Swiss Draw impossible to start? Bugged?




yes i need this toon on my main badge toon!



I need this on my badger, who is on Freedom. Maybe if we get enough people together we can start a team and just pick who the winner will be each round till we all get it.

It's bugged, but there are ways around it. With enough minds together, and a bit of trial-and-error, we might be able to figure it out :P



Why don't you just explain how to get around it on here, isn't that what this thread is for?



Any word on how to start this? I was hoping something would be posted by now. It would make many of us very happy and grateful.



During the GR Closed Beta, Snow Globe, myself, and 6 others did manage to start a Swiss Draw in Pocket D, but we had various issues. We think they were because we had Praetorians in the event.

I don't know if it was ever tried again sans Praetorian.

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I did some more testing and while I found the same problems on Test that I have on Live I saw a significant difference on Beta. So I guess there's hope. However, I couldn't find enough people to actually start a Swiss Draw on Beta so I cannot say for sure it will work.



Lets hope it does. I still need this on my Hero badger.

awakened death 50 necro/dark mm, Necrospider 50 Crabspider, Death's Hunter 50 claw/regen stalker, Inhuman-Rampage 50 DM/WP brute, Xander the Protector 50 Kat/sr scrapper, Phantom Force 50 Ill/Rad Controller, Friendly Persuader 50 Inv/Wm tank
Global: @Cinder Spawn



Just attempted to do this on Triumph and no one who tried it got the badge on the first attempt, so we disbanded. If anyone's had success at this since the launch of GR, I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong.

Update: one of the team members got the badge a few minutes after we broke up. Not sure what we did but it seemed to work, will try this again soon in hopes that I may be the lucky one next round.

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I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
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I was on that triumph team and I got the badge however it was not from the swiss draw it self. (i think)

Aparantly as a new father i have obligations that take me away from the game now. Had a baby one week ago. So i just have been doin badge-lite since i only get 30 -60 mins a day at night before i pass out.

So heres what happend i joined the swissdraw and we did it and no one got the badge. Aparantly the swiss draw ended and we started to form another.

I joined the next swiss draw that they formed and then my wife called me into the room she needed some help with the baby. I said gl to whoever gets the badge stayed on the team and went to the bedroom.

i came back 20 mins later and i was the only one on the team. I said to myself o i guess they didnt run well now i got time for one more tip missons so i can start red side badges on my blaster tommorow night. I quit the team and BANG swiss draw badge and the pvp accolaide for i had the rest.

I tried to explain it to who started the team but im not sure i was able to. so thats what happend.

Not sure how or why i got the badge but im pleased i did...

GL to all who get it if this information helps not sure it will though.



I tried it yesterday and got the badge no problem. 8 people in a 10 minute, Swiss Draw marked match. A variety of levels and ATs, both hero and villain. Waited until the FIGHT! disappeared for the other people to quit the match. It was either 3 or 4 rounds, can't recall, and on exiting the last one, the badge popped.