



Can you email a purple to an inactive account, and then when its active again it'll be there?



The object of the email (purple) won't matter but I certainly wouldn't risk it on a purple. Email does lose things now and then.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by _dest_ View Post
Can you email a purple to an inactive account, and then when its active again it'll be there?
I suspect it would bounce if sent to an inactive account.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
I suspect it would bounce if sent to an inactive account.
That could be tested by simply sending 1 inf but I still stand by the "I'd hate to lose a purple in email limbo" concern.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
That could be tested by simply sending 1 inf but I still stand by the "I'd hate to lose a purple in email limbo" concern.
I understand that the lost emails occured when various non-letters were entered in the body of the email (i.e. & $ or ")
That is fixed now, but if you do send a purple, make sure it's to an active account, and do not type any of the problem symbols.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Also remember capitalization counts. (Lost 3 recipies learning that!)

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
I understand that the lost emails occured when various non-letters were entered in the body of the email (i.e. & $ or ")
That is fixed now, but if you do send a purple, make sure it's to an active account, and do not type any of the problem symbols.
If you send to an invalid/inactive account, or somebody who has you on ignore, the e-mail will show up in your own in-box.

Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
Also remember capitalization counts. (Lost 3 recipies learning that!)
I never had a problem with capitalization.



Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
Also remember capitalization counts. (Lost 3 recipies learning that!)
Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I never had a problem with capitalization.
Same here. I paste the exact same thing every time (I pull it out of my clipboard history program) and it's all lowercase even though my global has 2 caps in it. Never a problem.

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Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
Also remember capitalization counts. (Lost 3 recipies learning that!)
This makes no sense.

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I sent out a test email with a cheap recipe to my inactive account. No "bounce backs" just yet, its been a few hours.



Originally Posted by _dest_ View Post
I sent out a test email with a cheap recipe to my inactive account. No "bounce backs" just yet, its been a few hours.
I just sent a test Email to one of my inactive accounts (Master-Blade2), and it showed up in my own inbox immediately.

I sent a lvl 50 Knockback Recipe and 1inf. The subject of the Email simply said "hi".

Edit to add more info:
The account I sent it to has been inactive for less than 90 days, so it seems to bounce back off even newly disabled accounts.

I'm not sure why it's not working for you.



It was a common lvl 50 recharge recipe, and that was the subject it gave me. Msg body was just some random letters. My other account has been inactive for like a week or so.



Something to remember: You can only have 20 emails with items in them at a time. According to the announcement, this includes both incoming and outgoing. This means that if you send 20 emails with items attached to your inactive account, you can neither send nor receive item mail until that account is reactivated and the items are either claimed or returned.

This may apply to what Master-Blade is seeing too: If the inactive account is "full", either with items in their mailbox, or items sent from that account to others, but not yet claimed, all item mail sent to that account will automatically bounce.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Something to remember: You can only have 20 emails with items in them at a time. According to the announcement, this includes both incoming and outgoing. This means that if you send 20 emails with items attached to your inactive account, you can neither send nor receive item mail until that account is reactivated and the items are either claimed or returned.

This may apply to what Master-Blade is seeing too: If the inactive account is "full", either with items in their mailbox, or items sent from that account to others, but not yet claimed, all item mail sent to that account will automatically bounce.
My inactive secondary account that I used as a test does not even really use e-mail, so it has never sent or received 20 total e-mails, let alone having 20 still active... then again, for all I know the e-mail options on that account might be disabled completely and bouncing it automatically.

So as another test, I just sent to a third account which has also been inactive inside the 90 day period. I know the e-mail preferences were active on that account as I used it a couple times before letting it expire. It still did not send or receive a total of 20 e-mails though, and it STILL bounced the mail back to my main account.

On a sidenote, I have a slightly different interpretation of the mail announcement (unless there was a more detailed one that I missed). I believe you are allowed to send or receive a new attachment when your inbox has less than 20 attachments in it. Outgoing mails do not count. If a sent e-mail is "returned" or bounced back when an account expires, it may exceed your limit of 20, but you will have to claim them until you have less than 20 in order to be able to send or receive again.

If it worked the way you say it, then 20 random e-mails over the years that 20 people happen to save for whatever reason might screw you out of being able to even use the attachment feature ever again and you wouldn't even know who is saving the mails and wouldn't be able to take any kind of action to correct it.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
My inactive secondary account that I used as a test does not even really use e-mail, so it has never sent or received 20 total e-mails, let alone having 20 still active... then again, for all I know the e-mail options on that account might be disabled completely and bouncing it automatically.

So as another test, I just sent to a third account which has also been inactive inside the 90 day period. I know the e-mail preferences were active on that account as I used it a couple times before letting it expire. It still did not send or receive a total of 20 e-mails though, and it STILL bounced the mail back to my main account.

On a sidenote, I have a slightly different interpretation of the mail announcement (unless there was a more detailed one that I missed). I believe you are allowed to send or receive a new attachment when your inbox has less than 20 attachments in it. Outgoing mails do not count. If a sent e-mail is "returned" or bounced back when an account expires, it may exceed your limit of 20, but you will have to claim them until you have less than 20 in order to be able to send or receive again.

If it worked the way you say it, then 20 random e-mails over the years that 20 people happen to save for whatever reason might screw you out of being able to even use the attachment feature ever again and you wouldn't even know who is saving the mails and wouldn't be able to take any kind of action to correct it.
It wasn't in the announcement, it was in one of the dev posts about the mail system, and it explicitly said that outgoing mail with an item attached counted towards the 20 limit until the item was claimed. Taking the item and saving the email turns it into a regular mail, and it no longer counts against the limit. I suspect that the reason for this is that otherwise, you could send out hundreds of emails with items to friends, and have them return them, effectively giving us unlimited storage despite the limit.

Also, if you have multiple active accounts, it would be easy to test: Send 19 item mails from @Account1 to @Account1, then one from @Account1 to @Account2. You now have 19 incoming item mails and one outgoing (Total 20). If you can still send more, then only incoming counts. If you're stopped, then it counts both.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
It wasn't in the announcement, it was in one of the dev posts about the mail system, and it explicitly said that outgoing mail with an item attached counted towards the 20 limit until the item was claimed. Taking the item and saving the email turns it into a regular mail, and it no longer counts against the limit. I suspect that the reason for this is that otherwise, you could send out hundreds of emails with items to friends, and have them return them, effectively giving us unlimited storage despite the limit.

Also, if you have multiple active accounts, it would be easy to test: Send 19 item mails from @Account1 to @Account1, then one from @Account1 to @Account2. You now have 19 incoming item mails and one outgoing (Total 20). If you can still send more, then only incoming counts. If you're stopped, then it counts both.
Ah. That's the post I apparently missed. The announcement I was referring to is similar to what they listed on Wiki in the i17 notes:
There will be 20 mail cap to inbox. Mails sent to full mailbox will bounce (bounced mails can exceed cap). If you are at the cap you cannot send mails.
That seems silly to me actually because if you are already at 20 e-mails and cannot send another one, how would you be able to send one to a full mailox to have the bounced mail exceed your cap? lol

Anyway, back to your reasoning.. if that's the case, then it would be nice to have a "sent" folder or some other way that would allow you to retrieve unclaimed messages after a certain period of time.

For example, just for kicks, I know a bunch of people that have sent out "candy grams" (a message saying hello and a candy cane attached). I'm sure there are at least a few people that would keep it because it's cute.. but then the person who sent them wont be able to use that feature anymore if 20 of those random people happened to save it. That's a bummer.

Anyway, regardless of how the limit works, we kinda got off topic. The point here is that I sent a message to 2 different inactive accounts, and both of them were immediately returned to me. I know for a fact that neither one of them would have reached the limit (no matter which way it works), and at least one of them does have email enabled.

That tells me that you cannot send items to inactive accounts.. which is a really good thing anyway because then we get back to the limit of 20, and if outgoing counted, and you sent to inactive accounts, you'd be screwed as well. lol



Originally Posted by _dest_ View Post
I sent out a test email with a cheap recipe to my inactive account. No "bounce backs" just yet, its been a few hours.
Did you remember to cancel the subscription?

I took a break from CoH for a couple months, and it wasn't till I went to subscribe again that I realized I never cancelled in the first place! lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
(clip) That seems silly to me actually because if you are already at 20 e-mails and cannot send another one, how would you be able to send one to a full mailox to have the bounced mail exceed your cap? lol (clip)
The person getting it has the option of returning it to sender. Well they can when there's an attachment, anyways.

(Which, btw, sounds like a great way to stick it to RMT-ers if you haven't disabled their emails. Return every single slice of spam to their inbox and let them delete it. )

But items not claimed by others yet don't count against your own limit. Just yesterday I sent 20 enhancements to a second account, and then 20 more to my own. I sent them all in a row before claiming even one of them with either account. it worked fine.

Edit: Maybe the dev post about unclaimed attachments was only referring to items sent by a globalname to itself, and not yet claimed by one of its own characters.



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
The person getting it has the option of returning it to sender. Well they can when there's an attachment, anyways.
I understood that there are other ways a mail can "bounce" back to it's sender, but the way it was worded made it sound like a bounced email (from a full inbox) could exceed your own cap.. It would be impossible for this to happen. If you are full, you cannot send an e-mail attachment to anybody, let alone send one to a full box and have it bounce back. lol



Is there a time limit on claming these?

I just lost some that I had sent and were just sittting out there waiting to be claimed.

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So this is my main account, the OP is my alt. Yesterday my alt account expired. Today I decided to reactivate my main account, which was indeed inactive the whole time. I logged in, my email was turned off (is it character specific or account wide? I forget) so I turned it on, and there were my two test emails, with the 50 recharge and something else from my alts global name. Damn now I wish I really did email those purples...



Originally Posted by Seek_Trouble View Post
I logged in, my email was turned off (is it character specific or account wide? I forget)
Character specific.

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Originally Posted by Cinder_Flux View Post
Is there a time limit on claming these?

I just lost some that I had sent and were just sittting out there waiting to be claimed.
There isn't supposed to be. Global mail is (obviously) connected to the global server, so if you try to claim an item while the global server is down, it won't be there (until it comes back up), and if you try to send something while the server is down, it will be lost forever! If you want to make sure the latter case doesn't happen, email yourself some kind of junk item or 1 Inf first, just to see if it goes through.

Other than that, the only reason the mail should "vanish" is if the character in question has their email turned off in their settings.




Yeah I know about the Global chat bug.

This is a bit different. I had a lvl 35 Unbound leap stealth hero side and a villain respec recipe just sitting there for weeks. Then the other day all my e-mails prior to May 12 just disapeared.

I sent a pettion and they said they are working on it but I am not holding my breath.

I just wish I knew what happened and how to avoid it in the future.

Alts on all servers, lvl 50 of every AT:
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lvl 50 Villains on all servers but; Guardian, Pinnacle, Triumph, Victory
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Official MOM of Tribal Alliance



i just lost 2 billion influence that was in my global email and the devs won't answer me about giving it back