Cathedral of Pain attempt!




The big problem is that it's Stupid Broken. Rularrruu has a Regen of almost 600 HP/second. He follows you around and attacks through his shield. The cube spawns WILL follow you out if you try to regroup. And, worst of all, because of his retarded *** high Regen, you almost HAVE to have 24 Rads.

It's one thing to make a challenge. It's something else to require 24 specific ATs and Powersets to do it.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
The big problem is that it's Stupid Broken. Rularrruu has a Regen of almost 600 HP/second. He follows you around and attacks through his shield. The cube spawns WILL follow you out if you try to regroup. And, worst of all, because of his retarded *** high Regen, you almost HAVE to have 24 Rads.

It's one thing to make a challenge. It's something else to require 24 specific ATs and Powersets to do it.
There's no doubt it is a challenging trial, but I don't believe it is broken. I have been a part of 3 successful CoP trials, 2 on blueside (with both AVs) and 1 on redside, none of which required nukes, 24 Rads or any stringent list of ATs.

What I would recommend is having well balanced teams. Have someone on each team who can take point (this can be any well built melee, not necessarily a Tank AT). The rest of the ATs should be a mix of buffs, debuffs, damage buffs and damage. Ranged damage works especially well, because if you get the AV with the hurricane, it can be troublesome for melee.

What we have found works well is once you're inside, assign each team to a cube (very similar to how you brought down the obelisks, except closer in proximity). Each team goes to their cube and defeats the spawn as quickly as possible. Once they finish, they can assist with other teams. By going to the cube, this prevents the spawns from flying around, which ultimately delays their defeat. Once the spawns are down, everyone can hit the AV as hard as they can. Since the timer on his shield is based on the first of the spawn defeated, you want to clear them as fast as possible to allow for the longest window of time to attack the AV.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by VixenHealer View Post
We came, we tried, we lost.

Had a great time last night. To bad we did not win it. Some things that we learned.

1: Having a taunt tank on the AV cut down on the deaths, a LOT.
2: Having tanks on each team that were responsible for taunting the baddies at respawn helped a lot.
3: Helping other teams clear their baddies once your teams assigned cube got us a lot more shots at the AV.
4: We need more debuffs.
5: Having the global chat channel was HUGE for constant communication! Much better than broadcast and request.

We did a pretty fast job taking down the obelisks, GREAT when you consider we did this raid with no one on a voice server, including the leaders.

I also wanted to thank everyone for their patience in getting the trial started.

Thanks for coming everyone and we will try it again..SOON!!!

It was a good run. A lil bumpy at first with the obelisks. I'm of the feeling that it is better to take them down in one shot rather than the down to 30% then finish them off approach. If everyone ignores the Nat's and just attacks the obelisk then it should be possible.

Inside if there were a few players with toggle -regen debuffs then we may have stood a better chance as the debuff is not dependant on a to-hit and therefore would be more consistent on debuffing the regen rate. Also a couple of rads buffing everyone with AM would help with our recovery and damage.

We did manage to get the AV down to 50% of life before the shield went back up which is better than my attempted run. So I'm sure we'll beat him in time and this will be yet another "I remember when..." story.



Originally Posted by VixenHealer View Post
Some things that we learned.
To make sure your [alt] key isn't stuck so that when you go to buff your teammates, you attack their target instead.

(I caused the beginning of the obelisk SNAFU because of this, sorry!)



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
At the very least, the fact that Rularruu attacks through his shield is broken. He is not supposed to do that.
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I noticed occasionally the tanks would get phase bubbled by something. Does anyone know the source? Is it Rularuu (my suspicion) or is there a mob type that does that too?



The Wisp bosses have a phase bubble. Although the don't seem to use it as consistantly as they used to. (In my opinion anyway)



Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
I noticed occasionally the tanks would get phase bubbled by something. Does anyone know the source? Is it Rularuu (my suspicion) or is there a mob type that does that too?
Originally Posted by Draconis View Post
The Wisp bosses have a phase bubble. Although the don't seem to use it as consistantly as they used to. (In my opinion anyway)
I got hit with that phase bubble 2 or 3 times myself, and I was a scrapper with AoE aura damage.

One question though: Would Clear Mind prevent this?

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I was under the impression that bubble was unresistable. I could be wrong though.

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Here's a pro-tip people:

Communicate what the game plan is BEFORE the TF. Yes, you will probably need to re-cap as you go along, but a good idea before the start is VERY helpful.

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Originally Posted by VixenHealer View Post
11: Shields drop for 1 min, as soon as the shields go back up ALL SQUISHIES MUST go to the sides, hopefully to avoid the AV's AOE mass casualty attack.
I did some information gathering on a raid last night, the shield downtime is 45 seconds and you get a sub 2 second warning of a respawn by watching the jewels on the Willforges for a flame-like glow.

Best of luck to you guys though, this really is a toughie!

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Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
Here's a pro-tip people:

Communicate what the game plan is BEFORE the TF. Yes, you will probably need to re-cap as you go along, but a good idea before the start is VERY helpful.
LOL Capa, I did on my run Friday night. Spent about 5-10 min solid typing so everyone knew the general plan! ;-)

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Best of luck if you guys try this again this weekend. I'll be out of town, so hopefully I'll have another opportunity in the future.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Any more planned runs Vixen?

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Next attempt is Friday 17-Sep @ 9pm EST. Couldn't fit one in this weekend due to RL interference. See the stickied Guardian CoP Trials thread for more info.