Why's Mind/ so popular?
Forgive my nooby question as I have very little experience with Doms. I hardly ever see Mind/ trollers blueside. How come everyone loves Mind/ redside? Seems like the powers are the same, unless i missed something. Does domination do something crazy that i'm not seeing?
A Mind Dominator with perma domination can shut down the Heroes, making one of the toughest and most annoying fights in the game a near trivial experience.
ahh knew there was something i was missing. sleep can be a sexy beast
oh...and have you ever played a mind/fire....hehe
Forgive my nooby question as I have very little experience with Doms. I hardly ever see Mind/ trollers blueside. How come everyone loves Mind/ redside? Seems like the powers are the same, unless i missed something. Does domination do something crazy that i'm not seeing?
Other than that mind doms play like a pseudo blaster because all your damage is sourced from you (ie no reliance on pets). So if you like to take things out yourself the set opens up the possibility of being very survivable and doing pretty solid damage.
You see less of them blueside relative to other sets because it is the worst at setting up containment along with illusion. Illusion however has very high damage with or without containment. They also don't have the gimmick of being able to aoe sleep an entire group of high conning AV's and outside of that mind it pretty much terrible against AV's which like it or not are a sizable portion of existing end game content.
So long story short, yes mind is quite a bit different for doms than it is for trollers.
Forgive my nooby question as I have very little experience with Doms. I hardly ever see Mind/ trollers blueside. How come everyone loves Mind/ redside? Seems like the powers are the same, unless i missed something. Does domination do something crazy that i'm not seeing?
Mind does work on AV's Blueside just uses differant tactics perma confuse works wonders on the STF to get by Ghost Widow.
Talos Maltalomar lvl 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter - Triumph Server
Arack BloodThrall lvl 50 BS/SR Scrapper - Triumph Server
Rose's Kiss Lvl 50 Mind/Nrg/Ice PermaDom - Triumph Server
I'm actually pretty confident that a mind troller specc'd for it could sleep the whole freedom phalanx just like a dom.
Something like a mind/cold/power with enough recharge for perma benumb could make those encounters pretty easy as well as being a tremendous asset for all the stuff leading up to the +3's.
Well, sure. Mesmerize will sleep one, and it's not hard to get it to stick perma. Just keep the rotation going. Three AVs in sequence doesn't sound all that rough, if you have insps to keep yourself alive during that initial period. Or you can Mass Hypno with truly ludicrous rech.
I just mean with mass hypno on ludicrous rech. I find adding in mesmerize is a bad idea unless one is about to get free. You'd want enough recharge to get two casts of mass hyp with each pb duration ie. enough rech for perma benumb.
Basically you'd be using 2 pb'd masshyp and then 2 casts of non-pb'd masshyp.
It should last 47.6 sec pb'd and 29.77 non pb'd against a +3.
That should be enough where as long as you didn't miss twice in a row nothing would wake up.
edit: admittedly though, I'm not a fan of the sleep method. It is really slow and the times I've seen it not work are greater than the times I've seen it work. Work as in being the 100% safe method as advertised.
edit: admittedly though, I'm not a fan of the sleep method. It is really slow and the times I've seen it not work are greater than the times I've seen it work. Work as in being the 100% safe method as advertised. |
If you've got permadom and not-terrible slotting in Mass Hyp, it's a cinch >.>
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Really? Wow. Slow yes, but how do people manage to mess it up?
If you've got permadom and not-terrible slotting in Mass Hyp, it's a cinch >.> |
I'm usually on my trapper and much prefer when we pull multiples cause they all die at about the same time with the aoe slash.
The last sleeper even made it so we single pulled the Vindicators (this wasn't a MO run either). I mean lvl 50 AV's... I like rushing them all and having them all drop within about 20 seconds of the first one due to the aoe splash and poison trap halting their regen.
For the RSF, it's generally "simple" enough as long as your Dominator can hit (or has enough recharge to stack). If your team is relying on a Kin to keep the Dom SB'd to maintain perma-dom, then you're likely in trouble.
Personally, I prefer the "just rush them and let the debuffs sort it out" approach, but I'm in the minority on most of the teams I've been on RSFs with. I think it's because there are some lingering psychological issues that people have with using inspirations effectively - I often find that on the teams that have trouble with this method there's usually someone taking all the aggro that was already at the soft cap from their build and stocked up on lots of purples* (I guess orange just isn't their color?), or squishies that think that they don't need to use any inspirations or have any form of defense, because "hey, there's a brute on the team!"
Ironically, my Fire/Kin Corr got her MoLRSF run using the rush approach. On a PuG.
As for why Mind/ is popular? I blame it partially on a lack of patience (Mind can fill out your ranged attack chain at level 4), partially on the RSF "perma-sleep" crowd, partially on the cheap perma-dom builds, and mostly on Mind being a set that offers enough control that if anything hits you in a mission while you're soloing, it's either an AV, you missed, or you didn't see them first. It's certainly not due to a lack of pets - I get to pick and choose mine! (One of my few characters that adores Malta stun grenades.)
* Usually after they get hit once or twice due to RNG fate, they often say "I need more purples", too. *sigh*
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I find Mind to be boring to play for me. Every time I try and level one, I end up deleting it, as it doesn't fit my play style. I'm all about the AoEs...and I just don't find having an AoE sleep and fear as useful as a stun or knockdown for control.
Of course, this is just my opinion, as I know Mind is incredibly useful, just not my cup of tea.
Don't I know you???
Sometimes the mind dom just gets unlucky (especially if it's a lower-end permadom who doesn't have all that much acc or rech.) One or two misses and you can get behind on stacking mag. And the phalanx's aggro radius seems to be huge once one has been pulled, so if one or two do wake up it can be a problem, even if the fighting is happening well away.
@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)
You got me, I'm not the dominator. Admittedly I've only run on 5 or so sleep teams now, but the last couple I've heard "oh **** X got free" followed by the dominator splatting and a bunch of the AV's running over. And because the team was relying on the sleep crutch so much they panic at more than one enemy and promptly die.
I'm usually on my trapper and much prefer when we pull multiples cause they all die at about the same time with the aoe slash. The last sleeper even made it so we single pulled the Vindicators (this wasn't a MO run either). I mean lvl 50 AV's... I like rushing them all and having them all drop within about 20 seconds of the first one due to the aoe splash and poison trap halting their regen. |
For MoRSF runs though, it's better to go with the sleep method. Even if you've got the team buffed to the gills, I personally would rather go a little slower than have two unlucky hits fail the attempt. Much easier to control bad luck if there's only 1 AV on the loose at a time

The thing about it being hard to sleep 'em...I dunno. If you aggro them before sleeping them, Numina can make things difficult by throwing out Clear Minds.
I find it's best to go up fully stealthed and stay in the pool, only jumping up and into LoS of the FP to hit Mass Hypnosis. If you see it miss one of them, hit them with the ST sleep.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
While on the topic of sleeping the Phalanx
In this thread, people mention using Mesmerize if Mass Hypnosis misses one. Mesmerize will draw agro. If I use Mesmerize on someone MH misses, is only the enemy I hit with Mes aggrod or are his/her neighbors aggrod as well?
I assume that after using Mesmerize, that NPC will stay mad at you throughout the ordeal, if MH happens to miss another time.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
While on the topic of sleeping the Phalanx
In this thread, people mention using Mesmerize if Mass Hypnosis misses one. Mesmerize will draw agro. If I use Mesmerize on someone MH misses, is only the enemy I hit with Mes aggrod or are his/her neighbors aggrod as well? I assume that after using Mesmerize, that NPC will stay mad at you throughout the ordeal, if MH happens to miss another time. |
As far as sleep aggro, if a mob is sleeping they can still be aggroed through proximity. If you Mass Hypnosis them and run past them, when they wake up they will be aggroed even though they were sleeping when you ran past. Its worth noting that confused enemies do not aggro through proximity. If you run past a confused enemy they will not aggro as a result of proxmity when confuse expires. This is because technically, they were viewing you as an ally while you ran past.
Another small tip worth mentioning, is that Mesmerize is Mag4 so can sleep Bosses/AV's in one application, even as a controller without Domination. When doing the 5th Column TF or the ITF, I have kept 3 AV's slept. Another small tip and something I rarely see advertised, Mesmerize has a 100yrd range not 80. Making it a great long range CC snipe, both to control and to shut off any pesky toggles. Even if Mesmerize lasts half a second, it will still shut off a bosses toggles.
To the question of Mind/ on doms...
yes, the RSF is a place where you will be 'needed.' but that's only a part of the puzzle.
Mind/ is so control-heavy it's not funny. On controllers, that's often too much as they get damage mitigation in their secondary. Doms? They just kill stuff. So more mitigation= more survival.
Mind/ is also the best AoE control out there: on teams, the dom can make a big difference using terrify/total dom/mass confuse. The sleep is great for mitigating alphas and/or ambushes/secondary mobs.
Mind/ also fits concepts quite directly: the character that messes with minds to make them helpless. Psychics, evil geniuses, spiritual/magical beings...it all works.
Mind is early blooming. unlike other control sets, which often have to wait some time for a control roundout, Mind/ can give you many means of mitigation early on, especially for solo play. Mesmerize, dominate,confuse,levitate- (levitate stops something from attacking for a pretty good moment.) These make dealing with foes easy.
Not quite sure what you are asking, but if you mass hypnosis a spawn and miss 1, and then mesmerize the missed mob then yes, you have effectively aggroed the spawn. |
I've done this a few times, but have never used Mesmerize as a backup for missed heros. Most of the time, I get them with the 2nd MH. Sometimes though...the team gets a surprise Phalanxer (very rare).
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
I got a Mind Control and a Mind Dom, always in the hopes that one day just one day I'll get to do something really cool on a team and perma sleep groups whilst the team tactfully take on what they can actually handle. I've had them a few years now.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Forgive my nooby question as I have very little experience with Doms. I hardly ever see Mind/ trollers blueside. How come everyone loves Mind/ redside? Seems like the powers are the same, unless i missed something. Does domination do something crazy that i'm not seeing?