Discussion: New Interview with City of Heroes Design Lead Melissa Bianco!




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's what she said in the earlier interview - two new tilesets - one for the tunnels, and the other one for the labs.
Oh dear. I hope there is much more than... TWO!!!! That was the key add, IMO. Most of the other stuff is a lot of what we have. Side switching would be nice but we have been to all of these environments and see these areas. It'd be nice to play them with the opposite side but we're doing the same stuff. I believe there was a comment stating there would be hundreds of new missions in GR. Ok, if they are using the same old crap maps then those are NOT new missions! Good grief. If they recycle all those old maps again, I will be physically ill....



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Oh dear. I hope there is much more than... TWO!!!! That was the key add, IMO. Most of the other stuff is a lot of what we have. Side switching would be nice but we have been to all of these environments and see these areas. It'd be nice to play them with the opposite side but we're doing the same stuff. I believe there was a comment stating there would be hundreds of new missions in GR. Ok, if they are using the same old crap maps then those are NOT new missions! Good grief. If they recycle all those old maps again, I will be physically ill....
Well, they are new missions - and I'm sure all the Praetorian content will mostly use the two new tilesets, as they fit each side - Resistance in the tunnels and loyalists in labs/government buildings.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, they are new missions - and I'm sure all the Praetorian content will mostly use the two new tilesets, as they fit each side - Resistance in the tunnels and loyalists in labs/government buildings.
Yeah, sorry, but I find it hard to believe that there will only be 2 new tile sets. It would be very annoying to have all the missions in the same maps.



I have to admit that only two new maps would be disappointing . . . but then I see what else they are doing with GR and I lose almost all of my disappointment. So I decided to go back and look at what Ms. Bianco said in regards to the maps and here it is:

"We have four new zones that take place in Praetoria and with this new universe we're introducing some new mission map sets as well."

Now I know Golden Girl said an earlier interview stated two new map sets but at least in my world "some" does not mean two. A couple means two, but not "some". My thinking is that MAYBE things have changed as time goes on. I know, I am being horribly optimistic here, but it makes sense anyways.

On top of that I can't help but thinking that these "map sets" are little more than skins placed over a pre-made framework. I've talked to several people now that are familiar with the technology and they all have looked at the in-game graphics and agree that I am most likely right on this. So that would mean that even if it is only two new "skins" placed over pre-existing maps . . . that is a huge amount of "new" map sets.

To fall back on my original thought though: The sheer volume of things being done with GR and in Issue 18 and 19 immediately following will not be disappointing.

Now if they could just update the CoX website so I can use it to help me recruit more players again. After all, the Paragon Studios marketing plan seems to be relying on word of mouth more than anything.



By tilesets, she really does mean totally new tilesets, not reskins - it was repeated at PAX East - one new tileset for the tunnels of the Underground, and one new tileset for Praetorian labs/government facilities - both of those should be flexible enough to cover most of the mission settings, so I don't think you're going to see too many warehouses, offices or caves on your progress through the new 1-20 content.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



People, hello;

Tilesets =!/!= Maps

All the Office maps, for example, are made up of one tilest. Let's call it 'OfficeLayout'. Now, off of that one tileset you get every. Single. Office map. Thats a lot of different maps, not to mention the variants that lead to caves, etc.

So, two new tilesets = A LOT of maps.
Ok? Clear? Next question please.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
Wish I could get a better time frame so I can schedule time off of work ^_^ (I'm not demanding they tell me, just musing out loud, I know they're working on it).
August 17th, 2010 I was off by a month.

Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Conversely, if they say "Summer" and everyone expects the end of summer, and then they pop it out in, say, the second week of August, they still look like heroes. It's all perspective.

Expect the worst and hope for the best. It's safer that way.
Dec the prophet



I was out earlier today before the heat started melting the pavement...

I was close to the Game Stop in Shreveport, so I thought it would be a good time to pop in and see if anything was different this time.

There was.

There were two very nice and vocal gentlemen eager to sell me something.

Without asking, I was almost "aggressively" advertised products for world of warcraft, Champions online, DCUO, and several consoles. I was urged to pre-purchase all upcoming expansions for ALL platforms AND games


Nobody volunteered ANYTHING for CoX.

I had to interrupt the salesmen in order to PRY information regarding Going Rouge.

The only thing that they weren't pretending didn't exist as far as CoX is concerned is that yes, you can actually pre-order it from Game Stop. That's IT.

no release date, no info on content, no enthusiasm whatsoever.

From the Game Stops I have been visiting, <Shreveport and Bossier> They simply don't seem to care about CoX.

There is no advertising going on here and that breaks my heart.

It would be wise to get the ball rolling on some meaningful dedicated advertising.

Btw- I mean that.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



KAKTOS appoints me oracle:

Dec the prophet
Thanks! That and a buck and a half gets me a ride on the city bus.

If I was a real prophet, I'd have called the market merger and taken bets!

Dec out.