Important System Improvements in Going Rogue




Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Because having the option (option meaning "optional," not "required," in this context) to do more advanced things with data is bad? The beauty of having that option means if you never ever wanted to look at that data, you wouldn't have to, and if you wanted it, it would all be right there at your fingertips.

The same way IOs and accolades are optional in PVP.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The same way IOs and accolades are optional in PVP.
Not at all.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
Finally! I don't have to stock up on wakies as the lone villain on TF's.

Meh to the market merge. I don't use IO sets really, so I don't care.
Wow. What an odd concept to not use IOs. I guess if you really like having to reslot every few levels instead of only 3 times ever during a character's lifespan... And all those bonuses and extra powers... yeah, those all suck.

I guess I can see your point of view



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
Except that the reason many are so happy about the merger is the Red market wasn't producing enough stuff that people wanted. Therefore, combining the market means more people wanting stuff, but a smaller percentage of stuff being produced.

What we will likely see is a sudden, sharp rise in prices, followed by a slow decline to a stable (well, as stable as can be expected) price that is higher than the Blue Side's current prices and lower than those currently on the Red Side.

So, basically, a little bad for the Blues a lot of happy for the Reds (meaning characters, since most players play both sides). All in all, this is likely a push for me (and most people who regularly play both sides), my Reds can get stuff they want for less, my blues are fairly well established and can buy what they need (within reason) for the most part.
Here's an odd line of thought that I wonder about. Since farmers (even those horrid gold farmers) will only have to work one side instead of two, won't this make their farming faster and more efficient and thus increase supply of items?



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Wow. What an odd concept to not use IOs. I guess if you really like having to reslot every few levels instead of only 3 times ever during a character's lifespan... And all those bonuses and extra powers... yeah, those all suck.
I admit, I was draw by the allure of "slot once and never again, with cool set bonuses on top". But the market as it actually is doesn't work that way. Not a year ago, and certainly not now. I'd almost rather run to the SO store every five levels - at least you know they'll have everything you need, at prices that bear some relation to the kind of inf you get from the PvE game (rather than the self-feeding, inflationary PvP minigame) and you're done in three minutes, not three weeks.

I've actually begun to contemplate respeccing some of my characters out of IOs, and back to SOs, but that's probably a little too far to go in the name of ideological purity. Probably.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I admit, I was draw by the allure of "slot once and never again, with cool set bonuses on top". But the market as it actually is doesn't work that way. Not a year ago, and certainly not now. I'd almost rather run to the SO store every five levels - at least you know they'll have everything you need, at prices that bear some relation to the kind of inf you get from the PvE game (rather than the self-feeding, inflationary PvP minigame) and you're done in three minutes, not three weeks.

I've actually begun to contemplate respeccing some of my characters out of IOs, and back to SOs, but that's probably a little too far to go in the name of ideological purity. Probably.
Given that you can buy recipes for the common IOs off-market and approximately one architect arc will give you enough tickets to get around common salvage shortfalls? Yeah, I'd say it's a little too far.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Wow. What an odd concept to not use IOs. I guess if you really like having to reslot every few levels instead of only 3 times ever during a character's lifespan... And all those bonuses and extra powers... yeah, those all suck.

I guess I can see your point of view
Thankfully, people with your point of view don't balance the game, or we'd all HAVE to use IOs to play top end content, then everyone would have to use Incarnates, then everything would have to use "Omegans" or whatever the next thing PS had to come up with to deal with the fact that IOs became like SOs so they relased Incarnate, then that became like SOs, so they released "Omegans" and so on and so on*. The entire point being, I personally like IOs and sets, but they are not "required" nor is the game balanced around them, thankfully, you can get along just fine on SOs. For the record I don't even LOOK at IOs until 35, until then it's not cost effective.

If the game was going to be balanced that way (a la WoW and every other MMO) they might as well raise the level cap, and end up at 90-100 in another 3-4 years, instead of just inventing new stuff. *

*= Anyone who reads this and is stupid enough to suggest I'm advocating for either "something beyond Incarnates, Omegans, or a level cap increase is a moron. Thank you.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Because having the option (option meaning "optional," not "required," in this context) to do more advanced things with data is bad? The beauty of having that option means if you never ever wanted to look at that data, you wouldn't have to, and if you wanted it, it would all be right there at your fingertips.
Frankly, I'd rather see the marketeers work the challenge with the little data they have, than overburden a mostly "casual" game with spreadsheets and excel files. If CoH turns into EVE I'm gone. People seem to work the market just fine as it is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



When I first started playing, I hated making IO's (well to be honest back then IO's were not around) it took me a looonnnnggg time to get into it but now since I am more at home with the system and game I have no issue with crafting to my heart's content...I just wish I would of bought all those Kinetic Melee IO's when they were only selling for 3 to 4 thousand a pop .



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Frankly, I'd rather see the marketeers work the challenge with the little data they have, than overburden a mostly "casual" game with spreadsheets and excel files. If CoH turns into EVE I'm gone. People seem to work the market just fine as it is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
This is an interesting perspective, and has pulled me towards agreeing with you.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
overburden a mostly "casual" game with spreadsheets and excel files
You're missing the point here - you wouldn't have to see any of that if you didn't want to. Of course I'm not necessarily in favor of adding that (I wouldn't use it) but I can understand the desire to do so. Lack of data on price trends is one of the reasons prices fluctuate so wildly on the markets here, and that sort of thing might alleviate those fluctuations a bit (i.e. more stability due to more information). That information would be there for those who wanted to see it, and completely ignorable for those who didn't.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
You're missing the point here - you wouldn't have to see any of that if you didn't want to. Of course I'm not necessarily in favor of adding that (I wouldn't use it) but I can understand the desire to do so. Lack of data on price trends is one of the reasons prices fluctuate so wildly on the markets here, and that sort of thing might alleviate those fluctuations a bit (i.e. more stability due to more information). That information would be there for those who wanted to see it, and completely ignorable for those who didn't.
Then let me put it this way. Unless you think the CoH Devs really see a lot of people actually wanting said feature (as opposed to it being ignorable for most if they didn't) why would they take the effort and development time to do that when they could say, add new zones? Heck, some of us have tried to suggest they revamp and touch up (especially in lieu of Ultra Mode) the old zones, but they've always said they'd rather make new zones than touch up old ones. The problem with that perspective is, come GR, the rest of the game will look "old" next to Villain Side, the newer hero zones (Faultline), and especially Praetoria.

My point with that analogy is, knowing our devs as you do, do you think they'll add a detailed numbers system and spreadsheet tracking to the market because maybe 5-10% (being strongly optimistic I think) of the players want it, or will they say, work more on the Incarnate System, or work on new post whatever level content for Praetoria, or go for some (developmentally speaking) low hanging fruit with more costume packs and costumes, and story arcs?

I think we know what the answer is.

For the record, I'm not a marketeer per se, I play with it sometimes, I used to make a sell a lot of IOs during and after getting my table, I enjoy messing with it as a mini-game, or finding IOs I want, but I don't try very hard to 'game' it. Though I can see the fun in doing so.

Also for Talen, I wasn't really trying to be smart with that comment so much as "it seems to work mostly well for them as it is, why mess with it? (short of merging it, which I'm in favor of).

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Also for Talen, I wasn't really trying to be smart with that comment so much as "it seems to work mostly well for them as it is, why mess with it? (short of merging it, which I'm in favor of).
... I was serious.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
... I was serious.
No..I know. I mean, I wasn't trying to be an *** by making the comment, so I'm glad you appriciated it for what I said, is what I meant :P I think we just got crossed there.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
knowing our devs as you do, do you think they'll add a detailed numbers system and spreadsheet tracking to the market because maybe 5-10% (being strongly optimistic I think) of the players want it
Real numbers system? Check. Option to disable screen shake? Check. Option to disable sending buff numbers for dialup users? Check. Purples? Check. PvP IOs? Check. Seeing a pattern here...?

(No, I don't think they'll add such a system, but using the "only a small amount of people would ever use it" as the reasoning for why it won't be added isn't terribly sound logic considering the sorts of things that have happened in this game's six years.)

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
You're missing the point here - you wouldn't have to see any of that if you didn't want to. Of course I'm not necessarily in favor of adding that (I wouldn't use it) but I can understand the desire to do so. Lack of data on price trends is one of the reasons prices fluctuate so wildly on the markets here, and that sort of thing might alleviate those fluctuations a bit (i.e. more stability due to more information). That information would be there for those who wanted to see it, and completely ignorable for those who didn't.
Hmm, so you're advocating giving the marketeers MORE information to manipulate the market with and think this will make things better? The causal shopper will still pay NAO prices and not care about waiting.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I admit, I was draw by the allure of "slot once and never again, with cool set bonuses on top". But the market as it actually is doesn't work that way. Not a year ago, and certainly not now. I'd almost rather run to the SO store every five levels - at least you know they'll have everything you need, at prices that bear some relation to the kind of inf you get from the PvE game (rather than the self-feeding, inflationary PvP minigame) and you're done in three minutes, not three weeks.

I've actually begun to contemplate respeccing some of my characters out of IOs, and back to SOs, but that's probably a little too far to go in the name of ideological purity. Probably.
Well let me recommend my method. Until I get to 50, I don't really worry much about sets or getting "the right IOs". I slot only for straight enhancement to accuracy, damage etc, (with some exceptions for proc powers that are useful at any level). Every 20 levels or so I might replace some of the lowest ones (like some level 16s I placed long ago might be replaced at 30 or so).

Only at 50 (or 47) do I start in earnest beginning to slot IO sets for perfection. I have a mid's planner file so I know exactly what to get and I"m patient. If it takes a few months to finally collect all the parts, so be it. You can put in bids and wait

And as for my sales pitch for IOs, check this out:



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Thankfully, people with your point of view don't balance the game, or we'd all HAVE to use IOs to play top end content, then everyone would have to use Incarnates, then everything would have to use "Omegans" or whatever the next thing PS had to come up with to deal with the fact that IOs became like SOs so they relased Incarnate, then that became like SOs, so they released "Omegans" and so on and so on*. The entire point being, I personally like IOs and sets, but they are not "required" nor is the game balanced around them, thankfully, you can get along just fine on SOs. For the record I don't even LOOK at IOs until 35, until then it's not cost effective.

If the game was going to be balanced that way (a la WoW and every other MMO) they might as well raise the level cap, and end up at 90-100 in another 3-4 years, instead of just inventing new stuff. *

*= Anyone who reads this and is stupid enough to suggest I'm advocating for either "something beyond Incarnates, Omegans, or a level cap increase is a moron. Thank you.
Well I certainly would never want the game balanced for IOs! I like and respect the fact that they made it optional.

I'm just surprised that people wouldn't take the option that's all

Especially considering that I think it's cheaper and easier plus better bonuses even from level 15 (which is when I start IO slotting).



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
This is an interesting perspective, and has pulled me towards agreeing with you.
I'm inclined to agree as well. Though the point of "you don't have to do it if you don't want to" does make sense, some of us are a bit obsessive and would do better not to have certain options available

One thing I would like to see concerning markets which I think would increase supply on both sides immediately would be an accolade market transportation device. Not something that transports you, but something you could use to access your market screen from whereever you are. You could buy and sell salvage anywhere . No more runs to dump stuff and no more just deleting things other people might be able to use.



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Heck, some of us have tried to suggest they revamp and touch up (especially in lieu of Ultra Mode) the old zones, .

Remember Faultline. Old one sucked, new one is one of the best zones in the game. Not that I want to see that drastic of a change, but I'd really like to see some improvements like alleyways and stuff you'd see in real cities. Add more details, maybe a new building now and then.

It makes me sad that I just run by so much of the city like it wasn't there, but after a while, there's just not much to see



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
One thing I would like to see concerning markets which I think would increase supply on both sides immediately would be an accolade market transportation device. Not something that transports you, but something you could use to access your market screen from whereever you are. You could buy and sell salvage anywhere . No more runs to dump stuff and no more just deleting things other people might be able to use.
Something like this would certainly help me.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Hey everyone,

I know you’ve been asking for some new Going Rogue information, and I’ve got some exciting news that I’d like to share with all of you.

Here at Paragon Studios, we’ve been hard at work preparing our newest expansion, Going Rogue, for prime time. One of our major features, the alignment system that allows our players to switch sides, has presented the perfect opportunity for us to improve Hero and Villain auction and trading dynamics. In order to make the alignment switching system the most fun and rewarding experience possible, we’ve made a few key improvements based on beta tester and internal studio feedback.

Here’s a brief list of these upgrades:
  • Heroes and Villains can now trade and gift each other in Co-Op zones (except in PvP zones)
  • Players can Global Email (GleeMail) INF and most items to their characters regardless of alignment (some restrictions apply)
  • The Auction House markets for Heroes and Villains will become ONE
Wait. What?

Yes. You heard me, we’re merging the markets. After looking at how the system has performed in beta, we thought long and hard about the Markets themselves. This important improvement seemed to make everything more accessible and streamlined, allowing every character to participate. Keeping the markets divided would require significant on-going development support, and we needed to take this into consideration. But, most importantly we wanted to produce the most fun system possible, and this decision reflects that.

These changes are very exciting and will simplify not only the way we create content, but provide freedom for you to play your characters the way you choose.

War Witch

P.S. An informative FAQ is available for questions you may have regarding these major change.

(Note from Avatea: War Witch has also posted an in-game explanation of the Market merge in this thread. It is available here.)
Back from vacation and this is the first thing I see. I have only 2 comments.....

1) About time.


-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post

Remember Faultline. Old one sucked, new one is one of the best zones in the game. Not that I want to see that drastic of a change, but I'd really like to see some improvements like alleyways and stuff you'd see in real cities. Add more details, maybe a new building now and then.

It makes me sad that I just run by so much of the city like it wasn't there, but after a while, there's just not much to see
Yeah, I remember the old one, and of course there's the new one. I WOULD actually like to see that drastic of a change (especially for Boomtown, the Hollows (though it's been done recently, so I can let it go somewhat), Perez, etc. Especially Boomtown though, no real city would leave a mess like that, sure the first and second Rikti War slowed them down, but it's a hive of scum and villainy, they need to revamp it :P

I used to run past a lot of the city, or got in the habit of O-porting, Base Porting, D Porting, Mission Transporting, Wentworth's Transporting everywhere, and doing stuff as fast as I could. Since UM went in, I and my group have made it a point to try and get to places as much as we can the "old fashioned" way. Either flying through zone connectors, or using the tram, admiring the scenery again, really appriciating the game. Unless we're OOC pressed for time (or sometimes ICly pressed, where it makes sense story-wise) we don't use the porters that much, and we've really been enjoying that. If the other zones got a more "UM" upgrade, that'd be even more awesome. We wouldn't want the overall age of the game to show in Galaxy and Mercy for example, compared to Praetoria.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Hmm, so you're advocating giving the marketeers MORE information to manipulate the market with and think this will make things better? The causal shopper will still pay NAO prices and not care about waiting.
The reason people are able to manipulate the market so easily is because of the lack of price data - all we see is the last 5 sales, regardless of whether those sales happened in the last two minutes or the last two months. If more information regarding pricing were available people could say "oh, this piece of salvage sells for 10k during the week and goes up to 50k during the weekend" and place their bid for 10k, instead of saying "looks like 50k is the going rate since that's what's in the last 5," and then complaining about having to pay 50k for common salvage.

I never claimed that such a system would benefit the "casual shopper," but rather those who care enough to educate themselves.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Yeah, I remember the old one, and of course there's the new one. I WOULD actually like to see that drastic of a change (especially for Boomtown, the Hollows (though it's been done recently, so I can let it go somewhat), Perez, etc. Especially Boomtown though, no real city would leave a mess like that, sure the first and second Rikti War slowed them down, but it's a hive of scum and villainy, they need to revamp it :P

I used to run past a lot of the city, or got in the habit of O-porting, Base Porting, D Porting, Mission Transporting, Wentworth's Transporting everywhere, and doing stuff as fast as I could. Since UM went in, I and my group have made it a point to try and get to places as much as we can the "old fashioned" way. Either flying through zone connectors, or using the tram, admiring the scenery again, really appriciating the game. Unless we're OOC pressed for time (or sometimes ICly pressed, where it makes sense story-wise) we don't use the porters that much, and we've really been enjoying that. If the other zones got a more "UM" upgrade, that'd be even more awesome. We wouldn't want the overall age of the game to show in Galaxy and Mercy for example, compared to Praetoria.

I think that's awesome, but wanted to be very specific about what I'm suggesting (since this has been a gripe of mine for a while).

I don't need a graphics update, I need a design update. I want to see more realistice neighborhoods and buildings. In KR, the design is weird, Buildings usually have long alleyways between them going down a whole block. Trashcans and other things hide in the alleys. I think faultline might have a hotdog vendor or two, the rest of the city could use more details like that.

And of course I still want weather. Weather and seasons.