Name unavailable vs. Invalid




So when I first purchased COH 1 month after it went live, i made a ton of characters on Pinnacle and leveled them up to their teens, until I found another server (triumph) where i made several friends and made that my new home.

Well, I am about to fill up Triumph, so i decided to revisit some old toons and thought, wow, this name really kicks A**! But the concept and powers are all wrong.

So i delete a toon and leave the default plain costume and enter my name. Took all of 6 second right?

I get "name is invalid message." Invalid? But it was fine for 6 years! There's no copyright infringement, its not "dirty." It doesnt violatewith the EULA.

Now I know unavailable means that the name is what else could invalid mean? I have other names on toons i like but am afraid to delete and start over with new powersets for fear of losing them... Am I stuck?

*This is why i want AT respecs (vet reward, one time only!



Curious as to what the names were?

My friend had a character that had suffered a similar fate. Can't remember the name now, but it had "Sentinel" in it and it became invalid.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



*This is why i want AT respecs (vet reward, one time only!
i don't care how many smilies you put after this idea, IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN in any way, shape or form.



Try again. Sometimes you can't regrab it instantly. If that doesn't work, odds are, for whatever reason, the name was added to the unavailable list in the interim. That wouldn't affect characters who currently had the name, but would prevent it from being used my newer characters.

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Invalid names are names that have been added to the big list of names we can't use. Names on the list might be swear words, established comic/movie/tv characters or celebrities, or even the name of an in-game NPC. If it's on the list, you're not going to get it back.

The only way I can think of to check for 'invalid' names would be to find a server where the name isn't taken and use the 'Check Name' button. If it's invalid, you're SOL. If it's available, you're good to go. If it's unavailable, then it's a crapshoot.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post

The only way I can think of to check for 'invalid' names would be to find a server where the name isn't taken and use the 'Check Name' button. If it's invalid, you're SOL. If it's available, you're good to go. If it's unavailable, then it's a crapshoot.
That is an awesome idea. thank you!

Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i don't care how many smilies you put after this idea, IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN in any way, shape or form.
Umm duh! And the point of the smiles was to point out how RIDICULOUS this request is and the probability of it happening was Zero. Y'know, like trenchcoats, capes, color customization... one can dream. thanks for letting me post it on the interwebs.



everytime someone even jokes about that the next thing you know there are like 5 posts within 2 days about adding this to the game. please do not even joke about it.



Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
I If it's available, you're good to go. If it's unavailable, then it's a crapshoot.
But, if you are checking on a server that you don't already have that name on and it's unavailable, wouldn't that mean you can delete that toon on the original server and get the name back as long as someone else doesn't grab it while you're playing dress up?



Originally Posted by Bossa_Nova View Post
But, if you are checking on a server that you don't already have that name on and it's unavailable, wouldn't that mean you can delete that toon on the original server and get the name back as long as someone else doesn't grab it while you're playing dress up?
See, the thing is, if you have an invalid name you're often allowed to keep it until you delete the character holding the name (ie. it's unavailable, not invalid). In such a case the name is both unavailable (taken) and invalid, hence why it's a crapshoot. To be fair that's a rather unlikely situation to come across, but is exactly the situation the OP ran into where he was holding an invalid name.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I had something similar happen to me. In the two years between me deleting a character and recreating him, we lost the ability to have two letter names, so my LX had to become LX II.

Dec out.



My first alt (in 2004) was named Killdozer, a Stone/Stone Tanker who I rarely play anymore. Since that time, the Devs created a storyarc in game featuring a Freakshow boss named Killdozer, so I don't think I'll be able to delete my character and still be able to re-use the name on a new one.

Oh well, anyone got a /Kin on Triumph looking for a team? LOL

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Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)