The May 2010 Fan Art Battle - VOTE!!




Its time to vote for the winner of May's epic FArt Battle!

This month's theme was the Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues. Full details may be found HERE.

Votes must be given in a 1,2,3 voting format. The entrant with the fewest votes will be eliminated. The winner will carry immunity into the next round.

Deadline for voting is SATURDAY, MAY 29TH AT 12 MIDNIGHT, EASTERN TIME.

Good luck to everyone!

by Lousy_Day

by Toxic_Shia

by ChristopherRobin

by JohnnyKat

by U-Naught

by ScooterTwo

by Bubbawheat

by Frost

by Juggertha

by PyroNympho (please view this piece on the dA page to see it fully, as it is a .gif)



1. Pyro
2. Shia
3. Christopher Robin



1: Pyro
2: Shia
3: Frost



Thanks, Aggie =)



1 - Juggy
2 - Frost
3 - Shia



(seems redundant to say "yet another month thats tough to vote on!" and I mean that in the best way!)

Here's my votes:

1) Toxic_Shia (I always felt that about those Trainers!)

2) Frost (the image just pops right out to me, advertising the 7 sins)

3) JohnnyKat (another very well rendered piece!)



1. PyroNympho
2. Toxic_Shia
3. Frost



1. Juggertha
2. LD
3. U-Naught (Tough choice but the bunny slippers tipped it in your favor)

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



1. Pyro
2. Shia
3. Frost



1) Shia
2) Juggertha
3) PyroNympho






1. Toxic_Shia (Cause the image is too true)
2. Christopher Robin (Nice drawing of the vanitydroid)
3. Bubbawheat (Ingame truth and ... Sister Flame )

I would so have wanted to give more votes, cause there where several others that struck me.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



I didn't just number them from the top, honest:
1) LD
2) Shia
3) Juggertha
I guess I prefer to savour my sins one at a time. Although I am also guilty of the sin of omission, as they are all good pieces this month!

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you! opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!



1 - Pyro
2 - Shia
3 - Scooter -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN

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