Looking for a farming build both hero and villain side

Blue Lava



One of my favorite new characters is my SS/Fire brute. I didn't make one for a long time because I thought it probably wouldn't be fun outside of farming. I was wrong. I made a simple 250m inf build, it works well in normal gameplay as well as farming. Will I share it? Nah. I think the main reason it works well is because of my playstyle - it's not something I would recommend to others. SS/Fire is still fun even without my goofy build though.

As for "just play the game"... farming is also playing the game. Different strokes for different folks.

Edit: I made my SS/Fire brute after seeing my friend play his while I was on my also-new Fire/Fire tank. I thought my Fire/Fire tank was killing things fast.... but the SS/Fire brute smoked the speed of my tank. I still enjoy my tank, but if I'm out to farm, it's usually going to be on my SS/Fire now.



Yeah i have a Katanna/willpower at level 20, but at the moment he is kinda boring to play. That's one reason i wanted to find a build i could get up to 50 with that would also be great at farming, that way i don't have to level a second character up to 50 if i want to farm so i get inf for alts etc.

The main reason though is the fun i have when i farm in rpgs, and if i had a solid farming build, I'm sure i would not be as bored.

Katanna/willpower as it stands i use gamblers cut followed by divine avalanch if i go single target, if i have multiple surrounding me, its gamblers cut, divine avalanch then flashing steel and lotus drops, so right now its pretty much 2 to 4 skills used unless i feel like using build up on tougher mobs.

don't judge someone by what they have fun doing, unless its morally wrong. and right now i don't see farming as morally wrong D:

its just a second layer of fun i will add after hitting 50, and i mainly solo arcs so i can revel in the story. but sometimes i feel like joining a party too.

but there's no reason to get uptight over my playstyle



Originally Posted by sevenshade View Post
Yeah i have a Katanna/willpower at level 20, but at the moment he is kinda boring to play. That's one reason i wanted to find a build i could get up to 50 with that would also be great at farming, that way i don't have to level a second character up to 50 if i want to farm so i get inf for alts etc.

The main reason though is the fun i have when i farm in rpgs, and if i had a solid farming build, I'm sure i would not be as bored.

Katanna/willpower as it stands i use gamblers cut followed by divine avalanch if i go single target, if i have multiple surrounding me, its gamblers cut, divine avalanch then flashing steel and lotus drops, so right now its pretty much 2 to 4 skills used unless i feel like using build up on tougher mobs.

don't judge someone by what they have fun doing, unless its morally wrong. and right now i don't see farming as morally wrong D:

its just a second layer of fun i will add after hitting 50, and i mainly solo arcs so i can revel in the story. but sometimes i feel like joining a party too.

but there's no reason to get uptight over my playstyle
Wait your mad cuse you have to use 2-4 attacks to kill a mob and use BU to kill tougher mobs? My Purpled out F/K/Stone and many will contest to (not mine but in general) are some of the better Farming toons out thier because of sheer dmg output. Now with that said i jump in (get ready my chains about to explode your head cuse 2-4 buttons was to many before now your goin to freak) Fulcrum Shift,Fire cages,Transferance, Transfusion, Fissure, Firecages. Thats with HotFeet goin and 3 fire imps out. And thats an ever mob chain. For AV's it gets a bit longer and things get shifted depending on what i need done atm. So play your Kat/WP cuse post 32 your goin to be loveing the orange numbers. As for your fav toon was a MF Sorc in D2.....THIS ISNT D2.....things dont just melt like that in this game. Im sure some of the numbers guys could crunch chains for ya that would increase your dmg with just SO slotting. Heck if your worried about infl and top end builds Kat/WP is probably one of the top end scrapper builds.



never said i was mad i only had 2-4 attacks to use, you misunderstood that. I meant that using only 2-4 attacks on any single mob is what is making me kinda bored with my main. i was expecting to have more than 2 to 4 viable attacks for mobs. Don't get me wrong, that might change around higher levels, i was just giving my reasons for wanting to try a new build, generally one good for farming.

and i was using d2 as a reference to describe how i love to farm things, had no intention of linking that thought to damage or kills.



well i expect things to get more exciting when i get golden dragonfly.



well, you pays yer $15 bucks, you plays the way yer wants. Doesn't affect MY gameplay at all but you're really shortchanging yourself by not checking out the entire game. Can't stress that enough.

The difference is almost ANY build can be an effective "farm" build if you understand the inherent strengths and weaknesses thereof. And that's what you learn by playing the game rather than farming for levels/inf/tickets/whatev.

It takes all kinds and if you're happy enough, farm away. But your missing out...



I don't see how I'm missing out on the game, I read every part of the story arcs that the npc's give me, I don't power level, I only team if I'm having a huge problem beating a mission.

and farming for me, i would farm after all the story arcs are said and done. and after ive done all the raids a few times so i get more of the end game story. Still don't understand how that's missing out on the game.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
If you are making statements like...

Then you should not be farming...

Learn the game, there are too many lowbies racing out to farm because it what the "cool kids" do.

The reason that farmers are good at what they do is because they know the game and can design their characters to be accomplished at what task they want to perform.

If you don't know the basics I would refuse to hand you a farm build.
Sorry, but I have to agree with this.

Farming isn't for newbies.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.