A possible lack of slots?




I have an odd problem i've noticed today. I remember there supposedly being two free character slots with Going Rogue, however i don't seem to be able to access them. I do think it's weird GR is available today, i even managed to get into the new tutorial zone with a new character on another server.

I don't have the "redeem slots" option on my character menu on any server, and obviously the one i want to add the slots too is not yet maxed out. Anyone else having this problem?



I am. Logged in and didn't have the option to redeem slots. (Of course I prepurchased Going Rogue.) Thought they must not be available yet, but others on my global channels said they got theirs.

I /petitioned it in-game, though not sure if that'll help.



Same problem with me. Also some of the costume pieces from test (for going rogue) are missing on live... as well as any preorder auras.



It looks like everything to do with character slots is currently frozen -- I have three unallocated slots, and have been unable to redeem them since the server came back up. I also purchased a few more today, and those haven't shown up, either. Attempting to redeem a slot goes through the usual dialogs, and the unallocated slot count goes down by one, but when I switch servers or log out and back in, the unallocated slot count is back up to where I started today.

Unfortunately, I have no available (unlocked) slots on either of my two main servers, so I can't make a Praetorian there today. I wound up creating one on a server I don't normally use, hoping I'll be able to free-transfer it tomorrow.



Yea, I figured it was just a delay, so I bought 2 so I could play right away, and those don't show up either. I can accept the free ones might not show up until the day it's supposed to be released, but it looks like the entire system is shot. Hopefully I won't get charged and have nothing to show.



I'd be happy to be able to use the unused slots I had before. I deleted a placeholder character to build him properly, and all of my unused slots are listed as 'unavailable.'

Global: @mythicfox
Servers: Virtue, primarily
Published Arcs: The Lost Scion of the Vane Consortium (#410978)
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
No AT/powerset, AFAIC, is "undesirable." Give me a halfway competent player - or at least one willing to listen and go with the rest of the team - and we're good.



It's very annoying... all my slots, including the one I'd purchased, were used actually... I went and deleted a character, and now the slot that character was in is showing unavailable!



I also got hit with this unfortunate bug. I also found out that if you accidentally die in the tutorial it punts you to Nova Praetoria... and takes away your chance to choose your faction. (How does this relate to the bug?)

Well, I accidentally self-destructed on a character I wanted to be resistance. I wound up in Nova, Loyalist... went to reroll to solve this problem (also to change powersets) and lo, I had no slots... including the one I'd just freed up.

So anyways. There's two bugs for the price of one to be looked at. I'm painfully alt-aholic and would really like my slots back. Also, would have liked the chance to choose my faction after dying in tutorial.



The slots being missing could be related to the store being down. Let's hope it gets fixed quick.



Originally Posted by Nephili View Post
It's very annoying... all my slots, including the one I'd purchased, were used actually... I went and deleted a character, and now the slot that character was in is showing unavailable!
I'm in the same boat. I deleted a character this morning and voila, empty slot is locked out.

*sigh* I guess I'll go play ST:O for a while.

Virtue: multiple characters.

CoH/V: Woot! Maybe Fun is to be had once again.

Ack! RUN! Regen is glowing mean & green!

If it reduces you, it's a nerf.
If it buffs the mobs, it's challenge.
They are not the same.



Have this same problem. I've purchased every possible character slot on Virtue and all the ones I'm not using are locked.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Hopefully they show up once the online store comes back online. But yeah, throwing in another "free slots never appeared".
Hopefully, the reason the store is down, they are fixing that.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU