Question about Permadom
Nah. It'll check if it can fire, then do the animation. And it doesn't start recharging until after the animation's fired.
I am working on a build for my Permadom but I have a question.
The duration for Domination is 90s. I have gotten my recharge down to 89.4s. This leads me to believe that if I set Domination as my power with the green circle I will have permadom. However, the cast time for Domination is 1.17s. Does this mean that I need to have a 1.17 difference between my recharge and duration, or is it okay with only the 0.6s differential that I have? |
Representing yet again, the three stages of Permadom; Dragonball Z style.
In DBZ there are three stages of the Super Sayan, in COV there are three stages of the Permadom.
Permadom powers up:
This is a permadom: 70% global recharge from IO's plus 6 slotted hasten. Your build will likely be a bit clunky and you risk frequent power crashes, but congratulations you have achieved permadom status!
Permadom powers up again:
This is what is known as an Ascended Permadom or just call it Permadom 2. 90% recharge from IO's plus 6 slotted hasten is the minimum for this, but you get permadom plus permahasten and a tighter build and fewer power crashes. Just remember to set Dom to Auto and monitor hasten for the retoggle.
But just gets even better!
Scene changes to Recluse's henchmen:
Ghost Widow: "Has he really found a way to surpass an Ascended Permadom? Is that possible?"
Scirocco: "Nah, he's just bluffing!"
Mako: "Yeah, you said it!"
Black Scorpion: "Yeah, he'd be what; double ascended? Big deal!"
Scene shifts back to the Dominator as he starts powering up: "AND THIS....!"
Lord Recluse: "What the??! What's he doing????"
Dominator: "IS...TO GO.....EVEN.....FURTHER..BEYOND!"
Insert 10 minutes of screaming as his power increases and everyone watches to dumbstruck to do anything.
"Sorry that took so long, but it takes some time to power up like this. In this form, 125% recharge from your IO's and you can throw hasten out the window. Oh, and you can call this: Super Permadom THREE."
Just set your dom to auto fire and don't be in the middle of an attack when it cycles back up or you risk short circuiting and crashing your power levels. Also don't zone when it's time for dom to fire again or you risk shorting out and crashing your power as you zone. A slight weakness I suppose but it keeps you from getting too carried away.
Just speculation but I think the upcoming incarnate levels will be the only way to surpass an SP3....
Alright awesome. I was pretty sure I was fine but just wanted to make sure. And I'm that Dominator that the Signature Villains are talking about. This thread has to do with my Permadom 3 build
Alright awesome. I was pretty sure I was fine but just wanted to make sure. And I'm that Dominator that the Signature Villains are talking about. This thread has to do with my Permadom 3 build
![]() |

I want to get my Fire/Earth to lvl 3 Super Saiyan mode!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection

Minor downside to being SP3.....the game becomes almost....too easy...almost

So, with the not-that-recent-anymore patch that gave us our damage all the time, what is the advantage of domination anyway? Just the extra mez strength on primary abilities, mez resist, and the free endurance refill? Or am I missing something?
Honestly, on my plant/ I can't tell the difference with it on or off in terms of what happens to the enemy and to me. Except that it makes me glowy.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
So, with the not-that-recent-anymore patch that gave us our damage all the time, what is the advantage of domination anyway? Just the extra mez strength on primary abilities, mez resist, and the free endurance refill? Or am I missing something?
Honestly, on my plant/ I can't tell the difference with it on or off in terms of what happens to the enemy and to me. Except that it makes me glowy. |
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Just? You are the only squishy AT with mez and KB protection as an inherent power. The endurance refill is just icing on the cake (though it enabled my Fire/Psi to go Stamina-less, as I'm sitting pretty good between Drain Psyche almost perma and Domination every 75-80 seconds).
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I've said it before, i'll say it again- the nice thing about permadoms that people forget is not just the end refill, mez protection, and crazy control mag/duration: it's that all your powers are at your fingertips. Control powers can be crazy strong, but cycle slowly. (Especially the AoE variety.)
Crank up the recharge? They're all there for you.
Mass hypnosis? When somebody breaks it, 'tis a pain. Unless it's up every 11 seconds!
Terrify? Same!
Total domination? Every minute!
Mass confuse? Every minute!
Nevermind the fact that dominate can recharge in 2 seconds, confuse in 2.3, and mesmerize every 1.7 seconds. The limited ranged/AoE/Melee capabilities also become a lot more handy, as with so much recharge you can have ranged attack chains, melee like crazy, and spam AoE's. Oh, and for healing and recovery? Picture Drain Psyche up for all but .5 seconds. Yummm....
'Tis glorius.
I've said it before, i'll say it again- the nice thing about permadoms that people forget is not just the end refill, mez protection, and crazy control mag/duration: it's that all your powers are at your fingertips. Control powers can be crazy strong, but cycle slowly. (Especially the AoE variety.)
Crank up the recharge? They're all there for you. Mass hypnosis? When somebody breaks it, 'tis a pain. Unless it's up every 11 seconds! Terrify? Same! Total domination? Every minute! Mass confuse? Every minute! Nevermind the fact that dominate can recharge in 2 seconds, confuse in 2.3, and mesmerize every 1.7 seconds. The limited ranged/AoE/Melee capabilities also become a lot more handy, as with so much recharge you can have ranged attack chains, melee like crazy, and spam AoE's. Oh, and for healing and recovery? Picture Drain Psyche up for all but .5 seconds. Yummm.... 'Tis glorius. |
Go in, release the AOE control and go!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
So, with the not-that-recent-anymore patch that gave us our damage all the time, what is the advantage of domination anyway? Just the extra mez strength on primary abilities, mez resist, and the free endurance refill? Or am I missing something?
Honestly, on my plant/ I can't tell the difference with it on or off in terms of what happens to the enemy and to me. Except that it makes me glowy. |
to the OP:
if you have hasten perma you will already have permadom, however if hasten is not perma you will have a period of relatively low +rech bonuses and in all likelyhood you are not going to be running permadom consistently if your margin is only 1 second. ideally you will want a few seconds of overlap so that if you are animating some long activation attack you dont miss a cycle.
Just? You are the only squishy AT with mez and KB protection as an inherent power. The endurance refill is just icing on the cake (though it enabled my Fire/Psi to go Stamina-less, as I'm sitting pretty good between Drain Psyche almost perma and Domination every 75-80 seconds).
plant/ is probably the easiest to play dom primary so permadom only makes it a little bit easier. its the subpar sets that benefit from permadom anymore. i am a newfound advocate for softcapping of defense for anything with alot of aoe damage if its feasable, and with dom ppps it is. |
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
SO as far as having enough recharge to obtain permadom status, what about the crash and the time spent having to rebuild domination before you can use domination again? Is that still permadom or am I missing something? The way I see it, you crash and your domination is reset regardless if it is recharged.
SO as far as having enough recharge to obtain permadom status, what about the crash and the time spent having to rebuild domination before you can use domination again? Is that still permadom or am I missing something? The way I see it, you crash and your domination is reset regardless if it is recharged.
(To be precise, it probably does crash, but Domination keeps the Domination bar full. Thus, as long as you are in Domination during the crash, it drops to 0 then refills instantly. This is probably not even noticable)
Domination does not crash if it is activated again before it runs out. This is permadom in a nutshell.
(To be precise, it probably does crash, but Domination keeps the Domination bar full. Thus, as long as you are in Domination during the crash, it drops to 0 then refills instantly. This is probably not even noticable) |
Ive been playing with MIDS seven ways from sunday trying to get the specifics down, maybe someone can help me do the math:
In most builds i can get domination recharge from anywhere to 70-88 secs. this number reflects HASTEN which I can get down to around 125-145 seconds depending on how frisky I get with cost. My question pertains to how the math affects the short downtime for hasten. Im worried about the recharge changes to DOMINATION during this HASTEN downtime. I cant quite grasp the math needed to figure it out. I am worried about having to stare at my skillbar to make sure I hit HASTEN the instant its ready as well as DOMINATION. It would really suck to keep this in the back of my head so much to avoid a crash that I cant focus as well. Im trying to eliminate the need for purple sets and more than 3 recharges on HASTEN as much as I can. I understand there will be a need for 1 or more purple sets to get the 10% bonus.
On another topic, Ive removed Psi Scream in Leu of Dark Obliteration for the same bonus set. Ive noticed MIDS claims DO to be 95 base damage and Psi Scream at 75. However The enhancement menu puts DO at 45 base damage for lvl 50. That put a big kink in my build but Im unwilling to accept a cone as opposed to a Targetted AoE so I dont have to boogy around to get max targets. It doesnt fit in my PBAoE play style Im trying to achieve. Ive yet to try it out though. Does anyone use DO and am I to expect only 100 damage from it every 10-12 seconds? Doesnt seem as enticing as I anticipated...
I am worried about having to stare at my skillbar to make sure I hit HASTEN the instant its ready as well as DOMINATION.
Sadly, you're probably going to have to keep an eye on one or the other if you're not cramming massive recharge into your build.
Also, my planned build has about 81.3% recharge(151.3 with hasten). Is that enough for me to have a few seconds to reactivate Domination, or should I get 2 more Crushing Impacts so I can have 91.3%?
Im recently back from a year hiatus, but cant you set up a macro for either hasten or Dom to trigger when you move forward? I have one set up like that for TD on my Arch/Dev and anytime I move, if TG is not up, it triggers its activation. Is that possible for Hasten or Dom?
Im recently back from a year hiatus, but cant you set up a macro for either hasten or Dom to trigger when you move forward? I have one set up like that for TD on my Arch/Dev and anytime I move, if TG is not up, it triggers its activation. Is that possible for Hasten or Dom?
I am working on a build for my Permadom but I have a question.
The duration for Domination is 90s. I have gotten my recharge down to 89.4s. This leads me to believe that if I set Domination as my power with the green circle I will have permadom. However, the cast time for Domination is 1.17s. Does this mean that I need to have a 1.17 difference between my recharge and duration, or is it okay with only the 0.6s differential that I have?