Concept Build Viability: Ill/FF with NO pets




To expand on the title, I have a character concept I'm contemplating (Attack of the Angry Alliterative Avenger! -- and no, that's not the concept) and I'm thinking how to reproduce it in-game. Think of the number of comic book characters who can turn invisible. You've got just a couple or so for whom invisibility is their main thing (Invisible Woman, Invisible Kid from the Legion, anyone else?) and only a very few more for whom invisibility is just another in their bag of tricks, and not the main thing brought to mind when you think of them (Martian Manhunter, uhm...).

So I want to center a character around invisibility. There're two ways to do this in-game, to my knowledge: make an Illusion controller and pick up Superior Invisibility, or dive into the Concealment power pool (something I admit I've never tried to use).

But even when your supername has the word 'invisible' in it, that doesn't give you any kind of power to kick some. Maybe that's why Invisible Kid has always seemed far less than useful; his power is nothing flashy, and he's way outclassed offensively in that group. As for Sue or J'onn, the invisibility comes with other strong powers that overshadow it, almost making it unnecessary.

So, down to my question: if I want to simulate a hero who has invisibility as a main power, would I be gimping myself to the point of unplayability to make an Illusion controller and never take any of my pet powers? Even if I did this, what possible secondary could I use to bolster my hero?

I could continue on, and in fact I've written another 3 or 4 paragraphs and then erased them several times. I'll end this post for now, and participate in any discussion there might be.

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Go with the stealth pool and you will be much happier because you won't be limited to a petless Ill/ controller. Power customization lets you tweak your desired primary/secondary into many more options for concept giving you greater range of flexibility and possibly much more satisfaction with your chosen character.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Wouldn't a stalker satisfy this best? Go for MA/SR maybe for a character with no other powers, or EM/SR and treat the glowing hands as just an ingame effect. (That's what I do with my EM stalker, who's a boxer with an invisibility device)

Alternatively, make a Scrapper with the concealment pool. Stealth won't give you full Invisibility, and Invisibility doesn't allow you to use your attacks, but its definitely effective. I used this pool on my first character, a Blaster, and swore by it.

With an Illusion/FF controller you're still going to be creating visible force fields and using some kind of mind powers most of the time, so even skipping the pets is going to feel pretty concept breaking.



Stealth, yeah, that's what I meant to say earlier.

Now, I know a Primary or Secondary power is supposed to, by definition, be better than a Power Pool power, but is the invisibility in the Stealth pool any good? I mean, does it work, not at the level of Superior Invisibility, obviously, but good enough to spend a power choice on? Anyone have any experience with it?

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
Stealth, yeah, that's what I meant to say earlier.

Now, I know a Primary or Secondary power is supposed to, by definition, be better than a Power Pool power, but is the invisibility in the Stealth pool any good? I mean, does it work, not at the level of Superior Invisibility, obviously, but good enough to spend a power choice on? Anyone have any experience with it?
Invisibility (tier 2 in the Concealment power pool) works a treat.Like I said, you can't attack while its on, but you can use Build Up or Aim or other self buffs, so it works a little bit like a Stalker. Get into position, get ready, and then uncloak and unload on your target.

Do you remmeber the old "Kill 40 Rikti in the Abandoned Sewers" mission, that had you trawl through a hazard zone full of +3 Hydra and CoT? I aced that one thanks to Invisibility. It's good enough to let you stand right next to enemies, even pushing through sewer doorways amidst groups of them.

The Rikti Drones saw me of course, but I wanted to engage them anyway.

I'd advise making a bind or macro that drops invisibility and activates your main attack, eg

bind 1 "powexectoggleoff invisibility$$powexecslot 1"

(That might work, I'd have to test it...)

That all said, stalkers are better at this kind of concept. And Going Rogue is coming soon, so you can make heroside Stalkers then.



THere are many ways to get Invisiblity or Stealth (which is for PvE effectively the same thing just various levels of Stealth). It'd be better to tell us what sort of powers you want to have other than stealth/invis for a suggestion. I'd guess you want no pets, so that rules out Masterminds and makes Controllers and Dominators (other than Mind) less effective. It also rules out some other pet type powers in other sets.

But there are so many ways to get stealth/invis in CoH, that's the easy part. To name a few:
Illusion's invis & group invis, Stealth pool, stealth IO, super speed, Stalker's hide, /Devices' stealth, /Dark Miasma's shadowfall all come to mind.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



You could also change the character's main power from Invisibility to Light Control. With that in mind, you could do a Rad/Energy Blaster. You could still make Invisibility be the main way he interacts with / opens up on bad guys.

Of course, Illusion/FF/Primal could also work for a "Light Control" character, or an Energy Mastery character, but then Invisibility becomes more of a side effect of what you can do. But hey, at least then there would be no reason to skip any powers, really.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I have an Illusion controller with no pets, and it's the best empath you'l come accross, Healing and buffing does not break invisibility as it is not an offensive action.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



With the concept of the Invisibile Woman from the Fantastic Four, I would lean towards doing an FF/Energy Defender with the stealth pool. Or, you could do Super Speed + a Stealth Proc, and have no suppression for attacking whatsoever. Make sure that the blasts are as colorless as possible.

Personally, I would find a petless Illusionist to be an exercise in frustration. Ugh. You would be left with Blind, Spectral Wounds, Deceive, two kinds of invis and Flash. You would be cutting out PA, Spooky and Phanty.

My favorite invisible character? Invisible Boy from the Mystery Men -- he was only invisible when nobody was looking.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I have an Illusion controller with no pets, and it's the best empath you'l come accross, Healing and buffing does not break invisibility as it is not an offensive action.
I'm not going to say it...



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I have an Illusion controller with no pets, and it's the best empath you'l come accross, Healing and buffing does not break invisibility as it is not an offensive action.
Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
I'm not going to say it...
Yeah . . . it is very tempting to say that being an Empath only controller IS "an offensive action" . . .

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Make a Stalker if you want a Invisible being.



Great suggestions here. I think I'll be implementing more than one of them.

Long, long ago (this is my second account, so don't be fooled by my forum registration date; I'll be hitting 4 years end of this month), the first character I got past 25 was indeed a FF/NRG defender. Deleted that one in favor of an NRG/NRG blaster (I lurves me some knockback as a mitigator!) which ended up being my first 50. Time to try that defender again.

I like the idea of a stalker starting out in Praetoria. Maybe Kinetic Melee will serve there.

As I mentioned before, I haven't actually tried the Stealth/Concealment pool. I will do so.

I will also look into a Stealth proc. I got Mids, so I'll play around.

I guess it's no real surprise that no one has done a Power Pool guide. Methinks that would be a lot of research-y type work.

Thanks, all, for all your suggestions! You've given me the basis for another 4-6 enablers, you!

/alt-itis whine

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
Great suggestions here. I think I'll be implementing more than one of them.

Long, long ago (this is my second account, so don't be fooled by my forum registration date; I'll be hitting 4 years end of this month), the first character I got past 25 was indeed a FF/NRG defender. Deleted that one in favor of an NRG/NRG blaster (I lurves me some knockback as a mitigator!) which ended up being my first 50. Time to try that defender again.

I like the idea of a stalker starting out in Praetoria. Maybe Kinetic Melee will serve there.

As I mentioned before, I haven't actually tried the Stealth/Concealment pool. I will do so.

I will also look into a Stealth proc. I got Mids, so I'll play around.

I guess it's no real surprise that no one has done a Power Pool guide. Methinks that would be a lot of research-y type work.

Thanks, all, for all your suggestions! You've given me the basis for another 4-6 enablers, you!

/alt-itis whine

Kinetic Melee, this'll be interesting....Not.

All I see now is Sheilds, Electric Melee, Dual Pistols, Empathy, Kinetics, and Demon Summoning.Lets add Kinetic Melee to the Pile of shiney new powers everyones going to be using.

The Devs might as well start Deleting older power sets due to lack of use.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Kinetic Melee, this'll be interesting....Not.

All I see now is Sheilds, Electric Melee, Dual Pistols, Empathy, Kinetics, and Demon Summoning.Lets add Kinetic Melee to the Pile of shiney new powers everyones going to be using.

The Devs might as well start Deleting older power sets due to lack of use.
I had no idea empathy and kinetics were new powersets!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Well if you have your heart set on playing a petless troller you could try mind/ff..decent single target levitate you are using your force field powers to lift them up...etc... heck confuse could be explained as you are using your powers to deflect their attacks on each other..telekinesis (requires some practice to get good with).....just use the pool powers for your invis concept

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Kinetic Melee, this'll be interesting....Not.

All I see now is Sheilds, Electric Melee, Dual Pistols, Empathy, Kinetics, and Demon Summoning.Lets add Kinetic Melee to the Pile of shiney new powers everyones going to be using.

The Devs might as well start Deleting older power sets due to lack of use.
You know, there's a lot more to a character than just picking two powersets.
We've still got more customisation than just about any other MMO out there, so isn't it kind of simplistic to assume that a character using a popular power set is unoriginal, or a character using a less-played set is original?



Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
To expand on the title, I have a character concept I'm contemplating (Attack of the Angry Alliterative Avenger! -- and no, that's not the concept) and I'm thinking how to reproduce it in-game. Think of the number of comic book characters who can turn invisible.
Dark Armor (Brutes and Scrappers) and Energy Aura (Brutes) both have invisibility powers. Dark Armor's got a lot of other effects that probably don't fit your concept, but Energy Aura might work for you. It's considered one of the weaker secondaries for Brutes, but with careful design and IOs you can make it pretty robust.



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I have an Illusion controller with no pets, and it's the best empath you'l come accross, Healing and buffing does not break invisibility as it is not an offensive action.
Hmmm I did not know this Donna.

To the OP,
I agree with everyone else that has said to go with a stealth power or combined stealth powers for your Invisibility. Having played Ill/Rad and used superior invisibility, its a great power but not so much to "gimp" your build by skipping your pets.

Since I am also one that is not super-keen on pets, my favorite Controller primary is Mind control. What you mostly should figure out is how your hero plans on taking out enemies; Ranged Blasts, Hand-to-hand, both ? Then take powersets that simulate his/her attacks the best and add in the "invisibility" with Stealth plus Stealth IOs. This would be my approach.




Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Kinetic Melee, this'll be interesting....Not.

All I see now is Sheilds, Electric Melee, Dual Pistols, Empathy, Kinetics, and Demon Summoning.Lets add Kinetic Melee to the Pile of shiney new powers everyones going to be using.

The Devs might as well start Deleting older power sets due to lack of use.
I know your mostly looking for people to troll against Fire, but in the off chance you are trying to make a point, here is something to consider.

Everytime they make a new powerset, many, many players come out of semi-retired status to try out the new toys. This is a great thing. It gives people something to do and talk about. It ALSO gives people the chance to play that character concept they may have been waiting 6 years to play, but couldnt because nothing close existed.

I have tried every new powerset and to date only one set has really "stuck" to me; Willpower. But not because it is "ubber" powerful or has that graphic "ooh-ahhh" factor, instead its how it works so well as a "hands-off" defense for my melee characters. I push attack buttons, thats all, and is EXACTLY the way I want to play my melee characters.

Finally, every new powerset offers MORE chances to synergize with EXISTING powersets.
Think of that powerset that you always kinda wanted to play, but couldnt find the right combination to balance it out. Well, there is a very good chance if you wait around long enough that some new toy will come along that is a perfect fit for the style you envisioned.

Deleting old sets.... hardly. And I think you know how ridiculous that would be.
Some of the best sets in the game were there on day one and if that set were removed from the game, ALL of the players that like that powerset would cancel the same day.
Thats not a good business plan, dont ya think