Sunday Night Costume Clash
Sounds like a good idea Titania
Okay so I was thinking...the new shiny has worn off for the majority of people with GR & i18 so who's up for a Sunday Night Costume Clash tomorrow night?
Meet us on the Pocket D dance floor at 10pm est/9pm cst/7pm pst for your chance at 20 mil inf!
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?
Okay so I was thinking...the new shiny has worn off for the majority of people with GR & i18 so who's up for a Sunday Night Costume Clash tomorrow night?
Meet us on the Pocket D dance floor at 10pm est/9pm cst/7pm pst for your chance at 20 mil inf! |

A suggestion: You could use Pinnbadges or Cosmic's Playground to advertise your Sunday night costume contests. If a forum moderator is on, I'm sure they won't mind changing the message of the day for a short while just to advertise the contest. Not everyone is a forum reader.

One of us is gonna pop into PinnBadges and Cozmic's starting about 30 minutes before to give everyone a heads up. I'll talk to the mods about it depending on how often we plan on doing this. It won't be every Sunday for awhile.
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?
GGG's costumes are too... supergroovalisticalyprosifunky for most judges to favor, you dig? So we probably will not enter your contests, but we wish you the best of luck in your escapades, and are more than willing to assist you by performing half time shows at your events.
Check out our twitter for more info.
GGG's costumes are too... supergroovalisticalyprosifunky for most judges to favor, you dig? So we probably will not enter your contests, but we wish you the best of luck in your escapades, and are more than willing to assist you by performing half time shows at your events.
Check out our twitter for more info. |
@Urbanknight / DJ Wyld of
Lady Britania of the Dawn Patrol
so who won ? any screen shots of your winner in all their glory ?
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Congrats to KnightOwl! He walked away with 20mil inf.
Also Congrats to : Ennvee's Counter Clockwise who won 2nd place
Barron's Nikolaus von Barron 3rd place and
our Runner up Super Fantastic Girl
We had a small crowd, but I blame that on bad planning on my part. Will post sooner next time.
Screens of other winners coming soon :P
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?
Up the prize cash, broshot.
I liked all three of the other costumes, so I shared some of the purse with Counter Clockwise and Super Fantastic Girl. Nikolaus von Barron modestly and politely refused the share offered him.
I believe all entrants had costumes that made some use of metallic or highly reflective pieces. Sexy Jay deserves much credit for creating the really dynamic costume pieces with reflectivity, sheen, etc.
First CC I've ever won -- but the visual elements have certainly come a long way since April 2004, when my helmet was a simple bucket helm with a T-slit and I had no wings to speak of.
It was fun, thanks Titania and Purple!
I believe it was a well deserved win. I was just there for the most part. If I know, have run with and/or have judged certain people in the past, I let the people that don't know anyone judge. In this case it was Purple and he had a tough choice for the handful of you guys.
Until next time...
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?
@Urbanknight / DJ Wyld of
Lady Britania of the Dawn Patrol
Oh Purple, don't forget the random recipes and salvage given away for the sheer case of generosity.
If I didn't enjoy hosting these contests, I wouldn't have kept them going for over 2 years now.
Want more inf? Join in one of the once a year 100mil+ contests.
*starts workin' on the math and grumbles... damn you Purple*
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?
Thanks Ky! I'm not too worried about them. Some people are always good for a laugh.
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?
I think we're fine where our prizes are at. We'll be doing these pretty much on a weekly basis once we get rolling again, and our prizes are a heck of a lot more than what's offered on most random CC's on other servers. Sure, we may not be giving away uber-infl to people, but it's not like we're hardly giving anything. We ran these CC's when we were on Freedom for a little over a year, every single week, for the same prize amounts. That's a lot of infl given out if you were to take the time to figure it out. And frankly, to have you jump in here and basically say "I can haz more infl?" is a little insulting. It smacks of the cries of "PL meh!" or "Farm me!" or have random new toons run up to me and demand that I give them infl, and other annoying demands that I put up with on Freedom, which is one of the reasons I left that server. I'd rather you say "Thank you for taking the time to run these CC's" (Which we really enjoy doing, or we wouldn't have done them for as long as we have) "and thank you for the prizes that you do offer." instead of running in here with your hand sticking out. So, in closing, Thank you for the suggestion, but we're going to pass. We're happy with the prize amounts right where they are at.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Also your prizes are not a heck of a lot more than anything virtue runs, dawg them virtue warrirs be doing 100-500 mil CCs 2 times a week ya feel me?
Unlike my funky fresh brotha fruma notha motha Vex, I did read and all I gotta say is,
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Also your prizes are not a heck of a lot more than anything virtue runs, dawg them virtue warrirs be doing 100-500 mil CCs 2 times a week ya feel me? In closing, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! |
Anyway, this thread is for us to announce when our contests will be, and who the winners are after the contests are completed. It is not a thread for you and your buddies to spam in, so I would sincerely appreciate it if you would refrain from doing so in the future. If you don't have anything other than "Give more loot" or anything along that lines, then please keep it to yourselves.
And just to cover our bases, before you or anyone else from your group can challenge us like in other threads you have gone in an jacked, NO, we will not PvP against you. We don't PvP. Not before, not now, not ever, so don't bother. We won't accept. Ya feel me?
@Urbanknight / DJ Wyld of
Lady Britania of the Dawn Patrol
Well, the only thing I have to say is, if you don't like the prizes we offer, then don't show up for our contests. Like I said, we're happy with the prize amounts that we give out, and we have never had a complaint from any of our winners about it not being enough.
Anyway, this thread is for us to announce when our contests will be, and who the winners are after the contests are completed. It is not a thread for you and your buddies to spam in, so I would sincerely appreciate it if you would refrain from doing so in the future. If you don't have anything other than "Give more loot" or anything along that lines, then please keep it to yourselves. And just to cover our bases, before you or anyone else from your group can challenge us like in other threads you have gone in an jacked, NO, we will not PvP against you. We don't PvP. Not before, not now, not ever, so don't bother. We won't accept. Ya feel me? |
Ah good times, I remember it like it was the other day..costume contests are safer I guess.
I don't think anyone here had the intention of challenging you. I don't think any of us have any real gripes with your costume contests either. I mean, all that was really said was:
1. 20 mil isn't much money these days
2. Your statement that the prizes for your contest dwarfed those from other servers isn't true.
I don't think any of that should matter, as most people who join CCs do it for fun and not to win money.
Sorry if our team mates came off as abrasive, but these are tough times for GGG. We are under new leadership (Dark Omega has taken over) and he hasn't really done much to keep the troops under control. Please send any complaints you may have to him, and hopefully he can resolve them ASAP.
Sorry if our team mates came off as abrasive, but these are tough times for GGG. We are under new leadership (Dark Omega has taken over) and he hasn't really done much to keep the troops under control. Please send any complaints you may have to him, and hopefully he can resolve them ASAP. |
"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner
Anyone remember the SNCCs that me and my old SG used to host? Well, I've been thinking about starting them again with the release of GR and I18. The only difference this time around would be location. With the ability to trade between all characters the SNCC would be hosted in Pocket D so all alignments can participate.

First Place: 20 million inf
Second Place: 10 million inf
Third Place: 5 million inf
2 Runners up: 2 million inf each
Prizes may change depending on theme, events, day, mood and/or resources.
Planning on the old time of 10pm est/9pm cst/7pm pst. There were some conflicts with a few players back then, so any suggestions will be considered.
Co-Sponsoring, Co-Hosting and Awarding your own Prizes:
Once we get these rolling if you would like to help in any way please feel free to send me a PM here on the forums or an email or /tell in game.
I really did enjoy hosting these back in the day and I look forward to seeing what will be created with the new costume pieces.
@Titania Lothiriel | Coven of Light / Coven of Shadows | Like Fan Fiction? : Ch.11: Did I Forget to Mention?