Kinetic Melee/Electric Control




Originally Posted by Denji View Post
To me, it sounded more like an "entitlement" rather than a right to Moly.
No, its just that we have some sophomores who think its clever to play semantics.

Originally Posted by Denji View Post
Also, the moderators can't moderate EVERY SINGLE POST that goes on in these forums. They can only do so much.
True, but this particular forum (Training Room) is relatively low traffic but more likely that others to produce threads like this. So a moderator taking a glance at it a few times a day seems like a reasonable expectation.

Originally Posted by Denji View Post
In any case, what's posted here -- -- is all we know about Kinetic Melee. Of course, people in closed beta know a lot more than we do, but they have to keep their mouths shut due to an NDA.
It took ~20 posts, but the OP finally got a direct answer. Thanks!



Originally Posted by Moly View Post
It took ~20 posts, but the OP finally got a direct answer. Thanks!
And I wonder how many of those posts were your needless ranting.. Hm..
Seems the thread could have easilly done without that and remained equally meaningful.
(not very)

At any rate, Can't wait to get a chance to try out Kinetic Melee.



Originally Posted by Biidi View Post
To the OP's questions, they did say that it does give a minor self-damage boost. No other details than that. Wouldn't surprise me much if there were other powers that had other similar effects to the kinetics we have now.
If I had to guess, and it is only a guess, (not even an educated one,) I would imagine the damage boost being similar to the latest iteration of Blasters' Defiance.



Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Personal opinion would be that open beta starts no later then July 20th, but personal opinion does not equal reality. Open beta will start when open beta starts, whenever that maybe.
I'm not sure there's even any reason to believe there will be an "open" Beta for GR. It's a paid-for product, after all. There's a good chance a point will come up where it's opened up to all people who have pre-ordered, or some such, but I'm not sure there's any reason to expect that even that would be more than a week or two long.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
I'm not sure there's even any reason to believe there will be an "open" Beta for GR. It's a paid-for product, after all. There's a good chance a point will come up where it's opened up to all people who have pre-ordered, or some such, but I'm not sure there's any reason to expect that even that would be more than a week or two long.
I don't think the devs would even think of excluding non-upgraded customers, for several reasons:

1. At that point, they may be excluding those who had pre-ordered the full, physical GR version, but had not pre-purchased digitally.

2. Open betas usually= stress tests. They don't change a lot during those, the tweaks are more predominant in closed. What they DO get is may more players from a range of servers all crammed into one or two server slots. It's a good time to see what breaks under pressure.

3. Free 'trial' of's a time for those one the fence to experience the product, but they can safely take it away in time, and separate it from your 'real' characters and progress. From a marketing standpoint, that's good. If players who wouldn't buy it before like but miss it afterwards, they'll pay.

4. More testers. While the closed is purposefully small, the open betas up the chances of some odd, unexpected thing getting noticed, as there are more people doing more stuff.



ok to thoses who complain that we keep re answering the questions with the " way closed beta works is"... if people knew how closed beta worked they wouldn't ask thee questions that are clearlly dealing with things in CLOSED BETA

so Get off the backs of thoses trying to help the community and stop with the negitive comments.. you arn't helping the community, so just leave

thank you

< hides under her flame proof blankers>





But THEY don't want to HEAR about how close beta works.

They just want the info they ask about.

We need to stop bringing reality into the conversation, it doesn't work.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Moly View Post
No, we all have a right to read through the forums without seeing this constantly. How about we just let the moderators do their job?
Pardon me for pointing it out.. but are you not, now, turing into the very "forum police" you are berating the posters here for?

I thought his post was rather humerous, and had the sense of the whole.. "the one rule about fight club is that you don't discuss fight club..."

You think you might be overreacting just a tad to be all up in arms over such a small thing?

The response was not rude or threatening... didn't tell the guy off (which in my several years reading posts here happens all too often)
so, I'd say.. if Ocho hasn't said anything along the lines of.. "Hey, BACK OFF.. this is MY job... " I figure, no harm, no foul. But hey... that may just be me.


Sharing kindness is kindness doubled; a burden shared is a burden halved...

I am not bigoted for race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or age... I do, however, have a big problem with stupidity, and stupidity knows no boundaries.



Pardon me for pointing it out.. but are you not, now, turing into the very "forum police" you are berating the posters here for?
This statement typefies a very severe problem with these boards: all statements become zero-sum. No real discussion is possible, because everything turns into "Well if you don't like it, stop reading the boards/quit the game/shut up/stop whining/stop responding to the thread" etc. Attempts to question that mindset are met with attempts at reverse psychology, as seen above.

Evidently we are all supposed to accept every single thing that comes down the pike without question, regardless of the fact that feedback is actually sought by the developers - or forums such as the Training Room would not exist. As for the original premise of the thread, well OMG some guy wanted to know more about the new kinetic and electric sets. How dare he!!



*place cookies, bacon, cake, pie, and bacon flavored pie with a cookie crust and cake icing on top for decor*


iz happy nao?



Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
How are they going to begin opeb beta on the 27th of July or 3rd of August and still ship a finished product in time to hit store shelves by Aug 17th? This isn't justa normal issue, they actually have to have it done and as bug free as possible in time to ship out in box form. I'd think they would need to have Beta wrapped up and be confindant with thier final product no later than the first week of August in order to have in in stores by the 17th.

Now I would assume they will continue beta after that point because it is a game that is updated regularly and they will still be bug searching and doing minor tweeks after it ships. I just can't imagine them shipping out a boxed version that is still full of bugs and hasn't completed the beta phase. Maybe I'm wrong.
It doesn't have to be perfect when it goes in the box. Many online games get shipped out with bugs on the disk. I've lost track of the number of games I've bought on their release date, got them installed, then when I tried to go online... downloading patch... installing patch... now I can play.

Besides, I think the closed beta has been going on a lot longer than people realize. Which hopefully means the testers have found lots of bugs and the devs have been able to squash them (the bugs not the testers).



Originally Posted by Ssyrie View Post
It doesn't have to be perfect when it goes in the box. Many online games get shipped out with bugs on the disk.
Here's hoping they avoid the method used by A Certain Other Game then, namely release something new and then proceed to hit players with a serious of absolutely massive nerfs in the name of "balance." One could rightfully ask what is the point of a beta period if one is going to resort to such tactics?

A larger heaping helping of Epic Fail can scarcely be imagined.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Here's hoping they avoid the method used by A Certain Other Game then, namely release something new and then proceed to hit players with a serious of absolutely massive nerfs in the name of "balance." One could rightfully ask what is the point of a beta period if one is going to resort to such tactics?

A larger heaping helping of Epic Fail can scarcely be imagined.
Well, unless they are testing more power sets than Kinetic Melee and Electric Control I'm pretty sure they will have a handle on those. That pretty much leaves testing Praetoria and Side Switching as the major additions.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Anyone who talks about Closed Beta spends a night in the box!
Is that the box like in Great Escape or Toy Story 3 ? There is a difference you know.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five: