Low Hanging Fruit for Base Luv!




Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
Let me guess that bringing in the functionality that already exists in say RWZ (trainer, ICON rep, Hero Corps/Fateweaver, etc.) would be fairly easily doable (assuming that what's in zones can be easily transferred into bases... I'm not a programmer though so I'm not sure).
I would think that is easily doable with what we know about the mission computer and silver mantis.

From what I know you can either talk to her now or use the mission computer/oracle. Can they just code the mission computer to talk to an NPC like a drill instructor or a BM/WW NPC?




I've got one...how about the placeable in game models for the old Items of Power?

make it take several Cathedral of Pain wins to earn em, maybe even 300 or something on that order of magnitude, but earning them just for looks and not for the abilities they used to grant would be awesome. And afaik, the models are still in the game code.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Make /auctionhouse work inside the base.

I'm in my base, at my worktable, I have my vault nearby (and /vault)... but I can't /auctionhouse. This is a small QoL thing, sure, but it'd really make things easier especially when crafting base items.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
Make /auctionhouse work inside the base.

I'm in my base, at my worktable, I have my vault nearby (and /vault)... but I can't /auctionhouse. This is a small QoL thing, sure, but it'd really make things easier especially when crafting base items.
This is *NOT* a small Quality of Life item by any stretch. Loading the ENTIRE MARKET into Instances would be an absolutely prohibitive drain on server resources and architecture.

From a PLAYER perspective, it's a small thing ... but then so is being able to throw a baseball into orbit ... by hand ... (it's just 11 km/s, what's your problem?).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



It is a big hassle to find a group willing to take on a Mother ship raid all just so you can get one stupid little badge. Yea the Mother ship raids are great for getting a dump truck full of V-merits and if your not level 50 alot of XP. But the main thing is that silly little badge that is so hard to get. have a mission that we get the badge at the end or just leave it out all together. I mean all the zones with Badges that you have to have are quite a bit less. But no the Ritiki War Zone you have to get every single badge and read all the plagues (That's not a bad thing). I would say most other zones we need just a few of the badges and Plagues leave that badge out of the equation for Ritiki war zone. It would make things alot easier on us who have found it very hard in the past to get another to listen or do a Mother ship raid.

Now called Madame Shayla:
Main Characters on my main server (Victory)
Goddess of Justice Tanker Incarnate (Hero) Collen Colt Incarnate (Bane Hero), Lady Kitten (Hero) Jen Titanium Mage (Hero and one time Villain) and my first Character to level 50 Shayla Master Mind (Villain)



You don't have to 'do' a mothers ship raid, just pop in while it's in progress. that's how I first got mine. Listen on the server channel or read forum posts for that server to find the appropriate time.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Things that should take minimal effort & resources to do.

* Raise the salvage limit on racks to 100, the same capacity as other storage items. (and don't EVEN give me the "market argument", it's a fallacy. If you're really THAT worried about it, do it right before a DblXp weekend.).

*(done!) Set storage racks/tables/bins to store/sort alphabetically, the same as personal storage.

* Fix the behaviour of the Vault Storage to work like Salvage Racks & Personal storage (ie. clicking, drag-n-drop, etc). This may mean looking at how the Vault works in the game overall.

* textures on the undersides of the large floor tile and small SG tiles so they are not invisible from underneath. Use the base ceiling and floor skins instead of the white pattern on the floor tile so we can have several options of tiles to choose from (this would greatly reduce the number of items needed for "second floors", thereby also the rendering load).

* Large wall items, in a similar fashion as floor options suggested above... y'know, to make skinny walls within a room, instead of again using a gazillion desks.
^^^This ALL day this, pleeeeeeease give us this!