A Super (Group) Question




South Texas Knights was formed during the 3 day head start.

But I'm sure you aren't talking about solo Super Groups.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Legion of Valor still going strong on Victory (although we had a name changed forced on us from the original Hard Corps). Fallen Legion redside, as well.

Dec out.



League Of Titans has been on Virtue server since launch (well, actually since beta). Many of the core group are active and still involved in the leadership.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
I was having a conversation around the water cooler the other day with one of the Dev’s and we were talking about Super Groups (and Villain groups of course!) and he asked me about SG’s that have been around since launch. Now normally I’m the “go to” guy for this kind of random trivia about our players, but it occurred to me I only know a couple and now I’m curious!
As far as villain groups goes, Criminal Intent on Infinity was made at CoV Launch and is still run by two out of the four original leaders. However, we never got to be a super sized group, like the other SG I helped lead back in 2004. Still we were 60+ players strong at one time, but are probably down to 20, with most of that being Soul Restorer (a.k.a Catareactor) and myself.

I know of a hero group on Inifinty that was created on launch, but is only active on reactivation weekends. But besides that many SGs on Infinity have been gutted thanks to server transfers. Guns of Paragon I think is still active though, which may have been a launch SG.



My main sg, Team A.D.D. on Pinnacle has been around since beta. We disbanded and reformed around Issue 2 to change the name. Our villainous group, Team O.C.D. has been around since Villain's launch. The vast majority of the group is still active, nad as leader my own account has never lapsed.

Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.



Originally Posted by Acroyear2 View Post
The Justice Force has been active since May 31st, 2004 on the Champion server, and are currently ranked #31 on the Top 100 Prestige earning SGs for the server. The JF has been under my leadership since the beginning and has always been active with many members fighting crime in Paragon City.
Heh, who knew we had brethren on another server?

The Justice Force on Virtue server was founded prior to launch and remains in existence today. While our activity has waned over time, we remain an active SG. The original leaders have largely retired, but still show their faces from time to time. I am one of the current co-leaders (@Quasar Lad). The Justice Force joined the Repeat Offenders Network in late 2007, and has been a happy coalition partner ever since.

68 Level 50s, all made the old-fashioned way.
Original: Quasar Lad - Fire/Kin troller. Latest: Asp Kicker - Grav/Poison troller.
Completed the "Full Alty Challenge" - level 50 in every archetype, and "Alty's Ultimate Power Challenge" - level 50 in every available powerset in the game.
Member of the Repeat Offenders



My SG, "The Naked and The Fearless" (after the Papa Roach song) has been in existence since the start, but the filter changed last year, and we were forced to change from that name with the horrible pornographic/cuss word in it. Now we're "Today's Tom Sawyer".

Yes, I like music.

It's not nearly as active as it used to be, but it's still going, and as of today, I'm still here.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



My SG, Invictus Nothus on Freedom has been around since 2004 and still has 2 of it's starting leaders still active.

Although I am one of the leaders now, I'm not one of the starting leaders.



I formed The Defenders of Paragon back in 2001. (On the pre-beta boards.) We have been going strong ever since.



Although I've only been involved in the game for a bit over three years, one of the super groups I'm involved in "The Experts of Justice" on the Justice server has been around since Oct. 2004.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by BlazingTiger View Post
Kitties on the Prowl on Virtue. SG ID 151 i only know of one SG ID lower than ours but im sure there are a few others still left under us. Im not the original Leader but I took over for them.
Just looking at the KOTP roster Strype is the oldest member at August 10th 2004 and I'm the second oldest at April 28th 2005. There were of course many members between me and Strype but we are the oldest remaining.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Justice Server:

Established during launch by our SG and still the core members remain with myself as 'leader'.

Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server



Jagged Legion on the Pinnacle server has been here since launch. We are still active and still recruiting members on a daily basis. Unfortunately, its not run by the same people who originally founded the SG. But is being run by original members since launch if that makes any sense

But since we are talking about Super Groups, how about adding a feature that when you add a character to the SG from your same account it only takes 1 roster spot. I know the SG limit is set to 150 characters, but many of us have unlocked all of our slots on our account and it sort of a pain to keep removing characters out of the SG to make room for our other character when playing.

It would be nice if the system checked the global of the character and if the global matches a character that is already in the SG, it doesn't minus a character slot from the SG.

Just something that would be nice for the larger groups out there

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KGB Special Section 8, May 10 2004 on Virtue.

I wasn't the official founder, as my friend managed to hit level 10 before I did, but I've always been the leader of the group.

Still going strong, too.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



While not quite from the start (create date may 11, 2005) Mean Girls is one of the older SGs kicking around Protector -- myself and the other co-founder are still around (and some of the very core members from the old SG we were apart of before) I like to think we are one of the more well known and visible..but that's probably my crazy acting up =)




The Paragons Of Justice (The POJ) have been around since beta and Jumpstart, and been playing ever since.

Would love to get the SG's some love.



A member of the Paragons of Justice Supergroup. Oldest registered member at that.

April 25, 2004.

It's been an awesome ride.



Protector Server: Brothers In Arms

been around since just after Super Groups were introduced, and only finally got around to a fully pimped out base.




Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
So what SG’s have been around since launch, and are any still led by the same people? Please speak up and let me know!
Repeat Offenders' heroic SGs were born in Aug 2005 well after COH's launch but 4 of our VGs have been around since COV head start (Oct 2005):

Repeat Offenders VG (all Corrruptors ) -- Founder(s) still around
Malicious Multiplicity (all Mastermind) -- Founder still around (Me )
World Domination Inc. (all Dominators) -- Founder still around
Fast and the Furious (Kin Corrs and Brutes) -- Original founder left the game, SG still alive and kicking.

So for RO our evil sides have been causing chaos in Rogue Isles since the beginning.



Cosmic Avengers was formed July 4,2004 by me on Champion.
We're still active and always looking for more.