Call of the Sandman




Anyone know from experience if it's worth it say on a /SR toon? Thats the one thing stopping me from getting into a SR character, i feel like if anything gets through, im done.

So, how do you guys deal with it?(Except Bill, because I already know he thinks aid self is for pansies, and I hate aid self )

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Anyone know from experience if it's worth it say on a /SR toon? Thats the one thing stopping me from getting into a SR character, i feel like if anything gets through, im done.

So, how do you guys deal with it?(Except Bill, because I already know he thinks aid self is for pansies, and I hate aid self )
SR isnt bad at all, its just not my first choice when I make a toon.

Its more of a missconception, you are fragile, but not exactly.

Bill could exsplain it better then I could im sure.



Well I have a SR toon and it's straight. Most of the time the mob is whiffing but when you get hit you feel it a bit more than say an invul who get hit more often but can absorb more of the hits or a regen who can regain hp faster.

For the most part though even a SO SR can survive easily in most situations and an IO one can survive a bit more but all just about irrelevant if you come across a mob that has super extra hit or one that chop away at your defense. Well in a way every build have some sort of kryptonite one way or another and just so happens that the one for SR is ones with very buffed up acc.

Some people use SR in conjuction with dark melee or one of the two blades with parry or the likes. I dont see much SR anymore though.

Call of the sandman is not exspensive so it's one of those sets you can try out and if no work well get rid of.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



I think the way you deal with the binay nature of Super Reflexes is to pick up Tough and a lot of hit points. A heal helps, of course, but unless you're doing no-inspiration stuff, I'd think that greens would cover it most of the time. I do think Dark Melee is perfect with Super Reflexes due to the self heal in the attack chain, but lots of things work well with Super Reflexes. Still, no matter how much you buff it, your hit points can still move rapidly when you do get hit. You need to be more on your toes than you do with some secondaries.

As for mobs chopping away at your defense, a well-built Super Reflexes should have 95% defense debuff resistance, so that's just never been a serious issue for me. But yeah, mobs with to-hit can be nasty. Fortunately, outside of Architect Entertainment, there are VERY few of those. Stay away from Overseers. But that pretty much goes for everyone.

As for the original question, I wouldn't slot an attack for sleep, and you can get hit point and recharge bonuses in better ways.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
As for the original question, I wouldn't slot an attack for sleep, and you can get hit point and recharge bonuses in better ways.
I think he was referring to the Chance for Heal proc. I recall there being a discussion about it before and, numerically, it is an almost insignificant amount of healing and that you're better off slotting a damage proc.



Originally Posted by Gaidin View Post
I think he was referring to the Chance for Heal proc. I recall there being a discussion about it before and, numerically, it is an almost insignificant amount of healing and that you're better off slotting a damage proc.
Oh, I'm retarded. Heh. Yeah, 10% chance for 5% heal doesn't look worth it on the surface.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Yes I was referring to the chance for heal, im sorry for not specifying.

As for the relationship between elec/sr, its my choice after elec/regen. I feel like for some reason regen is a good secondary, but after reading a few posts, i keep second guessing myself. Any advice? Is SR a good secondary? Or should I use something else?

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Yes I was referring to the chance for heal, im sorry for not specifying.

As for the relationship between elec/sr, its my choice after elec/regen. I feel like for some reason regen is a good secondary, but after reading a few posts, i keep second guessing myself. Any advice? Is SR a good secondary? Or should I use something else?
/SR is a great secondary, and I especially like that it's a set-it-and-forget-it defensive set so that I can focus on scrappin'. It allows for easy softcapping and the ability to get 95% Defense Debuff Resistance(DDR), which allows for better survivability than a resist-based secondary without factoring in the ability to get Tough and/or Aid Self. Quickness also helps you to attain the recharge needed for top-end attack chains. /SR is the poor man's choice for AV soloing, as it can do so on a very modest budget.

If you have the influence and are choosing a primary that is compatible, I have found that /Shields is superior to /SR due to the ability to softcap, attain ~95% DDR, and have the added bonuses of AAO's +Dam, True Grit's +HP and S/L resists, and the added AoE of Shield Charge.

/Regen is good too, but is an active defensive set and it requires much more attention to achieve the innate survivability of a properly built /SR. /Regen does allow for better peak survivability, though even with this I like /SR better because, unless you're using Aid Self, you don't have to click on any defensive powers, thereby maintaining peak DPS.



Super Reflexes is an excellent secondary. It has been somewhat eclipsed by Shield Defense, but it can hit the soft cap more easily, so it's still a good choice, particularly on a budget. It's also a self-sufficient secondary, at least as long as you're willing to use inspirations. Some secondaries I'd be afraid to touch without a primary that brought a lot of damage mitigation to the table (Fire Armor, for instance). Super Reflexes doesn't need help from the primary. It IS a bit of a late bloomer, where having a low amount of defense, as you will for a while, is almost as bad as having no defense. I think it becomes reasonably-solid in the mid to late 20s, but it may be until the mid 30s before you start feeling like it's doing its job. It's all gravy from there, though, assuming you keep focusing on powers that add defense.

Nothing wrong with Regeneration either. It's easy mode for just normal play at normal difficulty settings, but it can be tricky to play at the edge of the envelope. And even once you've mastered it, I'd say you'll only have equivalent survivability to other sets. You don't really get rewarded with better survivability. The reward, if you consider it one, is in mastering it, in surviving against the odds when you've managed to do everything right, and how good that can feel. Would you prefer to cruise down the interstate in the back seat of a limo? Or do you want to be on a motorcycle, blasting through traffic at twice the speed limit, flirting with disaster with every move you make? Regeneration is that wild motorcycle ride. And Regeneration will never let you down. The vast majority of your deaths won't be because you ran out of click powers. They'll be because you clicked the wrong one for the situation, or weren't fast enough, or anticipated the incoming damage incorrectly, or you used one that you didn't need so didn't have it when you really needed it. There's almost always something you could have done to have survived, if only you were smarter, better, faster. And I like a set that encourages me to be smarter, better and faster.

Now, Regeneration IS a set where I'd want good mitigation from my primary, like Katana or Broad Sword. But plenty of people play it successfully with less-mitigating primaries. My hat's off to them, because that skeers me.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Yea, I'm having a rough time deciding whether or not my current secondary of choice(regen) is optimal for my primary(elec). It seems as though SR would be great for the alphas that will come after a good LR, but at the same time, regen will fill the gap if anything gets by. I love defense, and after being somewhat IO'd with my current scrap Claw/Inv, I feel great when all of my foes "miss". This is where I feel i might get frustrated with Regen unless I build for defense AND recharge.

Whats the general consensus of a good secondary for elec melee? Do you go for the self heals of regen? Or the fast paced hit it or quit it of SR? I DONT like aid self. The overall animation and concept of needing "help" from some foreign tech device regardless of origin frustrates me.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Whats the general consensus of a good secondary for elec melee? Do you go for the self heals of regen? Or the fast paced hit it or quit it of SR? I DONT like aid self. The overall animation and concept of needing "help" from some foreign tech device regardless of origin frustrates me.
I went with /Shield. The ability to alternate Lightning Rod and Shield Charge for spawns with Fireball acting as the finishing AoE was too much fun to resist. It's a more expensive route than /SR though. If you can afford /Shield, I'd go with it. The higher HP and S/L resists really help ameliorate the need for a self-heal, in my experience anyway.

If the choice is between /SR and /Regen only, I would personally prefer /SR as per my previously stated reasons. Also, Quickness helps LR recharge faster, which is always nice.



Eh, I tend to not follow the FoTM route in games, and it seems everyone and their brother and possibly sister have an elec/SD. Not to say it isn't effective, I just don't tend to follow the pack per-say.

The secondary is not solely between SR and Regen, I'm just looking for a little guidance. Call of the Sandman is a no-go then huh?

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Eh, I tend to not follow the FoTM route in games, and it seems everyone and their brother and possibly sister have an elec/SD. Not to say it isn't effective, I just don't tend to follow the pack per-say.

The secondary is not solely between SR and Regen, I'm just looking for a little guidance. Call of the Sandman is a no-go then huh?

FoTM today is forgotten about later. Remember when Spine/Regen, Fire/Kin, and others that I really cant even remember well. I know one of them was a stalker build but cant remember whic was it nin/ninj?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Yes, but unfortunatly the parade will come to an end when sd is "looked at" by the devs and changed. If i invest alot of time into the character that is optimal only to come out sub optimal, i may get a little frustrated. Best just to leave it be.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



I have the heal proc from Sandman on my mind controller and my ice tank. It's helpful in a minor way but both of those use AoE Sleeps. I think if you just slap it into a single-target punch you are going to see very, very, very little benefit.

My MA/SR doesn't have a heal and he does really well (he has Tough though). The vast majority of the time an occasional green is all you need because you just don't get hit that often. If you are on a team and there is even just a smidge of healing going on then you are golden.

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Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Yes, but unfortunatly the parade will come to an end when sd is "looked at" by the devs and changed. If i invest alot of time into the character that is optimal only to come out sub optimal, i may get a little frustrated. Best just to leave it be.
word of mouth is that they are already eyeballing SD

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Yea, I see what you mean. Owell, I guess I'll just have to build for regen on an SR if noone else has anything to say about other secondaries

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
word of mouth is that they are already eyeballing SD
Well even better that I don't jump on the train anytime soon!

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



Originally Posted by iBones View Post
Well even better that I don't jump on the train anytime soon!
They seem likely to nerf Shield Charge (they've said that it's doing somewhat more damage than intended, and have stated what was intended). They also seem likely to do little else to the set. But I've been very wrong before about what I expect the devs to do.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Yea, Iv'e read another post of yours that stated something along those lines. Unfortunately, minus AAO, SD doesn't do anything for me in terms of liking the set after they nerf SC. I'm sure it will still be a good combination, it's just that from the beginning of time, when devs nerf something, more than likely, they swing for the fences.

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



The heal proc is useless. I tried slotting 3 at one point and they heal for so little it isn't noticeable.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
The heal proc is useless. I tried slotting 3 at one point and they heal for so little it isn't noticeable.
Bummer, well alright thank you for the info

I started my elec/sr this morning and just about to start up a sewer run. Anyone on Freedom need a buddy to lvl with, lemme know


Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability



The best way to add survivability to an /SR toon (once soft capped) is to add hitpoints.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
The best way to add survivability to an /SR toon (once soft capped) is to add hitpoints.
Alright cool. Well considering what youve done with DB/SR, and with Werner and DM/SR, I would imagine your advice can be taken as is.

Regarding bonuses other than +HP, anything else? Iv'e seen some builds who have a fair amount of regen as well, how does that fair? I'm not going to take aid self simply because I hate it, so I'd like some sort of way to regain lost green.

As for Tough, it was already on my list of pool powers

Flux Tempest-Electric Melee/Willpower
Zaunte's Rage-Claws/Invulnerability