Free Character Transfers?




Are they up? If so how do they work? All I see is the option to "Buy Character Transfer"...someone knock me in the head with knockledge.



Yeah, they're up. You have to use the "Buy Character Transfer" option, but it lets you do it for free anyway. Threw me too the first time round



Way to mark things clearly devs

Still I'm glad for the free transfers



How do I get a free character transfer?

Virtue is so laggy that I want to shift my characters to a less busy server.



Free transfers are given out in special events. They've only happened twice. When they do happen, you'll probably find out about in the gmotd. In the mean time, you can just make characters on the other server.



They should be giving them out as vet rewards, considering that it's an aging MMO in an era of single-shard games.



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
Yeah, they're up. You have to use the "Buy Character Transfer" option, but it lets you do it for free anyway. Threw me too the first time round
Really? Is this true? Back when the advertised free transfers were going on it actually told you how many free server transfers you had left. So now it says it'll charge you, but actually gives free transfers anyway? It sounds nice, but i'm a bit dubious about this.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Really? Is this true? Back when the advertised free transfers were going on it actually told you how many free server transfers you had left. So now it says it'll charge you, but actually gives free transfers anyway? It sounds nice, but i'm a bit dubious about this.
That post was on 8/19/2010... At that time, it showed you X Transfers remaining. but you STILL had to hit the store to redeem them. now 9/26/2010, transfers are no longer free, so they say they will charge you.

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Originally Posted by Positivity View Post
They should be giving them out as vet rewards, considering that it's an aging MMO in an era of single-shard games.
Funny, the 800lbs Gorilla isn't single shard. Neither is that new Japanese MMO.

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In truth, the only game I know that is legitimately single shard is EVE Online. The only others I can think of are that way because the game pop is painfully small (as in smaller than this game by nearly half)

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Funny, the 800lbs Gorilla isn't single shard. Neither is that new Japanese MMO.
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Originally Posted by Neo Shadowdream View Post
That post was on 8/19/2010... At that time, it showed you X Transfers remaining. but you STILL had to hit the store to redeem them. now 9/26/2010, transfers are no longer free, so they say they will charge you.
Yeah, just noticed that. After you posted. Blah.
i blame it on being tired and not paying enough attention.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Funny, the 800lbs Gorilla isn't single shard. Neither is that new Japanese MMO.
Originally Posted by Edana View Post
Usual disclaimer excluding all examples contrary to stated position applies.
This was pretty much my thought when i read that post.
Remember, on the internet [Unsubstantiated/Blatantly Wrong Rhetoric > Facts]; especially when it's in service of allegations of d00m.

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