Question about Arcanaville's Scrapper Challenge AE mission




What settings am I supposed to run it at?

Is it supposed to be done at

+4 Levels
8x Team size
yes Bosses
yes AVs

Or is there some other standard I'm supposed to set it to?

I tried this on a wp/fire tank, and the settings above eat me alive unless I corner pull, and he doesn't have enough DPS to significantly hurt the Challenge boss

On standard 1/1/no-boss/no-av settings it's pretty easy but I dont think that's how this was meant to be played.




For me, any challenge would be about doing the challenge at as hard a setting as possible then trying to improve my build to do it at an even harder setting. So if +1/x1 no boss is easy then notch it up. If that's easy .. another notch, till you hit a wall that after a few tries isn't getting busted down. Then figure out why and tweak the build. Then back to the wall, rinse repeat till the wall really isn't giving anymore.

Challenges are for pushing limits, expanding the envelope, for standing back and going, "Wow I did that!"



What is the name or number of this mission? I had it once before and can no longer find it.



Originally Posted by Doomguide View Post
For me, any challenge would be about doing the challenge at as hard a setting as possible then trying to improve my build to do it at an even harder setting. So if +1/x1 no boss is easy then notch it up. If that's easy .. another notch, till you hit a wall that after a few tries isn't getting busted down. Then figure out why and tweak the build. Then back to the wall, rinse repeat till the wall really isn't giving anymore.

Challenges are for pushing limits, expanding the envelope, for standing back and going, "Wow I did that!"
That's a good way of looking at it.

I guess I can consider the difficulty settings as my score on the challenge.




Originally Posted by thedarkeone View Post
What is the name or number of this mission? I had it once before and can no longer find it.
I just searched for the words "scrapper challenge" in the AE and it popped up.




That's what I had in the search but didnt come up with anything.



+2/x1 I think. been a while, gonna have to try this again



As Iggy said, with bosses on too. This was made back in the day when the most difficult we could set was Invincible, so that was the intended difficulty. However, there's nothing stopping you from cranking it up!



Huh, I just went to look at this, and can't find it....


For my money, I've never seen anything as brutally hard as Aeon's Army. (357489)

Set it to minimum and give it a go. Without stealthing, I've never made it past the first intersection.

I think I suck at this game....



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
For my money, I've never seen anything as brutally hard as Aeon's Army. (357489)
Yeah, Aeon's Army is brutal. Still, I managed to beat it no temps no insps on my Katana/Dark with only a dozen or so deaths in the process. And my Dark Melee/Super Reflexes got about halfway through before the instagib "zones" made it impossible to move further.

I honestly really liked that mission. Even on an uber build, at first it just seems impossible. But then you start working out strategy for each group, and it's almost a puzzle to solve. Who do you kill first. How do you do it. Where do you do it. I haven't been back, since I simply don't have any other characters with a hope of surviving, let alone beating it. But I liked it.

If you like brutal challenges, I seriously recommend having a go at it.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
If you like brutal challenges, I seriously recommend having a go at it.
Brutal, yes, but on my claws/SR scrapper, I wouldn't call it a challenge. The fights are either easy (Knives, Malta, Nemesis) or impossible (Eyeballs, anything with a Vanguard ambush).



Well, since you have to beat the eyeballs, that might be impossible (without inspirations). But you don't have to BEAT the ambushes. Oh, they'll kill you, sure. But that doesn't make you lose the challenge.

Also, inspirations are specifically NOT excluded. I just did it no temps no inspirations because I'm not well. The creator of it specifically loaded up on large inspirations and made multiple trips to his base for more to beat it.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Well, since you have to beat the eyeballs, that might be impossible (without inspirations).
Without inspirations, it's impossible (a +4 eyeball hits like a ton of bricks 95% of the time, so I'd need an insane run of luck); with the use of eight small oranges and 4-8 small greens, it's easy.

But you don't have to BEAT the ambushes. Oh, they'll kill you, sure. But that doesn't make you lose the challenge.
I don't need to beat them, true, but I need to survive long enough to take down the EB they're tied to. I'm not sure how much of a to-hit bonus Vanguard bosses have: 16 small oranges and four small purples might be enough, or I might need four medium purples.

The problem with SR and high-level enemies is that bosses and EBs hit so hard that the scaling resistances don't come into play. It's simply a probability game: are the odds you can take down your target before being hit twice favorable? If anyone attacking you has to-hit bonuses, they aren't.



What diff did you guys set aeons army at?



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
What diff did you guys set aeons army at?
Well, I FIRST tried +4x8. You get the +4 regardless. After a few deaths, I managed to get myself past the first corner that way. Then it started getting hard. I believe you're supposed to run it on x1 with bosses. I believe that's how I actually ran it.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
I don't need to beat them, true, but I need to survive long enough to take down the EB they're tied to.
Actually, you don't need to do that either. If you first pull the elite boss to where you WANT the ambush to remain, even when the ambush obliterates you, you can still go back to the elite boss, now separated from the ambush. And you might be able to survive the ambush by running like mad for the exit. I think I did that successfully a couple times, but it's been too long for me to really remember.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Funny, I can't find the Scrapper Challenge mission any more... it seems to be missing.

That Aeon one is tough, and since I can't dps down a +4 boss with my tank, oh well. 8(




Originally Posted by Upsen_Downs View Post
Funny, I can't find the Scrapper Challenge mission any more... it seems to be missing.

That Aeon one is tough, and since I can't dps down a +4 boss with my tank, oh well. 8(

I'll check it when I get home. Maybe something invalidated it recently that I didn't notice.

Edit: Ok, so the AE did one of its "I miss you, please come back and edit something" things. The Scrapper Challenge mission was flagged invalid, but for no actual reason: I hit edit, there was no problems listed, I republished, and it was back up. I should probably figure out why it occasionally does that, but eh, lots of other things to think about at the moment.

I haven't played it recently myself, so if an AE change turned all the fire blasters into Smurfs or the Elite Boss is now a cross-dressing robotic plant controller, let me know. So I can download it and save it.

FYI I removed the listing from my sig to make room for my shameless advertisement of my favorite web comic, but for those wanting to play it the arc is ArcID 9713: Scrapper Or Anything Else Challenge Mission. I keep meaning to update it, but I keep getting distracted from doing so.

I haven't heard of Aeon's Army: going to have to play that on the weekend. But as to how brutal the Scrapper Challenge mission is, nothing beats what it looked like in I14 beta, before they put in controls to make it impossible to make missions like I was making (I swear, half the AE limits were designed explicitly to reign me in). I have only one visual record of what one early version of it looked like, I recorded pohsyb attempting it with his mega-mega test server controller (which has basically every controller primary and secondary power).

Funny but true: pohsyb thought I was going to help him. I was actually standing back and watching to see how far he would get. Like heck I was going to draw aggro in this monstrosity, although I eventually did try at the end (and lasted all of about thirty seconds while eluded). I was actually surprised he lasted that long.

Why I'm getting shoved around during that video? The original versions of the "Scrapper" Challenge specifically had confuse in them to deal with people who attempted to bring controllers into the thing.

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