you help you establish yourself, and (I'm not sure if this would be possible) they give you your newspaper/radio, as well as a selection of contacts you can pick from.
Maybe at level 25. they contact you again and give you another series of missions to help you establish/learn something about the situation back in Praetoria and even a possible way back...
The contact then reveals: "Yeah, sorry, you've probably figured it by now, but I'm actually praetorian myself. Sorry, but I'm taking this portal back because I have something that will stop Emperor Cole." or something like that, cue use of disappearing contact tech.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.